
GTA Online Hints and Tips

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Rooftop Rumble is unlocked when you reach level 75, after which it can be accessed by Start Menu > Online > Jobs > Host Job > R* Created > Missions, then scroll down to "R". If you're not at level 75 yet, it doesn't show up in the jobs list.

The others gave you good advice, I get random invites to play it all the time. However, if you're interested in some serious grinding for cash and levels, Richman Group is currently hiring, talk to bOnEs.

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hold down select (not sure what the xbox button is),the one that brings up your quick interaction menu for setting waypoints and changing hats and such... there should be a vehicle option to set it to everyone, or just passengers if you don't want them to drive...

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lol, someone on my friends list on the SC just created a 16 job playlist of potshots for the PS3 ;)... there's one already available for the 360, but the PS3 side only had a 5 job playlist... this one takes about an hour to complete... $10.5K per potshot, $168K at the end of the playlist...


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costly mission tho...well....for me it is anyway, lmao!

for me now, i can't get either character's to load in game. leaves me up in the sky, with the endless loading swirl. Massy suggested i get someone to invite me to a race while i'm in SP, to force load in. Wondering if it has anything to do with garages. My chick hasn't loaded since the last dlc, and no arms froze up just the other day when i tried to walk into my garage from outside, and haven't been able to load him in since.

any idea's, and also, can someone invite me to a race if u see me pop in. don't have to do the actual race, just load to it and exit. see what happens...

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yea, we were doing that mission all wrong, otiz :lol:... all we had to do is wait for the van to drive to us :P... also, i couldn't load to online last night, kept getting a cloud error... haven't been on since...

EDIT: i got on no problem... i didn't try to switch characters tho :(...

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Just a little tip in case anyone wasn't already aware of it. When playing Rooftop Rumble, if you keep hold of the document for longer you get a bigger payout.

Did the mission with a friend and he kept hold of it for 10 minutes and we all got a payout of $29k. Have done it a couple of times with others too and its always resulted in a payout of over $20k.

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Only thing with delaying the en of the mission it's a little counter productive in most case as you can just redo the mission and get double. Rooftop rumble is a fine example plus it annoys me when people do it. Often ends with me either running them over or chopping them up in the blades.

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I just found this out but it is probably old... add value to cars you sell...


When you go to sell some cars (must have option to modify suspension), you can bump their value up by $13k...  probably not ones that you've already modified though...  I've been doing it to Ballers...


Go into LS Customs, go into Suspension (I scroll through the options) and back out without buying, then go to Horn and the Sad Trombone should now be free (last on the list).  Equip it and you've just added $13k to the value of the car.  Then sell the car...  better money than most of the missions for far less work but you can only do it every 48 minutes (although I read that this can be spammed somehow without the stand down period)...


Also, not sure why I've put it in spoilers...

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I just found this out but it is probably old... add value to cars you sell...


When you go to sell some cars (must have option to modify suspension), you can bump their value up by $13k...  probably not ones that you've already modified though...  I've been doing it to Ballers...


Go into LS Customs, go into Suspension (I scroll through the options) and back out without buying, then go to Horn and the Sad Trombone should now be free (last on the list).  Equip it and you've just added $13k to the value of the car.  Then sell the car...  better money than most of the missions for far less work but you can only do it every 48 minutes (although I read that this can be spammed somehow without the stand down period)...


Also, not sure why I've put it in spoilers...


if you buy the junky ratloader off the website, you can do this over and over, making $10K profit each time without waiting 45 minutes to sell another one... just fill your garage with those...

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This glitch, although slightly slow, still is useful. But it has spread virally like wildfire and i expect it to be patched as soon as the next patch is released, so make the most of it whilst you can.

I filled my garage but you only need two, once you sell one order another straight after and when you go pick up the other one and sell it, the cycle repeats. I think it's safe to say you can earn around £150k an hour with this glitch.

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The main way I make money is by doing the mission Trash Talk, I always activate this mission from my garage otherwise it starts you at Madrazo's place which I hate driving from. Once started I phone for my Buzzard then fly round and destroy the trash trucks (takes about a minute to do,) fly to the scrapyard and destroy the two grangers parked on the hill behind first of all. Then take out the crew and trucks but don't destroy the second truck into the compound, the one that's parked by itself in the shed to the right next to a gas tank.


After i've done that and the one truck is remaining I phone for my Tornado, go down to Vagos and Ballas turf and drive backwards and forwards between the two waiting for a gang version to spawn (during the mission you can't get wanted levels, bounties put on your head for stealing cars and gang members won't attack you.) During this time I also fuck about to kill time, I often go on a hatchet rampage against the Vagos who are powerless to do anything or fight back. Once you've wasted enough time to get the maximum payout and you've got a gang Tornado drive it back up to the scrapyard, put one bullet into the gas tank destroying the truck, then kill the gang boss to complete the mission for $22,860. I then put it into passive mode while I drive the Tornado to LS customs (you never know when some fucker in a Hydra will come by and blow you up,) sell it for $13,575 and bank the profit. Total is about $35,000, but naturally you can only sell the Tornado once every 48 minutes.


Another good way to get money is by taking down the smuggler planes/helicopters, the profit you get is incremental and starts off at $2-3000, but it caps out at $30,000. A lot of people don't seem to bother going for them, which suits me fine. While waiting for them I camp on top of the IAA building with my heavy sniper and Buzzard at the ready, taking potshots at twats flying about in Lazers/Hydras causing havok.

