
Crew Recruitment/Battle/Event Thread

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I suppose I'll have to get back on the site more with gta out soon, the online looks too good not to get involved with everyone again. I've sent a request thing but I dont know what that means anyway

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I guess I'll post my crew here for shits & giggles.

  • Looking for Active 18+ members preferably on Xbox consoles, exceptions of age could be made.
  • Prefer that anybody willing to join has a headset and doesn't use the Kinect.
  • Above Average on skills (Driving, Shooting, Flying, etc.) *Doesn't have to be for every skill

APEX Predators

*emblem is only temporary.

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I think I signed up to the Social Club when I got GTA IV on PC about 5 years ago. Do I need to do anything else?

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Los Santos will need a big crime family and we will fill that spot! We WILL conquer Los Santos and be the most badass and ruthless crew on the street

If you want to do big heists, small thefts, crazy races and killer wars in the professional “La Cosa Nostra way”, Ndrangheta is the crew for you!


Mob Ranks:

Once you are muscle you need to wait for someone to join and then you will be representative. This is how it’s going to work until everyone fits in the rightful place.



Our crew is only available on PSN and the Playstation system!


Who are you?

You enjoy playing games and are very competitive. We will fight to prove that Ndrangheta is the one and only respected crime family in Los Santos. Loyalty and honor will be rewarded.

Crew perks:

- Earn RP/XP bonuses

- Persist rivalries and Accomplishments

- Rank up within a Crew Hierarchy

Any questions? Add donhernandez on R* Social Club


Join Us: Ndrangheta


Allies? There is no alliance system yet to come, but if your crew wants to become an allied send me a message first so we can discuss it. Only leaders may send a message about alliance request!

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Los Santos will need a big crime family and we will fill that spot! We WILL conquer Los Santos and be the most badass and ruthless crew on the street

Looking forward to seeing that... if we ever meet on the battlefield.

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@donhernandez You are that guy on Newswire, Rockstar directed their warning at for spamming that exact copy pasta multiple times...

R* A2 days, 20 hours ago

Hey all, great to see so many of you jumping on the Hierarchies feature already and assigning ranks amongst your Crews. Cool also to see so much Crew recruitment going on in comments here too - just a reminder though not to spam the comments section multiple times with the same message. Please only post your recruitment message here once unless you have something new to say. Thanks for understanding and stay tuned for more Social Club features to be announced.

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So with the newest Grand Theft Auto installment only just around the corner, I created a crew with the sole purpose of exploiting the game's (fantastic) economy to make as much money as possible.

We will be the "Wall Street Warlords".

I am looking to recruit some senior members who share the same passion for financially dominating GTA Online. We are based in Australia (I know, Wall Street is American, but I intend this to be a worldwide crew, and there's nothing as financially iconic as Wall Street anyway) and are for PS3. The people I am looking for are intelligent and cooperative, with good ideas to bring to the table. In addition, I am seeking people who are pleasant and fun to be around, but dedicated enough to help raise the crew from the ground up. The senior members will be treated as equals rather than subordinates. (I am not here just for the power trip) I want to create a very closely knit crew, where we take the game to the next level!

So, if you're interested, hit up

And (very new website so don't expect much yet)

Lookin' forward to it ;D

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Megaton Fight Squad recruiting members now. Looking for some wheelmen, pointmen and and masterminds. At the moment we are a small group of friends. At release time we should have a few more. Join us if you want to do serious heists and screw around in free roam. We usually have a great time in open world multiplayer games but of course GTA will be the ulitmate.


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...only just around the corner, I created a crew with the sole purpose of exploiting the game's (fantastic) economy to make as much money as possible.

You've come up with the most unique idea for a crew I've heard yet. Good onya.

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...only just around the corner, I created a crew with the sole purpose of exploiting the game's (fantastic) economy to make as much money as possible.

You've come up with the most unique idea for a crew I've heard yet. Good onya.

What, Da Shit ain't good enough for ya?!

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