
Players Giving Away Money?

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How does that work? I was standing on the street, another player pulls up in his car and then drives away. Two seconds later, I'm informed that a player gave me $450 million. Huh? How is that done and that fast??

I saw nothing in the menu for transferring cash to another player. I'd like to know how it's done so I can give some of it to someone else (?) :)

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Someone gifted me around 40 million - I've spent around 10 million so far. Funny thing is I can't share the money at all

But from what I've noticed - most people I've played with in the last 3 days have claimed they have been gifted lots of money and they've bought everything they could with it. In one free roam lobby I was in - one guy put a bounty worth around 400 million.

There's also youtube videos on how to get yourself "unbanned". Plus R* already stated they won't ban people who were gifted money.

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There's also youtube videos on how to get yourself "unbanned". Plus R* already stated they won't ban people who were gifted money.

Well for my Christmas morning gift from Rockstar, all my accounts, online & offline have been zeroed out. I was gifted a lot of money online, I didn't ask for it I just put it in the bank and spent some. This morning even my offline game has been nuked. :(

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i figure its going to happen to everyone.

all they have to do it auto-mate the process of ridding people of money that were given over 5000 dollars, or claimed a bounty over 9000.

everyone who bashed a car to get strength....most of them lost strength with an update. they fucked it up and took everyones strength but gave it back. Im just saying if they can do that they can get rid of bounty and gift exploits. im staying away from public servers till its all sorted

hell, i stay away from public lobbies anyways altogether

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Looks like my offline game is still intact just doesn't show anything on the Social Club page. The online seems to be down. I created another account and tried to access online and it didn't work there either.

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It'll be stupid if they banned all the people who received free money. I haven't had any problems so far accessing online and I still got my 30 million but like Dio said they might just automate it and ban everyone above a certain parameter.

@ Alky, try e-mailing R* if you still can't get online, the way you described it though makes it sound as if you've been banned. Which will probably mean i'll be getting banned sometime this week.

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Two friends of mine claimed to have been given two billion. Billion with a B. I, myself, joined a random lobby last night, went in my garage, got a car and drove down the street... Somehow then someone gave me 100 Million dollars... I just said Merry Christmas and started spending it. I'm not gonna question that shit. Hahaha. Although my game has been a bit laggy since this happened

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Whenever I'm in a public lobby now, I always check who else is in. If I see anyone at a ridiculous level (over 300) then I go straight out or start a mission straight away. Usually report them first (whether that will help Rockstar, I'll just have to wait and see).

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If I see anyone at a ridiculous level (over 300) then

R* must have put a lid on it somehow. I played a new PS3 user account last night for 2 - 3 hours and didn't get any gifted money. :)

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Whenever I'm in a public lobby now, I always check who else is in. If I see anyone at a ridiculous level (over 300) then I go straight out or start a mission straight away. Usually report them first (whether that will help Rockstar, I'll just have to wait and see).

I was gifted another $400Million today, he wasn't a high level though, he was level 56.

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I got gifted another 100 million yesterday. I joined another room that had bounties that were in the millions and hackers how could kill but not be killed... Automatic shotgun full clip to the head... No damage. At first the money and all the hackers was cool and funny... Now its getting dumb and annoying. I don't want anymore money. And I'm tired of getting killed by others who can't be killed...

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On the upside, this is probably far too widespread by now for Rockstar to go around liberally chucking their banhammer at people. They'll have to do a reasonable amount of investigation in order to avoid making what could be their biggest GTAO mistake (the backlash if they start banning innocents would fuck them over tremendously), so you folks who've been gifted money and didn't go around buying tanks and other nonsense items are safe.

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On the upside, this is probably far too widespread by now for Rockstar to go around liberally chucking their banhammer at people. They'll have to do a reasonable amount of investigation in order to avoid making what could be their biggest GTAO mistake (the backlash if they start banning innocents would fuck them over tremendously), so you folks who've been gifted money and didn't go around buying tanks and other nonsense items are safe.

Even if they did I imagine they're not getting banned. It's too wide spread. Most of the bitching I've seen on social club and reddit is from people who have shared money from hacked bounties. Apparently they are being sent to cheaters lobbies by an automated system showing they have shared huge amounts. I am guessing this will change but at the moment they aren't punishing people who recieve or spend money.

This is all based on what I have read on rockstars own site, and reddit so please take it with a healthy dose of salt.

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I had to chuckle at the "nonsense items" bit of Massy's post. For a brief second, I imagined the Housers in a boardroom hotly debating the definition of a nonsense item.

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wow must have been in the wrong lobbies lately... all I got was a cumulated 160k...

EDIT: another day another story. 82million

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it can't be that hard to remove the money from an account... they can easily see your bank account jump from $2M to $2B, so they remove that amount of money... if you don't have it, you're broke... they can track every transaction, and you can too... there's a transactions tab on the banking website...

i don't know if they can cancel purchases like a tank when they see you buying it after being gifted the money... i am really curious how they're going to handle this situation because they haven't said a word yet... perhaps they're waiting for the new year to break the bad news...

the sad thing is, hackers will find other ways to ruin it... i really fucking hate hackers... GET A LIFE!! stop ruining shit all the time you fucking trolls!!

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I got gifted another 100 million yesterday. I joined another room that had bounties that were in the millions and hackers how could kill but not be killed... Automatic shotgun full clip to the head... No damage. At first the money and all the hackers was cool and funny... Now its getting dumb and annoying. I don't want anymore money. And I'm tired of getting killed by others who can't be killed...

I've never seen players being able to survive like that. That would be annoying especially in a DM or LTS or mission.

As for the money, I still have mine but I can't share any of it, even when I do a survival, I can't share that $20,000 with another player. I wonder if it's like that for everyone.

Seems like R* implementing capital controls.

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