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i just play mission after mission, stringing them together... the more you play, the more you make... sure, you could sit in a mission for 20 minutes to make $20k, or you could play 3 or 4 in that time and make about the same, or more... or if you have a friend playing with you, you both could do the first heist back to back and profit around $140k in like roughly 30-40 minutes B),,,

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Don't know if this is common knowledge but if you select all of your favourite weapons on the single player weapon wheel then quick save to a new slot. Those weapons become default in online.

I'd like to point out I haven't tried this yet. So it could be absolute bullshit.

I just reread that.

What a dick thing to post. Test it first you fucking Muppet.

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i just play mission after mission, stringing them together... the more you play, the more you make... sure, you could sit in a mission for 20 minutes to make $20k, or you could play 3 or 4 in that time and make about the same, or more... or if you have a friend playing with you, you both could do the first heist back to back and profit around $140k in like roughly 30-40 minutes B),,,

I only ever did the heists to unlock the Casco and Burrito (did the prison finale first because I thought that's what unlocked the Casco,) played with randoms and nobody used a mic, which is how I like it being the unsociable bastard that I am. I find the heists are too much effort for a slightly larger reward. Apparently the snipers vs stunters matches are a good way to make money.

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Some general hints for doing the vehicle export work, i'm doing these in a solo public session to avoid twats in jets and general fuckers who like to blow you up, if you don't know how to get a solo public session i'm not going to go into detail here on how to do it.


Stealing the vehicles (import)

  • The enemies that chase you aren't infinite, there are three or four waves of them and once they are dead you'll have a clear run back to the garage. Know where and when they'll spawn, park the car at the side of the road to avoid damage (if you leave it in the middle of the road other drivers will freak out when the bullets start flying and probably crash into the car.) Kill enemies, rinse repeat x3, etc.
  • If you have a car and a helicopter chasing you (Supervolito) then kill the people in the car and the helicopter gunner, but try not to kill the pilot or damage the heli. The heli will chase you but as there's no gunner it won't be able to damage your car and no more waves of enemies will spawn until the heli is destroyed or if you drive too fast and it despawns (so don't drive too fast, allow it to keep up with you.)
  • If you do decide to just outrun the enemies be aware that other drivers will be going crazy and swerving all over the place from the gunfire, do not trust anyone.
  • The police chase car steal can be a real ballache as by the time you've killed the driver the car is generally 4-5k damaged. To avoid this when approaching the target vehicle blip if you see a helicopter above the area do not approach, stay well back. It's parked at the roadside until you get close enough to trigger the chase, then it will start speeding off stopping for nothing. It is possible to snipe the driver of the vehicle while it's still parked up which cause no damage. You'll still have to evade the wanted level though as letting the police kill you does not work when you get back in the car.
  • Use railway lines where you can to avoid the enemies/po po and crazy drivers, this is particularly useful for the car meet at the power station and the locate car at the hippy camp near Sandy Shores.

Selling the vehicle (export)

  • Don't blindly follow the satnav route, as soon as you're done modding the vehicle look at the map. There are only 4-5 set locations to deliver the vehicle to and the yellow route will generally take you through the busy city streets meaning lots of opportunities for crashes. (I own the cheapest garage in La Mesa so not sure how routes differ for other locations.)
  • Get onto the freeway as soon as possible. For my La Mesa garage the yellow route will always tell you to turn right as soon as you start, but if you ignore the satnav and turn left you can get onto the freeway straight away, it's safer there with less risk of crashes as the traffic is all going in the same direction.
  • This is the big one - In regards to enemies shooting the fuck out of you the easiest way to deal with them is to not drive too fast. If you're on the freeway you will have one wave of two cars spawn ahead of you somewhere depending on your location, drive through them at maximum speed avoiding the traffic going apeshit, you'll lose maybe 200-1000$ from damage but this can't really be avoided. After you've passed the chaos check your radar and wait for their blips to disappear, now is the time to slow down a bit. If you drive too fast they'll get left behind, despawn and a fresh wave of enemies will spawn ahead of you again. Cruising at a constant speed they should eventually catch up with you, when their blips reappear and you start to hear the bullets flying is the time to speed up again, keep repeating and you should never lose those enemies meaning they'll always be behind you. Another advantage of this is that traffic doesn't go too crazy and by not driving flat out you have more chance to avoid crashes, because if you spin out the enemies will catch up in seconds and riddle the shit out of you. That is the most important piece of advice I can give so if you read nothing else read that.


I feel like I just wasted 15 minutes of my life by typing that but fuck it, it's done now. Hopefully someone will find it vaguely useful.

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Thanks. Another couple of random things;

1. I don't think enemies spawn when selling a car if there's someone else in the session with you who isn't in your organisation. I was in a solo public session when Jizzy joined, when I went to sell the car there were no enemies. However the downside of this is that once one person joins your session it seems to open the floodgates for others to join.

2. For certain steal car missions where a wanted level is involved you can enter the military base without turning it hostile until you attack someone.

3. There are 32 vehicles to steal, once you get to that you'll start getting the same ones repeat. So if you want to keep selling a car over and over again get your garage up to 32 then sell the car you want, whenever you steal the next car it will always be that type - I always sell the T20 because it handles well... there are three variants; TOPSPEED which is yellow, DEVIL which is red and CARAMEL which is a shitty brown.

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There is a big sale on offices, Buzzard and vehicle warehouses right now guys. Jump on it if you haven't already. Got myself a Buzzard! I've been seriously missing it in the Online version of the game (single player you can of course use a cheat code to spawn one - yup, I'm one of those lol)

Edited by TheArcticImpostor
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