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Why dont we do this? and promote our crew?

There has been some talk about it among people and I understand some want to keep it just news.

But rockstar themselves are doing it on their news wire. and they verify some mediocre jobs.

I think we could get some actual good ones out there.

Serisouly, a few jobs shared once a month. Rockstar seems to be doing that and the crew cut even more often

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I've discussed this with you , bOnEs, Fitty, Mass, and probably countless other people on the forums and over headset, and I for one, definitely want to see this happen.

The first batch of R* Verified was nothing but viral successors, and about 80% of them weren't that good at all. I wished that they would put more time in playing custom content, and actually chose quality over numbers. Media Molecule did a great job on LBP's spotlighting, R* need to take a page from their book.

But yeah, i'd be happy to test content each week, if that's what it takes. As long as we can set up a time to play with multiple players for the bigger games, in order to vote them up fairly, i'm all for it.

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Ya man those LBP maps featured were dam good. I seemed they played many that didnt get featured. I remember there being a decent sized difference between the list of most played to editors picks or whatever they were called.

And ya we talked about it for awhile now. Figured we could use a more open discussion about it.

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I wish i had a recording device for my ps3. I'd totally do youtube spotlights to add to the news posts, so people could actually see them in action. They'd probably get more plays if they can see them first.

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Yes. They need to be verified because I can't play them at the moment.... and they surely can't be worse than the ones already verified.

They could at least make crew created content available to all crew members, regardless of console....

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we're disussing it, yes... it's not like we've been ignoring the idea... i'd like to get our crew featured as well, and with a lineup of matches and pics, i think we'd look pretty attractive for a crew cut article... it's a process tho, we're trying to figure out the best way to do this for the website... it's not gonna happen overnight...

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Treefitty said he cant edit anything on the front site... Thats why the latest posts section points to pre release discussion and the countdown clock is still up...

Sad really.

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