
$1B Bounty?

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And they could get sued since people did buy Shark Cards. If they reset those people, one of them could sue R*

That would be easy to fix.

I dont think its fair that they remove the money. The only reason they want to remove the money, is so that people will buy the shark cards. It didnt take some l33t haxoring to get all that money, just taking advantage of shitty code. Rockstar should have to pay for their fuck ups...

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I wouldn't expect the patch to reverse the money. Everyone got different amounts from different people at different times. Even the stimulus package money wasn't handed out through the patch. The money came later.

Did anyone ever get the stimulus package money? I never got it.

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I checked the profile of Kuz, Ace, IKILLYOU, Big1Boss and some others.

They all had their money taken

Not all of it. Most had around 500,000 rather than the hundred millions to billions they had before.

dat hack money be gone

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Yeah, all my money is back to normal now, I was left with 464K. however, the stats on Social Club still state that my "Total Money Earned" is 2.4Billion. Hope they change that too. But I'm really happy with what they have done.

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