
Hang Ten

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I was just thinking about this mission..

Do you guys think Trevor snapped? Or was the whole

My mommy and daddy weren't nice to me

thing just Trevor being goofy?

Floyd is the only npc in GTA history I've ever felt bad for

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What about him don't you like? Outside of the other two protags, he's the only one with enough courage to make a (small) stand against Trevor's tyranny.

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Debra was undoubtedly a cunt, and Floyd was totally pathetic, but Floyd was abused by his woman andby Trevor. You talk about the shit end of the stick, sheesh. One can't help but pity him.

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Had Floyd not been so spineless, Debra wouldn't have been around and his situation would've been avoided. He deserved everything that happpened to him. Everything.

His weakness was a perfect plot device to further characterize Trevor, of course. Floyd was an object, just like that skull-fucked teddy bear.

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