
"Moving" to Europe

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Leave it to Brian to try and hijack Analog's topic and make it about him. -_-

Nothing wrong about inquiring others without making a whole new topic...

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I will have much more than tree fitty.. But I don't really know how much at the moment. Haven't done any calculations yet since my Bay Area New Years trip is in a couple weeks.

cuda, did you see my question regarding the weather/time of year on the previous page?

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I much prefer the Summer for everything, late into the summer is no problem though. Just don't go during winter, imo.

And yes, Malta is amazing:




Awesome architecture, good weather ALL YEAR, awesome beaches, clear water, good food, YES PLEASE.

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after reading this topic (5 fucking pages holy shit!) for the first time, my only suggestion is to stay away from eastern europe... unless you want to get picked up and thrown into human trafficking or something... lots of crime and shady folks out that way, that's what i hear anyways... i've never even left the united states so what do i know...

i just know that eastern europe is a little shady... a couple of people that i know that have traveled to europe say the same thing... it's kind of a scary place to go... lots of poverty and shit... the sites might be worth it, but i dunno if your life is worth it too...

just a suggestion :P...

i am not really worried about the western side of things, it all sounds like a lot of fun..

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after reading this topic (5 fucking pages holy shit!) for the first time, my only suggestion is to stay away from eastern europe... unless you want to get picked up and thrown into human trafficking or something... lots of crime and shady folks out that way, that's what i hear anyways... i've never even left the united states so what do i know...

i just know that eastern europe is a little shady... a couple of people that i know that have traveled to europe say the same thing... it's kind of a scary place to go... lots of poverty and shit... the sites might be worth it, but i dunno if your life is worth it too...

Yeah. And everyone wants you to go bowling.

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He's a Jew so he should fetch a pretty penny. I wouldn't blame you if you sent him to those arenas to shop him around to the highest bidder.

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Europe is probably safer. There's an urban legend that Walt Disney created Disney World on the basis of Anti-semitism and that Space Mountain is a secret Zyklon B depository.

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Fuck that. Just walk. Stop whenever you see something interesting.

Run out of money in a small village in southern Italy. Become a farmhand to make your way.

But the farmer who employs you, he has a daughter. The two of you fall in love, marry, start a family.

But one day, the Sicilians roll into town, and it's time for the village to pay up. You stand up for yourself, for everyone, and it costs you dearly. The Sicilians murder your wife and infant son, and your world falls apart. You try to cope, but you know what must be done.

You go into the attic of your home, where your father-in-law kept an old, dusty trunk. You unbutton your shirt, and, moving your bag of Jew gold aside, pull from your necklace a small, rusted skeleton key. The key to the chest, trusted to you when the old farmer passed. You open the chest, the hinges creaking, and find a rifle, a pair of pistols, and an old, moth-eaten trench coat, the last remnant of your father-in-law's old life. You load the weapons and adorn the coat, and take the first ferry to Sicily.

As you set foot on the island, you wonder if you're in over your head, if you can do what you know must be done. Pushing your doubts aside, your trudge onward.

You've been here before, brought much-needed supplies that are only grown on the mainland. You know the streets. The people. The way the crowds fade into empty streets as you approach the bistro where the Mafiosi congregate.

You realize that it's too late for doubts, for changing your mind. You know that 'now or never' doesn't apply to you anymore. It's now. Only now. You quickly unload the rifle into the gangsters seated around the room, killing most of them instantly. The rifle is empty, and you drop it, immediately drawing your pistols. Reinforcements have arrived from the bistro's back room, harbingers of the man whose blood you came to spill. You effortlessly gun them down, fueled by your rage, the rage cause by the man who enters your field of view now. You raise your weapons, aiming for his head, realizing all too late, that in your bloodlust-driven haze... you forgot to count your shots. No sooner than you realize that you're out of ammo, you feel the burning, churning pain of .45 caliber hollowpoints penetrating your flesh, splitting into pieces, shredding your vital organs. You feel your life slipping away before you've even hit the ground, though you do live long enough to do so. Your vision goes in and out of focus, blood runs from your mouth, only a hint of the damage your stomach and lungs have fallen prey to, and you grit your teeth in fury as the man who destroyed your world slowly kneels before you, a mocking grin on his face. You cannot hear what he says to you, you can barely think straight. Your death is close. You are briefly able to focus, too see the twisted grin that remains on the face of your killer, taunting you to the bitter end. The grin fades, however, when you flash one in return, only second before drawing the knife from your belt and burying it in the man's stomach, driving the blade upward, your hand digging into the wound and thrusting the blade upward still, into his heart. He collapses next to you, mocking you no longer.

