Handsome B Wonderful

Game Of The Year - 2013

Games Of The Year 2013  

28 members have voted

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So, I thought I'd do another game of the year topic, even though it's pretty safe to assume everyone will pick Aliens: Colonial Marines as their GOTY.

If I don't list your favourite, please tell everyone why you hate my poll, Mr Fancypants. I also made each question multiple choice.

My GOTY is GTA V just ahead of AC4 and Tomb Raider. The Last Of Us never really did it for me. Worst game for me was Beyond: Two Souls. My most anticipated games are Dark Souls II and Destiny.

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GTAV for best (No Brainer)

Call of Duty for worst. I wish it was better so all the squeakers would bugger off from GTAO

Infamous for most anticipated because the 2nd one felt a little too cartoony. second son looks a little darker.

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I'm probably not the best person for this poll as I am such a casual gamer these days but I voted anyway.

GTA V for GOTY - I have only played one other game on the list and as much as I like God of War, it can't compete...

Microtransactions are shit and unfortunately it seems to be the way of the future...

I went for Other as most anticipated - been hanging out for South Park: The Stick of Truth for fucking ages...

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i love GTAV for what it is... but man, the last of us was one of those complete games, a once in a lifetime experience... i am still torn between this decision, which is why i chose multiple options :lol:... and i still have to work on AC4, which i just stopped playing because of GTAO... and that's probably the best AC game yet...

mad max is definitely my most anticipated, but i am also looking forward to what watch_dogs has to offer...

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gotta give it to GTA. Play it way more than anything else.

maybe fallout 4 is most anticipated tho. only cause I know fuck all.

GTA DLC I know its coming and im enjoying what they got now so i can wait

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Another one I only just heard about was The Crew. Open world racing. Looks pretty arcady but I am interested to see more.

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Hmm I feel so out of the loop. Hadn't gamed at all for over a year. Only got my ps3 shipped over to Aus so I could play GTAV and I haven't had the time to play anything else

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My most anticipated is Watch_Dogs, because I don't trust in a Fallout 4 reveal any time soon, and The Division won't be any good until the people here (that I actually like) upgrade to PS4. No point in playing it alone.

Looking forward to giving Dragon Age 3 a try, but they fucked up so badly with 2 that I'm not getting my hopes up. Playable Qunari are the big seller for me.

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I'm in the same boat as Ginginho, really GTAV is the only one on that list that I'm into except for the Assassin's Creed series. I'll get around to picking up the Henry Rollins edition at some point...and so many people have said good things about Last of Us that perhaps I'll rent it or pick up a used copy at some point.

Picked possible Fallout 4 cause it's fun to speculate when real info will come from Bethesda, but upon second look Infamous Second Son should also kick ass, I enjoyed the previous installments.

Who voted the GTAV soundtrack for Worst Thing of 2013...?!

Me. This is the first GTA game I've ever played where the radio did nothing at all for me, whereas in every other game, discovering each radio station was an essential part of the experience. It's probably the only thing about V that disappointed me.

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I used to feel the same way about the soundtrack as you and HBW, but I'm finding that each station is growing on me. Everything from Space, Rebel Radio, and even East Los ( :bain: ) are adding lots of color to the San Andreas landscape that I wasn't noticing before.

As far as the original score goes, that's pretty well magical. Every situation in the Story Mode has had every emotion, every hectic thought enhanced by a perfectly fitting instrumental track.

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VBR has grown on me, in a sense. It is my go-to station when I'm hanging around Vespucci. Most of the playlist is very surfer-esque.

the Assassin's Creed series. I'll get around to picking up the Henry Rollins edition at some point...


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The underscore music is flawless, I've enjoyed that a lot. As for radio, I'm not saying I hate every single station, some of them have grown on me too, I just find in general they haven't been engaging and feel at odds with the game instead of enhancing it. Perhaps with more gaming time it will become more appealing.

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The whole soundtrack lacks a California feel, so I can agree that the radio playlists are at odds with the game. There is absolutely nothing more appealing than a large-scale chase set to El Sonidito, though. Period.


I notice lots of folks voted microtransactions for Worst Thing. As someone who hasn't spent a dime on Shark cards in GTAV or other bonuses in other games, I'm not affected. In principle, it's shitty, but I don't see them as the worst thing of 2013.

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I see them as terrible because as more developers move onto this, it'll begin to dictate gameplay and player's ability just to make some more money. It's why pay for missions and stuff was nerfed in V online, and it is bullshit.

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Doubt it, that's why DLC's continue to be made, too many people who buy into it, it's an impulsive thing, just like why people buy porn when there's plenty of free stuff, just not on the same plain.

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it's because we're conditioned to buying DLC now... it'll never go away... and i am all for it if it provides value... buying maps, weapons, and cars is bullshit, but buying story extensions are worth it...

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it's because we're conditioned to buying DLC now... it'll never go away... and i am all for it if it provides value... buying maps, weapons, and cars is bullshit, but buying story extensions are worth it...

*for certain games at a certain price.

Some DLC is clearly tacked on because they chose to finish it after release day instead of delaying the game launch. Plus, some DLC prices can be a bit much for what you get. I think it just depends, in some cases it's worth it and other cases it's a rip-off cash grab.

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DLC is a beautiful thing in most cases, but when I'm given the option to pay for additional weapons, vehicles, or in-game currency, I'll always decline.

It's my dream that one day the micro-DLCs will be phased out entirely.

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it's because we're conditioned to buying DLC now... it'll never go away... and i am all for it if it provides value... buying maps, weapons, and cars is bullshit, but buying story extensions are worth it...

*for certain games at a certain price.

Some DLC is clearly tacked on because they chose to finish it after release day instead of delaying the game launch. Plus, some DLC prices can be a bit much for what you get. I think it just depends, in some cases it's worth it and other cases it's a rip-off cash grab.

yea, the stuff that feels like it was held back just for DLC, i don't buy that crap... i'm talking more like lost and damned and all the fallout add ons... have you noticed that R* hasn't charged us for a single piece of DLC yet? it's because they always planned to give us that shit, they were just waiting for the game to stabilize... heists might even be free...

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