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Bad Sport Solution I emailed to R*

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Hey guys, this is an idea I had an emailed to R*.. if you like it I suggest you all email R* as well and maybe they will listen. Hopefully it is ok that I m posting this here... :/

I wrote an email to R* suggesting that they somehow make it so you only recieve a bad sport rating if you destroy someones car multiple times within a certain amount of time. So say you destroy the same guys car 3 times within a half hour you would recieve "points" towards your bad sport rating. Because its just plain crazy that a car of guys can mercilessly kill you over and over but if while defending yourself you destroy the car they are in(even if on accident) you recieve a bad sport rating..


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I didn't mind in GTA IV. We weren't penalized for enacting revenge there. But now that we're stuck with a dunce cap and forced to pay insurance premiums, it's intolerable. The true Bad Sports are the fuckers that spin you out in Races and park tanks on top of you in Free Roam. Yet all those people are listed as Clean Players.

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They should do it like RDR where it's an accumulated thing giving people the chance to be good sports if they fuck up once or twice or they could even aspire to be bad sports. I think if they went down this route though they'd have to perhaps colour code players on a map so those who want to dl stay away from bad sports babe the opportunity to do so but can move around the map freely near good sports knowing they most likely won't get killed for doing so. They could add rewards for killing bad sports or even bad sports evading being killed.

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Private matches can be pretty dull. Sometimes I just need a motherfucker I can hunt down with a Buzzard over and over again. Plus I like to do my own thing every now and then. With friends you have to consider whatever it is they want to do and that's if they're even online. When you're alone you get to just do your own thing, like have a deathmatch in a lobby that actually consist of more than 4 players...

So in short. Private sessions aren't really a solution.

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I just view everyone with suspicion. Also, if you want to blow up someone's personal vehicle without having to pay the insurance you can do so by pouring a gasoline trail and igniting it with the backfire from an exhaust. Of course you can't do that if they're moving around in the car, but that way it doesn't register as you blowing it up (it was the car's fault after all.) You get no wanted level, etc. I blew up someone's Bugatti after he came and killed me, I think that's the only time i've done it intentionally.

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play in private matches with friends....

this shit isnt a probelm

Can't play with friends if you're stuck in a bad sport lobby and they aren't... Thats my point, i don't have a problem with people trying to kill me, it can be fun. My problem is with the strictness of the bad sport system, I mean this is GTA, since when is blowing up a car frowned upon?

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solution -as in, solution to problem

play in private matches with friends....


this shit isnt a problem - if you play in private matches.

seriously, i never have inclination to play in public. if someone is this worried about getting bad sport then dont go in one.

people btich about GTAO way too much.

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I'm not bitching.. i am just presenting a potential solution for what I see as a slight problem/oversight with the bad sport system. I play in public lobbies all the time and I have never been thrown into a bad sport lobby, so I am not overly worried about it to point of avoidong public lobbies. I am just trying to make a point that the bad sport system is a bit strict when it comes to destroying personal vehicles..

I mean you get people in missions that purposefully sabotage the mission and recieve no bad sport rating, but then when a buddy is being funny and blows your car up with a sticky bomb they get thrown into a bad sport lobby and you cant play with them for s an oversight and like I said I am just offering a solution.

Just because it isn't a problem for you doesnt mean its not a problem for others

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in a lobby yesterday were friend blew up about 3 personal cars in the session and didnt get bad sport. it was spread out over time mind you.

not that strict.

....dont do missions with strangers. I rarely do. Few times I have they've always been retarded. Not sabotage on purpose. they're just really stupid.

again, play with friends

*doesn't come back to thread

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in a lobby yesterday were friend blew up about 3 personal cars in the session and didnt get bad sport. it was spread out over time mind you.

not that strict.

....dont do missions with strangers. I rarely do. Few times I have they've always been retarded. Not sabotage on purpose. they're just really stupid.

again, play with friends

*doesn't come back to thread

This may come as a shock to you, but you can't just tell people how to play their game, dio. Private sessions are not a solution. You can keep telling yourself they are for you, but they really aren't for the majority of gamers who like playing with others. Some of my best times in GTAO have been with random players.

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play how ya like, but i agree with dio. i'll play alone or with ppl i know as well as friends of friends. That's what i enjoy. This is the only reason why i became a member here, so i can play with ppl i 'know'. otherwise, i'da been done with this site after the full map was revealed by R*, or a dumb strategy guide in this case....

I've blown up shit tonnes of cars. mostly friends....mostly accidental...(sorry)....and never had a bad sport. been warned everytime, but never had it actually happen. if you do blow up a car or 3, just chill out for an hour or 2 on blowin up anymore, you'll be groovy.

don't get all bent out of shape for being warned eh. it's designed so that if you blow up this one then that one, and so on nonstop then yes, yer ass is gonna get tossed.

be clever in yer revenge is all. someone guns ya down douche bag style, don't try for an easy car kill like a bitch. be classy or even stylish with the kill. it'll piss 'em off even more anyway when ya do get 'em. ;)

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Honestly Im perfectly fine with paying insurance and the idea of bad sports but it seems like another thing with promise that has somehow failed.

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