Your work is done. Your family avenged. You let your gaze drift to a nearby window, and see the sun setting in the distance. A fitting metaphor for your end. A smile spreads across your face. You know you'll be with your family again soon.

... What the fuck did I just do? :huh:

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I lost my shit at the "roll into town" line. I pictured a bunch of Lincoln lowriders on obnoxious hydraulics, full of young Al Pacino lookalikes.

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That smile quickly fades when from behind two masked men quietly approach, one of them pulls out a nightstick and proceeds to knock you out. "Hello sir, we have acquired the target" one of the masked man says on the phone in Arabic. "I told those damn Sicilians no casualties, I can not risk my merchandise being put in harms way, not yet. Regardless, bring me what I paid for. The auction is about to start." says the man on the other line. You wake up what seems like hours later to the sound of familiar music playing in another room. You open your eyes but discover something is on your head and your hands have been tied behind the chair your sitting on. Someone takes the burlap sap off your head, you look up to see a Syrian business man. "Hello I have been waiting for you. We have been waiting for you." Then you start to remember where you heard that music in the background. It was in the casino down the street from where you lived in Vegas. The man pulls back a curtain on the wall to reveal a group of wealthy looking people standing behind a window. "It took me a while to find it but what you have all been waiting for is finally here. Bidding for The Jew will now begin."

This is actually close to the real plot for Hostel 3 funnily enough.

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There are plenty of people out there that would love to have an able bodied Jew. Muslims for example. The Syrian business man kidnaps Analog to sell him to wealthy Middle Eastern buyers for anything from slave labor to converting him to Islam(Which is worse than torture). Guess I should have made that part more clear.

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So I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy a Eurail 2-3 month continuous pass for this whole trip. While a little pricier, it simplifies most of my travel options and goes everywhere I need to go. So far this is my list, in order, of places I'd like to visit.

Las Vegas to Bergen, Norway

Bergen to Oslo, Norway

Oslo to Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm to Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen to Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg to Berlin

Berlin to Munich

Munich to Freiburg (Black Forest)

Freiburg to Reims, France

Reims to Paris

Paris to Versailles

Versailles to Chartres

Chartres to Chamonix Mont-Blanc

Mont-Blanc to Milan, Italy

Milan to Verona

Verona to Padua

Padua to Venice

Venice to Florence

Florence to Pisa

Pisa to Livorno

Livorno to Perugia

Perugia to Rome

Rome to Naples

Naples to Lecce

Lecce to Brindisi

Brindisi to Igoumenista, Greece

...But then I hit a road block. There's no railways anywhere near Igoumenista and (as far as I was able to tell) no flights from Brindisi airport to anywhere in Greece. Massacre, gtagrl, any suggestions on what to do? I'm very unfamiliar with Greece and am at the end of 8+ hours of research for today so I'm not looking it up tonight. Are there any reliable bus services that will allow me to get to the good parts of Greece?

Here is the map I'm referencing that shows all the Eurail tracks/stops.

I've been confused and frustrated about exactly where Eurail goes, because there have been issues with me only seeing (for example) a train from Stockholm to Oslo, when my plan is to go from Oslo to Stockholm. Am I just misinterpreting the "Stockholm-Oslo" description as a one-way train, or will there be a train to and from each city?

If I'm understanding it correctly, I'll be able to train on each line on the map. Hopefully, anyway.

Edit: holy shit, I just noticed that epic story you wrote, Massacre. Or should I say, epic prophecy. Change that setting to Russia since the women are so much hotter (and my actual people, contrary to your belief that I'm a Jew) and you're not too far off.

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