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Scrapyard and Sandy Survival both have a spot where only a spectacular fuck-up (or lack of patience) on your part can get you killed. I believe there's one in Boneyard, too, but I haven't bothered to test its effectiveness.

Successfully reached wave 10 on the two I mentioned, though. Only the helicopter on the final wave forces you out of your safezone.

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There is a spot on the map in the train yard, cant quite remember what its called, but there are two dumpsters in the corner by the main bulding, that with 2 people, can take you all the way to wave ten. I almost made it to 9 myself.

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Almost irrelevant. The only time you will absolutely need one is if you're doing a rally race and you're not the driver. Although a rally is pretty fun with a mute navigator.

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How important is it to have a headset online, especially when doing team jobs? I don't really want to buy one if I don't have to.....

What Massy said. I rarely plug my mic in, unless I feel a strong desire to start jiving with my gamemates. Teamwork is essentially nonexistent in GTAO, but Heists will likely change that.

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I tend to just do the mission as though I were playing alone and hope my teammates are somewhere nearby.

On an unrelated note, Simeon has stopped sending me car lists, and I have no idea why.

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I prefer the mic. You can lay down a game plan before you go in. Also anyone who has done the mission before can point out things like enemy locations and spawns.

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teamwork is totally important... people without mics make missions much harder...

As important as it is, it's pretty rare in GTAO missions.

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Me, beatnic, and stoic worked pretty well as a team on survival.. Made it to level ten, killed on the characters except for the helicopter

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Will you guys be online over the weekend?? I will try to find my headset (I think it got chucked)

I would prefer to do jobs with crew members or friends..... even though Stoic is the only person who has killed me so far :lol:

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teamwork is totally important... people without mics make missions much harder...

As important as it is, it's pretty rare in GTAO missions.

then you obviously haven't been playing with friends... it makes it a lot better...

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Nope. I haven't. Randoms provide some real, spontaneous, off-the-wall amusement at the best of times and frustrating, controller-smashing agony at the worst.

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On an unrelated note, Simeon has stopped sending me car lists, and I have no idea why.

Lucky bastard.

Well, it happened just as I decided I wanted a Tailgater. It will be much harder to find one if Simeon doesn't request it.

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I'm online pretty frequently; I just use the Appear Offline function to prevent motherfuckers from haranguing me with Party invites.

Right. Get better friends who dont harang

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