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I wish there was a free-class option for races. So you can pick and chose any vehicles you want for yor races. Even a "owned vehicles" class option which lets you pit a Rhapsody against a quadbike if that's what you want...

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  On 8/11/2015 at 8:59 AM, DuPz0r said:

I wish there was a free-class option for races. So you can pick and chose any vehicles you want for yor races. Even a "owned vehicles" class option which lets you pit a Rhapsody against a quadbike if that's what you want...

I always thought they should have tiered classes too, because a tornado and a Monroe are both sports classics, but there's no logical reason to put the two in a race. 

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I want custom garage interiors. Just like the new apartments where you can change the theme. I'm sick of seeing that overly white 10 car garage. I want it too look like a breeze-block parking lot. Or a roughed up modding garage, with spray paint on the walls, and random body parts laying around in the corners. 

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Better beards would be nice! Hunting side missions would be cool, obviously more clothes ( like the suits and military gear, myself, more biker gear would be great as well). Also, would be pretty nice if they added more models for body armor in the game...they all seem too plain and boring. They also have to match... im sick of having all of the camos/ colors not being very compatible across the board.

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I'm sure it's been said before but the ability to turn cops off in private lobbies.  It's just figuring out how to keep the 'realism' as you wouldn't/shouldn't really be able to rob stores etc if police are missing from the map.

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Not quite GTAO material here, but Id love to see some of the more new content come to sinlge player. Benny's garage, some of the new cars and guns, and the ability to save and switch outfits like online. It seems like it has been neglected since the IGG2 update... Frankly, the only reason I play SP (after beating it again on New Gen) is to mess around with the new stuff that comes out. For GTAO, military clothing and new guns would make me happy lol.

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I wish I could still give a fuck about GTAO... partly my own fault with my poor social skills and but yeah... tried playing it last night, just couldn't get into it and I was really useless... 

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I know exactly how you feel. It seems very stale, and I end up playing SP because im broke Online. I dont have the time to grind, and the connection to team grind, so I always miss out on the bigger items. Im lucky to get a few DLC guns and the clothes. $2.8 mil isnt enough to do much... And who wants to buy shark cards??

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At least you guys are part of the right forums - we're the antisocial crew! Except when it comes to helping each other triangulate... too bad we haven't been able to help you guys get rich too, on a non-Tuesday night, crew nights have been remarkably squirrelly of late.

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Money isn't an issue with me - I have around $12m but can't be bothered spending it - I would give it away if I could.


I played for an hour or so last night and made $300k doing contact missions but for some reason, my R2 button doesn't work very well playing this game so I just gave up... I don't know why it is only fucked in this game - it works fine in the Commonwealth...

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