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Literally every time I have ever gone into a public lobby it was just retards shooting at each other. There is no fun to be had with randoms.


but that's been the point of public lobbies, ever since GTAIV... i can't count how many times i spawned at the fucking airport with a pistol to shoot each other over and over for 10 minutes... at least we have cool weapons and vehicles and tactics to attack these dots.. no more spending your time at the airport because the lobby you jumped in forced you to be there...


GTAO has a come a long fucking way IMO... i got no beef with that, it's the new shitty content i have issue with...

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Please, update the Snapmatic website to allow deleting pics from outside the shitty console interface.


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^And meme text and change file name too.


And please R*, fix it so I can Tweet my snaps again. It's been broken since Ill-gotten gains came out.

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the creator has been broken since IGG1 too... i got a great response from the twitter community about that...




i really appreciate the love i got for that, and petaypanmofo got a great response from R* when we did our #CreatorsUnite campaign... it's cool to see how generally concerned they are about their creator community B).. they even gave him a follow on twitter!





also, i got to play with rockstar games last night, here's the replay if anyone is bored... you can hear me, i make a lot of funny comments and get a lot of laughs, but my mic is still too low when i am going up against gtamen and others in the chat lobby... so i am almost nonexistent at times, but then you hear everyone laughing... lol i gotta work on that, i've not had enough practice as this is only my 2nd time with them, and my 3rd time in a stream of any sort...



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I've often "thot" it would be nice to have an auction system for people to sell their old cars to others, you could potentially end up getting more money back than selling at LS customs and it allows poor people a chance to get a supercar on the cheap. It'll never happen though because R* wouldn't see any of that cash.


And the idea of purchasable mansions with helipads wouldn't really work because multiple people could own the same house and be forced to share helipads, meaning one person's heli/hydra would override the rest. My idea for that would be to have a new helicopter garage (some might say hangar) interior with the door in the roof. It would make sense for the current apartments but for mansions it might seem a bit Thunderbirds having some underground heli cave, also i'm not sure how it would work with Pegasus.  


Those are my thots, please respect them like the strong black independent women that they are.

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u r teh dumb.



I think the hangar thing could work at the airport (probably with a closed hangar door to protect the illusion). Wouldn't be much different than the garages. You already have people almost spawning on top of each other outside the shared garages. I'm pretty sure the game tries to offset the spawns so two or more vehicles won't spawn halfway inside each other. They could do the same with aircraft.

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If I can call Merryweather and get a helicopter pickup, I don't see why I can't call Pegasus and get a helicopter delivery. Same rules apply, you have to be in a location with a suitable landing area or it won't land. I guess then we go back to offing Johnny on the Spot when the delivery pilot steps out of your heli? Seems unlikely. Still.

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I have to end up killing the dude, but then marry weather gets pissy and won't deliver my shit.


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Additional thots; an actual bomber plane like the Cuban 800 Trevor uses in the arms race. It wouldn't be accurate, but it'd be something new in online. Weapon-wise i'd still like to see the return of the flamethrower for the same reasons, seems like we have enough assault rifles, shotguns and pistols to me, they all do the same job more or less.


Also I was wondering if QD's nipples are still as succulent as they once were, or if they've shrivelled and gone crusty from too much sucking.

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Oh i've seen it Grrrrl, I was around for that. Personally I think QD's first boob pic was more tasteful though, but the motorboating is stronger in the second. Makes me wonder what's been jammed between those sweaty treasure troves at 4am on a hot summer morn'.

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Thanks Rockstar for the glitchy heists!!  Not so bad when you're joining someone else but when you're the host......



For the record, I finally decided to host my own heists - managed to get the Fleeca job done eventually after it glitched, now it's glitched on Prison Break - Station.  Seems I'm not supposed to drive any vehicles of 'importance' as that's what it glitches on - i.e. the car/vehicle 'freezes' and I can't actually drive it away...


Made me look a right idiot to other players in the process....  :wall:

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So, all my fucking Snapmatics are gone. Anyone else run into this problem?

Yes. Mine all disappeared over the weekend, both in-game and on the Social Club.

They have since returned in my in-game gallery, but I'd have to reupload each shot for it to show up on the SC again. -_-

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I'm having a fairly sour evening as I'm coming to realize: GTA Online just isn't fun (for me). At all. Hasn't really been for quite some time.


And that's particularly troubling since it is clearly R*'s cash cow. I mean, from a business perspective, I get it; selling Shark Cards to kiddies is a hella lot more profitable than selling a $60 game every couple years to someone like me.


Still, seems like there ought to be some kind of happy medium. A huge part of the appeal for the GTA series used to be that it was readily picked up by the casual gamer. Sit down for 30 mins, create a little mayhem, get on with your life.


Anymore, the GTA universe revolves around the next DLC, the next vehicle pack, the next kill-the-guy-next-to-you mode. And it falls flat. This isn't what brought me here.


I don't want to spend hours upon hours grinding missions to make imaginary money just to be competitive in a race, or whatever goofy adversarial mode comes down the pike. As a consumer, I don't want this.


I don't want to be pwned in public lobbies by 13 year old kids who spend hours upon hours honing their virtual skills to feast upon the fresh meat that is me. I'm not particularly good at most of these game modes, but - and here's the kicker - I don't want to HAVE to be particularly good. I just want to play. And lately, it doesn't feel like play. It feels like work, and it blows, and it's depressing.


Where has the fun gone?


Am I the only one?

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I played gta about a weak after it came out in the ps4 and haven't played since. gtao isn't enjoyable. you have to grind grind grind or pay pay pay.



Also, they've given up on sp dlc so, fuck em.

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I go back to it every so often but yeah, it is a bit dull...  they don't cater enough for the solo player....  R* said when it was Online was created that there would be enough for the solo player to do and it was to start with but they have moved towards creating new content intended to force people to play together and lose money so they can sell their cards...


A lot of my dissatisfaction with the game is my own fault as I am not a social player and I am just not good enough for PvP games.  Might be different if I could join the crews events more often but even when I do, my skill level is so low, I end up losing everything pretty badly... or stealing a car when I thought I was jumping... Fuck man, I'm not even good enough to be a griefer...




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this latest update has made me realize that i might actually have more fun in public lobbies now fucking people out of their crate payouts... i got so bored today that when i swapped characters for the clothing unlock, i ended up chasing dots for an hour... everyone had their petty strategy to get me, but in the end, it never worked.. eventually they got in the nearest car and fled the area after i killed them a number of times...


lol off the record, but most of the people i play with here could easily handle themselves amongst randoms B)...


for some reason tho, i feel like this DLC is gonna pull me back into the public bathroom lobbies just for the lulz :lol:...

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