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Fastest Way to MAX Stats [after 1.07]?

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Hey guys,

So my account recently reset for some reason and I lost my character's style, stats, rank, cars, house and everything except my money for some reason.

Anyways, I want to get my stats back up as quickly as possible. I'm looking to max strength, stamina, driving and flying. I've already ranked my stealth.

What's the fastest way after update 1.07?

Any help would be great, thanks!

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do races, and do survivals... that's the quickest way i can think of to boost shooting and driving... and flying, wow, i haven't even gotten that one maxed yet, and i've flown a lot of missions... but races and survivals boost dem stats fast... and even DMs and TDM for shooting... with all the custom maps out there right now, there's lots of RP, $$$, and skills boosting going on... create a heli race and i bet you could boost that for a bit to get the stat up...

be creative man, don't look for the east way out...

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Drive on the wrong side of the road and skim past cars, that should get your driving up just in free mode. Survival is a great way to get shooting up and to make money too. Just go with good players and find the "sweet spots" to take on the waves, then go for headshots only. Just adding on to what Bones said, anyway.

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Steal the jet and fly low to the ground, engage AI and other players. It got my flying up in 2 or 3 days.

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Its next to impossible to break into FZ and steal the fighter jet now. I've tried several times and even an aerial assault as soon as I arrive I'm surrounded by at least two-three tanks. MY suggestion though is if you have high ranked friends have them invite you to missions etc. The payouts seem to be a lot higher if you're playing with crew members.

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I tried shooting cops for shooting skills, does that not work? I spent about an hour doing it and didn't even get a slight increase. Does it increase in missions only? Also, does solo racing and survival still boost skills or do you have to play with others?

Thanks for the great quality posts.

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I tried working on my shooting stat last night and killed 188 police, 89 via headshot and my shooting skill didn't increase a drop. Guessing these guys don't count anymore?

Can anyone confirm?


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I've now maxed out all my stats except shooting. I've done several missions, survivals, and even hit the shooting range and haven't seen any increase. Am I doing something wrong? lol

Difficulty is set on normal for missions, survival doesn't seem to have an option.

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For strength, get a buddy to sit in a car while you beat the hell out of it.

I think that was patched. I got strength up really fast by playing Hole 6 in Golf over and over.

Can anyone help me with shooting? All my other stats are at 100%!

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I think that was patched. I got strength up really fast by playing Hole 6 in Golf over and over.

ill try that.

thanks for the tip

for shooting, survival man. so many enemies to kill. good RP and cash too

also, the shooting range. you can do those online

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And if survival is a little too hardcore to start out with, just start gang attacks and go for head shots I got over a quarter of my shooting bar filled up by just doing that for 2 hours. It also is pretty good training for survival. Anyone know a good way to get your stealth and flying up?

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Sneak around and fly (not at the same time).

Kill peds in Stealth mode and sneak around in Deathmatches.

For Flying, steal Lazers and fly at ridiculously low altitudes.

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I can't smoke weed where I play Xbox so I put my character in stealth mode and elastic banded the controller every time I had a session. Only took about 5 sessions to max stealth out (not that it helps me much...)

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