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So... Extradition is the worst mission in the history of Grand Theft Auto, and I hope whoever designed it is being infected with HIV, right this second.

Edit: Mission complete, but my point still stands. AIDS for the piece of shit responsible for that one.

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So... Extradition is the worst mission in the history of Grand Theft Auto, and I hope whoever designed it is being infected with HIV, right this second.

Edit: Mission complete, but my point still stands. AIDS for the piece of shit responsible for that one.

Is that the one where you have to kill martins old old friend? If so head to sandy shores airfield where 2 lazer await to hunt you down later you can steal them.

Or even easier if you have a buzzard you can finish it in minutes.


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Not sure if the base is meant to have lights at night, but they weren't on at any point during this mission. The plane takes off immediately, and it took me a while to fumble around in the dark and find a Lazer. By that time, the plane had gotten some distance, and was flying in circles outside of the safe zone surrounding the map, so once I was within targeting range, my Lazer went Bermuda Triangle on me, blowing out an engine, losing a wing, and crashing into the sea. By the time I reached the area a second time and successfully blew up the plane, it had gotten too much distance, and the DA was already halfway across the city, and had arrived at the police station by the time I reached it.

Second attempt, I knew where the Lazer was, and went straight there. Caught up to the plane, blew it up, all good. It was at this point that I realized that the Lazer (which I never fly) is too fast to properly target anything that isn't going at the same speed (or close to it). And they simply have to give you a 4 star wanted level, so there are plenty of police vehicles to throw off the targeting every step of the way. I assume that was their intention, since no amount of police cars, SWAT trucks, helicopters, etc. are a threat to a Lazer. Needless to say, shit didn't work out.

Third attempt, I ignored the DA, flew ahead to the freeway, landed the Lazer there, then got out and waited with a grenade launcher. Blew him up, grabbed the briefcase, all good.

Basically, the Lazer is shit. No wonder I never get hit when some griefer is stalking me with one. As you said, a Buzzard would've been better.

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Tried a different technique to get a Manana to spawn... Drove around in an Emperor and Peyotes started appearing everywhere... Switched to a Peyote and all I saw were Emperors...

And then they fuck with Rooftop Rumble... fuck this game.

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I don't know what everyones problem with Rooftop Rumble is. Since they changed it, I've failed it once. Every other time I beat it in a very short amount of time. Sure it would have great if it stayed the same, but it's not that hard. Just be near a car so you can chase the professional with the brief case down. I'd be happy to tackle it with you, my Kiwi friend.

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To be fair I have only played it once so I still have to find the best/quickest way to do it solo... I am just pissed because it was an easy way to make quick cash...

Although I have $2m and don't know what to spend it on...

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The Lazer's fine, if you have enough practice in it. Start this mission from Sandy Shores; Lazers spawn there. Use one to blow up the plane before it takes off, fly to the gas station where the DA spawns and dispose of him, then call Lester and parachute safely to the briefcase. Grab it and a car and enjoy a leisurely drive to Madrazo's.

Easy, repetitive money.

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He just wants proper compensation for his work. Nothing wrong with that. An assassination that involves a military base in any way is extremely high profile and deserves a massive reward.

The vast majority of the missions pay significantly less than they rightfully should.

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Dude, I was complaining about mission payouts before the first patch had even lowered them. Gerald gave me $3000 for shooting my way to - and then delivering - $100k in coke, and Lester gave me $2000 for driving halfway across the map blowing up police cars on the road, at a police station, and in a prison.

I have never been happy with a mission payout, except for Coveted, where you get $20k for fairly heavy work, and two assassinations that pay around $20k.

Edit: Just did one of those assassinations. It only paid $6750. Thanks, Rockstar. Appreciate you fucking that up for me.


Has anyone been able to do Hit 'Em Up, the new mission for Gerald? I've gotten it twice, but I get stuck on "launching session" every time.

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An idea: Those stupid green icon vehicles in free-roam, that most people don't bother to collect anymore, should come with random modifications (cosmetic ones mostly), so that you have the choice of delivering them to Simeon for 10k+, or keeping it for yourself. At least it would add something extra to do.

To be honest, I just want a classical horn, but I refuse to pay the price they are asking.

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Dangerous. Can't trust an unattended, modified car unless you're in a private/solo session. 7/10 times, someone stuck an ignition bomb on it.

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Has anyone been able to do Hit 'Em Up, the new mission for Gerald? I've gotten it twice, but I get stuck on "launching session" every time.

I've done it. It's a very action heavy mission with a fair amount of driving. You start in LS and end in Sandy Shores. The pay is absolute shit. You get less than $3000. I loved playing it. Hated the pay.

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it's called the high life update, but how are you suppose to enjoy it with the shit pay i've been hearing from the new jobs?? i thought for sure there'd be a rooftop rumble paying job in there somewhere... that's just bullshit...

instead of making rooftop rumble harder, they should of docked it's payout and made missions like high priority case pay a lot better... that's a long drawn out affair to get that case... it still amazes me how difficult a lot of the lower leveled missions are compared to the upper leveled ones... i almost die in a lot of gerald and ron missions, yet no one touches me in trash talk or mixed up with coke...

i just don't get it...

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Has anyone been able to do Hit 'Em Up, the new mission for Gerald? I've gotten it twice, but I get stuck on "launching session" every time.

I've done it. It's a very action heavy mission with a fair amount of driving. You start in LS and end in Sandy Shores. The pay is absolute shit. You get less than $3000. I loved playing it. Hated the pay.

Good to know. I expected shit pay, considering that's how Rockstar rolls nowadays.

Did Crime Scenesters for Lester last night. Was a lot of fun. I'm guessing all the new missions will be high in fun factor and shit in pay.

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If you go into free roam after completing Coveted, select Defender (Rank 70) as your next mission... you will be a 10 second drive from the start point of an easy mission that pays reasonably well ($17250 on hard)...

It is impossible to destroy my Sanchez by dropping it from a cargobob.... I am not sure this is a good thing...

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So, when it comes to GTA Online, I'm shit at deathmatches and average at racing. But I get the job done in missions, and one thing I'm very good at is golf. I note that my best score is the lowest amongst the crew, so take me on if you dare...


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