
iGTA Crew Discussion (ranks, emblems, etc)

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right on, ill probably have to invite my friends again. but if they ask why they got booted i'll tell them its because their sexual orientation.

they can either think i am implying they are gay and that's why they got booted.

or that we only allow gay people in the crew cause #WHGSWEO

either way

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Weird. I remember that Social Club name, did not remember anyone with a similar name from the forums. I even pondered it before kicking you. Be more active around here.

On the upside, the crew won't be such a mess again, so you won't be kicked twice.

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i think it's time we update our crew mission statement... the current one goes as;

"Welcome to the iGTA crew! Prepare to kick some ass and have some fun with the guys from,, and a bunch more!

come on man, we can do better than that... we're not even allowed that many characters anymore, the limit is 100 nowadays... but let's come up with something that includes the iGTA name, something about a dirty jackal (since it's in our logo duh), and some other witty remark about our shenanigans or what this crew does...

welcoming people to our crew isn't worth mentioning in the statement either since we've made the crew invite only... the people that more than likely see it will already be in the crew, or want to join... so maybe we should mention something about joining the forums to crew up... and our web address is already listed in the crew motto so skip that too..

whatever works though, i got faith in yous peeple to come up with something... we'll vote on the best ones or just go with it if enough people like the post... so get to it, you filthy jackals...

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Ku Zi Mu is currently an active member of this crew, and If you fuck with Kuz, you're guaranteed to lose.

Huh? Huh?! Perfect, right?

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Ku Zi Mu is currently an active member of this crew, and If you fuck with Kuz, you're guaranteed to lose.

Huh? Huh?! Perfect, right?



quoting my last post for the new page <_<...

i think it's time we update our crew mission statement... the current one goes as;

"Welcome to the iGTA crew! Prepare to kick some ass and have some fun with the guys from,, and a bunch more!"

come on man, we can do better than that... we're not even allowed that many characters anymore, the limit is 100 nowadays... but let's come up with something that includes the iGTA name, something about a dirty jackal (since it's in our logo duh), and some other witty remark about our shenanigans or what this crew does...

welcoming people to our crew isn't worth mentioning in the statement either since we've made the crew invite only... the people that more than likely see it will already be in the crew, or want to join... so maybe we should mention something about joining the forums to crew up... and our web address is already listed in the crew motto so skip that too..

whatever works though, i got faith in yous peeple to come up with something... we'll vote on the best ones or just go with it if enough people like the post... so get to it, you filthy jackals...

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