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The Adder is the fastest , but the Entity has the best acceleration. So, it depends on the tracks you're racing. If you're on a track with a lot of corners or turns, go with the Entity, if it's a straight line, the adder will dust anything. Personally, i own the Entity with my first character because it just looks a lot nicer. My second character has an Adder. Both good, fast cars.

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The people that host super car races always leave catchup on so I normally have no problem winning with my Vacca.

If catchup happens to be off though then the Entity is your best bet.

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It sucks but I often forget to turn it off

Basically, if you are lead a race by quite a margin, your car will lose power slightly, allowing those behind to catch up a bit.

Thanks to all for the super car tips too...

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  On 1/8/2014 at 1:05 AM, Massacre said:
Entity XF. Don't let the popularity of the Adder fool you, it's shit.

Plus, if you make it white, the XF looks like something a Stormtrooper drives to work in.

I like the adder. Flat black for the primary, gloss black for the secondary, black rims... Done.

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Really like the Blacked out Entity though. Matte Black, throw on some Carbon Z rims.... now THAT is a sick ride... The adder is a bit easier to control at high speeds, but the Entity just kinda has a feel to it that makes me more comfortable driving it. The Vacca is pretty Top Notch as well, depending on what your using it for.

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I don't understand the fascination with the space docker. Sure it's got blue lights and shit but it's not as much fun to drive as the dune buggy.

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Last night I was toodling around in my Duster around the LS airport, flying low and just overall enjoying myself. Until I got sniped out of the cockpit. One of the very few times I wish gta had a killcam.

Needless to say I retaliated with several rounds of mercenaries and bounties.

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I was being chased down the Senora Freeway by some gentleman in an Entity. In a cannabis-fueled spur of ingenuity, I informed my pursuer that he'd be dead "if only I had some...dropsie-booms." I had completely forgotten the name for grenades. :weed:

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The police riot van - perfect for 5 star travel...

You and a friend cause mischief resulting in an epic police chase into the countryside. Backed into a corner, you jump out to make your last stand..... and then promptly knock your friend out with the butt of your rifle because he got too close while aiming.... Ruins your Butch and Sundance moment...

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Me and R2 successfully got a car into the Titan last night. We made it from LSX to the Vinewood hills before he died mysteriously and fell out. No explosion, he just died. Heart attack?

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