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Getting kicked out of car in Franklin & Lamar mission

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Is this a bad controller issue or am I missing something out?

Just a second before I kiss the pavement I see some big icon in the center of the screen.

It is never at the same spot I am getting kicked. Sometimes it happens at the first traffic light, some times it happens when going up hill or at the next traffic light or even later in the race.

Is my controller broken?

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It is the Franklin & Lamar mission the mission with the red and white cars.

Is the game mechanic so that if Franklin think he will crash he jumps?

Sorry posting at wrong sub forum.

Best regards


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That definitely shouldn't happen. You can crash into all sorts of things and keep going.

Seeing an icon before it happens is interesting. I assume you have no way of snapping a pic of the icon. It could be the controller so try another one if possible.

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