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The Riddle Topic

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Alright, so basically, you post a riddle. If you solve it, you get to post a new one. You can post more than one, but no riddles can be posted until the current one is solved. Got it? Good.

Current Riddles:

A man is shot in Utah. His killer flees to Colorado, and is arrested in Arizona. All of this happens in less than ten minutes. (By spiritcrusher77) Answered by Massacre.

A good guy and a bad guy are sitting in a bar. The bad guy brings a bottle of brandy. The good guy brings a bomb. The only problem is the bad guy forgets to bring something that could have saved his life. What does he forget? (By spiritcrusher77)

A man from Nantuckett spits in a bucket but latter finds he's really in Manhassett, then moves to Cleveland. What color are his shoes? (Not sure if this has an answer. It's by Ku Zi Mu Answered by Ku Zi Mu

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1. TV show The killer is Superman

2. A gun A tank

I win.

A man from Nantuckett spits in a bucket but latter finds he's really in Manhassett, then moves to Cleveland. What color are his shoes?

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Wrong! Listen here, buddy, if i say I win, that means I win. Both my answers are 100% correctively correct in correctness..

Now... please return the favor and correctly answer my riddle.


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See, in riddles you have to think. Clearly you haven't been doing much of that. Still wrong. Also, grey, he was wearing the buckets as shoes.

HA! Wrong again. Looks like you aren't doin much thinking either, mate...

RE: The first riddle, those three states share borders. New Mexico is the fourth state in the region known as the Four Corners.

The Simpsons FTW!

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<_< Okay how bout this one: A guy walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water, but instead the bartender pulls out a gun. The guy says thank you and leaves. Why?

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You're not going to argue with the guy pointing a gun at you.

Kidding. The guy had hiccups. The bartender pulling a gun on the guy would have startled him and gotten rid of them. That riddle is older than you are.

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