
Things you dislike about GTAO

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Using quick job to join a race only to find it is one lap of Criminal Records in supercars, which happens about 50% of the time I join that way... seriously, what is fun about that?

Or joining somebody's absolutely shit race creation - there are some shockingly bad creations out there....

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The only thing "fun" about a Criminal Records supercar race is driving in the opposite direction and listening to the reactions. People tend to change the map pretty quickly when you start doing that.

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The only thing "fun" about a Criminal Records supercar race is driving in the opposite direction and listening to the reactions. People tend to change the map pretty quickly when you start doing that.

I don't mind 5 or 10 laps but 1 lap taking around 20 seconds start to finish is stupid...

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Neither do I, but when everyone in the lobby votes to replay it eight times in a row, it tends to get repetitive.

That's when I strap on my Backwards Man driving gloves and go to work...

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discovered this the other day when goofing around with ghostman and kuz: fuckin auto passive mode. die 4-5 times within a minute and it constantly respawns in passive. holy fuckin irritating! !!  pissed me off to the point I just shut off my system. it got the better of me ffs

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People need to learn to switch matchmaking to closed. It's happened way to often where I'll use quickplay to get into a match just to hear them bitching "who the fuck is this guy?! were playing with friends only assface!" right before im kicked. then I go back and spectate, just to grief em afterwards.

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The worst the tanks.

I think there should either be an all tanks group or you can't use a tank unless other people in the game are using a tank. I guess it's a fun vehicle to have, but not if you're the guy being obliterated. And then you spawn within 1 or 2 blocks away and thay idiot in the tank with find you and destroy you again. Yes, tanks can be destroyed...eventually. But a guy shouldn't get a +20 something kill count with no competition. There has to be competition before you just unleash some slapnut with a tank against the rest of us who don't have it.

I agree with the person who had a problem with the bounties. Bounties are ridiculous.

And I guess this is normal in games like this, but I hate campers. I mean if you see a guy at a Los Santos Customs...I can see you going after him. But a dude shouldn't be able to just sit outside my front door for hours. I have to at least have a chance to play the game before you annihilate me...for pete's sake.

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I wish there was a way to mute the lobby! Muting people individualy is slow and the players keep changing. I hate when suddenly some 12 year old starts making stupid noises or talking wannabe gangbanger trash talk! :(

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If you hold select and go down. there are Mic options. you can set it to no-one or just friends/Friends and crew. I don't think you can for Mission/race lobbies though.

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If you hold select and go down. there are Mic options. you can set it to no-one or just friends/Friends and crew. I don't think you can for Mission/race lobbies though.

I'll check it out, thanx!

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the max health difference

fuckin bull-crap

tested with ace.

my lvl 30.

his lvl 91-ish.

firing the AK at one another. same distance.

Ace took about 20-25 shots.

I took 8-10

Die pretty much twice as fast. ridiculous.

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If you hold select and go down. there are Mic options. you can set it to no-one or just friends/Friends and crew. I don't think you can for Mission/race lobbies though.

Nope, didn't find it. When I go to "Online" in the map/options menu and click on players, I get a list of current players there's no option to mass mute them, I wish there was. The only work-around I found was to zero out the voice options and just leave the SFX on in the Audio menu.

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Go to the select menu. Hold down select for about a second and a menu will pop up on the top left of screen. Go down to chat. Set it to noone.

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Go to the select menu. Hold down select for about a second and a menu will pop up on the top left of screen. Go down to chat. Set it to noone.

Couldn't find anything that says chat. Going into the select menu and holding select just takes you back out of the menu.

Thanx for your input Rob. :)

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:mellow: He didn't mean press select again. Go to the regular Select menu and look for it there.

I'm a dunce! I figured it out. For some reason my mind insisted on believing the "Start" button was the "Select" button, I have no idea why :(

I totally forgot about that inventory menu and have never used it. I feel like an idiot and I'm sure you guys were thinking it. It's all good now, thank you so much for all y'all's input!! :)

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On the subject of insurance:

I'd love if we were given the ability to claim more than one car at a time from Mors Mutual. It's tedious to ring them up eight times to retrieve all of your cars.

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I'd love if we were given the ability to claim more than one car at a time from Mors Mutual.

I'd love it if we could own more than one garage. Having an apartment is great with a however many car garage, but it would be nice to also have a 6 - 10 car garage in some other part of town.

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I'd love if we were given the ability to claim more than one car at a time from Mors Mutual.

I'd love it if we could own more than one garage. Having an apartment is great with a however many car garage, but it would be nice to also have a 6 - 10 car garage in some other part of town.

I wouldn't mind having my normal apartment with its 10 car garage near Vespucci Beach as well as a garage in a more gritty, industrial or 'wild' place, say: Sandy Shores, closer to Paleto Bay or near a factory in La Mesa. In the nice place I could keep my exotic or luxury cars and in the gritty one I could keep my Merryweather Mesa and Bifta. Also, why cant we have a big garage that still retains the gritty, 'Dads workshop' feel with a normal floor, dim lighting and cluttered workbench at the back, it would be perfect for the ones outside of LS. I'm not fucking Batman, my garage in Shithole USA. doesn't need a shiny/reflective floor. My characters hideous, I don't need my floor to remind me of that.

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Even though I have a lot of money it still erks me that I have to pay for my car when a player shoots me with a tank...

I've also had a glitch since the game that came out that hasn't been fixed with any patches. If I am not the host of a lobby in a job I lag out. After I play a couple jobs and I'm not the host I'll glitch out. At some point between jobs, if I'm in the same room I will get marked as the host EVEN though I'm really not. I end up getting put in my own room and it says all the people are joining.. But then it says they all left before getting in there. Then no one can join my hosted room unless I back out and make a new one. Meanwhile all my friends were playing just fine in a different room...So basically if I'm not the true host, I can only play one or two jobs with others until I lag out.

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