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My Xbox 360 keeps destroying copies of GTA 5

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I don't know how to explain this, but... my Xbox 360 keeps putting circular scratches on my copies of GTA 5. I have gotten two completely different copies of the game, and they both get circular scratches on them. What is going on here? They don't function afterwards either.

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Lucky you! It's time for a new console, unless you have unlimited funds to keep buying copies of GTAV to wreck.

Also, this probably belongs in Geek Central, not the GTA section, if at all.

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It's a rather common problem with the Xbox. Before you go out and buy a new Xbox, change its orientation. If it's vertical, lay it horizontally and vice versa. Then try a disc that you wouldn't mind losing (a spare blank DVD works well). If the box eats that disc, you'll need a new console.

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that's what happened to my xbox copy. then it went out the window. i feel yer pain. lucky for me i had my ps3 copy to fall back on.

xbox is about 1000 times better than ps3 Ace. i use both, as you know, and as much as i HATE microsoft, and trust me i do, their console options/user settings/menu systems and shit outdo ps3. no contest.

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If you're using it vertically, don't. I'm not sure where this idea came from that standing them up is a good idea (some photographer taking promo shots probably thought it looked better) but in the drive assembly there is a small piece of plastic [iirc] that is missing that secures disks so they can be safely played standing up. There are certain drives [samsung I think] that has that piece and is a little safer.

The matter of fact is, a horizontal setup is better for everything, including cooling. I found when I was trying to cook my xbox to have red rings since I used it Horizontal I could never even get it remotely hot [this is a xenon btw]. Flipped it up vertically, played it for an hour and the fans were really going.

This is kinda why as a medium I prefer Blu-ray, they're expensive and flash memory is faster, cheaper and more compact but they have that anti scratch TDK technology that is pretty cool and most other disc mediums cant match.

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