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Yeah, it seemed that around when the Beach Bum update came, new info and even the release for others came quite soon after. That's just how it felt to me. Now it feels like we are not going to get the High Life update for at least two or three more weeks...

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In content creator, how do you place/rotate things like the cargo containers to turn them into ramps?

Whenever i try to do it it says "area must be clear? And there doesnt seem to be an option to rotate or move them up and down...

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...stacking them?? put down containers, then put down a ramp, pick it up and put it on the container... then remove the container if you want to free up the item space... i don't think i've seen anyone use containers as ramps, just as a floating platform...

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There was a race going off the side of mount chilead and the cargo containers where stacked up off thr site of the mountain slightly angled as to form a ramp off the side...l

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not sure man, i played a race last night with a couple of people, and the first one had two loops, and i have no clue how they did that... the 2nd one had a platform floating off the mountain for a checkpoint... i get the feeling both were modded maps...

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i'm starting to see a lot of creative maps these days... perhaps they're clever at building them, or they are modding... there's this PetayFanMoFo that i'm friends with on twitter and the SC that continues to post crazy ass races!! search his name on youtube and the SC, he tests and reviews all of those races that are creative like that... dunno if they're any good because i play on the PS3 obviously :lol:...

i was inspired to create a monster truck race because of a few of his creations... his are more big ramps but he does review other crazy creations... here's his job list, friend him to see his posts on races... it's a shame i can't play them...


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Is there a "let everyone bother me" option somewhere that I toggled without realizing it? I keep getting invites from people I've never heard of.

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You mean an invite to Rooftop Rumble every 5 minutes from randoms, even if you're in a closed session? Yup. I haven't checked options lately to see if it can be turned off.

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Feels like they tweaked the matchmaking somehow. When I join a Job, my friends automatically get invited without my doing anything.

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I like the random invites - makes me feel like I have friends... maybe one day I will accept one...

Why is it, that the one car that I want but can't never find while roaming, always spawns when I am on a mission and trying to kill/ avoid people chasing me? It is getting frustrating...

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Really? I seem to find that the most often... Wish the bulletproof tires weren't so expensive, because when I had mine for a little while, it seemed like they got shot out every time I drove it anywhere. It was just bad luck, soo I ditched it off a cliff. Shame too, that salmon pink paintjob was the bomb...

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So, the new mental state "feature" grants players RP for killing you if you're labeled psycho. Think about that for a second. If you're killing people, blowing shit up, crashing shit, other players get a reward for killing you. I'll say that again. Rockstar encourages people to kill you if you're having fun.

That pretty much sums up Rockstar's handling of GTA Online.

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