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Alien: Isolation

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This finally looks like the Alien game I was hoping for. No guns. Just you playing as Ripley's daughter 15 years after the first Alien movie being hunted down by a single Alien.

And for some reason I cant post links to videos so someone else can do that.

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I've heard some mediocre reviews about this game. But i still want it. I watched all the Alien movies apart from prom' leading upto this. First will always be the best, and I'm glad this is based on that one.

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It's funny because I've only heard 3 mediocre reviews. IGN, Gamespot and Polygon. Everyone else is giving it 8's and 9's and it's holding almost an 80 on Metacritic. That's what Watch Dogs was. I'm gonna pick it up for sure.

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If you're a fan of fps horror games, hard games, and particularly stealth games, I'd say pick this up. If you want to burn through games quickly, don't like stealth games, and can't handle games with lots of backtracking and manual saving, this probably isn't the game for you.

I love it.

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I've only played for about an hour and a half and I have to say this game is FANTASTIC!!!

The atmosphere and sound design is what gets to me. Some of the best I've ever seen in a video game. Have not encountered the Alien yet. Ready to shit my pants when I do. :P

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The game is great. Solid gameplay and environment design. The only problem i've encountered with the gamr so far is probably patchable, but i keep getting stuttering on the cutscenes, and poor lip sync in places. But no way does that deter me from the game at all, it's feels truly next gen which is what i was hoping for.

I'll post some screenshots soon.

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If you're a fan of fps horror games, hard games, and particularly stealth games, I'd say pick this up. If you want to burn through games quickly, don't like stealth games, and can't handle games with lots of backtracking and manual saving, this probably isn't the game for you.

I love it.

I hate manual saving, but I can adjust....

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Dup, are you only playing during the night time or are you playing during the day also?

The only time i get to play games is between 10pm and 4am really, so yeah, night.

I took 1 picture earlier. Attached. Compression probably sucks though.


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Apparently I picked up the Nostromo Edition at no extra cost, so I got a free 'Crew Expendable' DLC. Which contains the original Nostromo Crew (Brett, Kane, Ash, Lambert, Dallas, Parker and Ellen Ripley)

Took some screen grabs whilst i was on the Nostromo.





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anyone on the fence about this game, get it!

it is very scary, and compelling. you want to keep playing.

It is true that the game is difficult, and you die often. At first, it became annoying to have to struggle over the same spot in the game for an hour, or to play thirty minutes and all of a sudden have the alien pop down an air duct you haphazardly walked under and rip off your face, but after paying for a while, it is absolutely necessary.

Limited saves make you afraid of dying. Your moves and decisions have more gravity because you tangibly lose something when you die. You don't want to die, the alien wants to kill you. Is that the familiar sound of an aging space station moaning under the stress of its inevitable collapse or the screeching sound of saliva dripping from a gnawing array of unforgiving teeth and razor blade claws.

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Just picked this up the other day. Seriously edge of your seat stuff. First time I saw the alien I hid in a locker for about 10 minutes. If it was actually me in there the bloody thing would have heard my heart beating. Seriously hard. Seriously frustrating at times too. But so compelling I have to pick it up again. Palyed it tonight alone with all the lights out and the head set on. It's now past midnight on a Monday but I can't sleep yet. Great game.

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Glad you're enjoying it as much as i did Rob. This was one of my 'games of the year', for its unique use of mechanics which makes you feel helpless and claustrophobic as fuck. Fucking loved it.

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