
Rockstars GTAO business strategy.

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the lot of you a bitching for essentially NO reason.

"oh i have no money anymore waaaah"

big deal, rockstar wiped me completely dry. You know i did? JOBS. for the past week all ive done is missions, and each and every one of them pushed out more than 20k and ive rarely done the same one twice.. i went from 50k to over 3 million just like that.

"theres no story waaaah"

get some fucking friends you loser. make your own damn stories.

i have more fun playing with random ass randoms using our imaginations for good ole shananigans.

better yet, make your own damn missions if youre that fuckin butthurt.

godamn asshats. complain some more over nothing why dont you.

either way, the rest of us, with a funtional brain will continue to have loads of fun on a BETA game without you.

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You have done much to advance the conversation. Well done.

Only a fool calls a game he paid 60 dollars for "beta" and is ok with that. :mellow:

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the lot of you a bitching for essentially NO reason.

"oh i have no money anymore waaaah"

big deal, rockstar wiped me completely dry. You know i did? JOBS. for the past week all ive done is missions, and each and every one of them pushed out more than 20k and ive rarely done the same one twice.. i went from 50k to over 3 million just like that.

"theres no story waaaah"

get some fucking friends you loser. make your own damn stories.

i have more fun playing with random ass randoms using our imaginations for good ole shananigans.

better yet, make your own damn missions if youre that fuckin butthurt.

godamn asshats. complain some more over nothing why dont you.

either way, the rest of us, with a funtional brain will continue to have loads of fun on a BETA game without you.

That is an astounding level of proud american you're sporting, there.

Do not bring it with you the next time you visit this site.

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the lot of you a bitching for essentially NO reason.

"oh i have no money anymore waaaah"

big deal, rockstar wiped me completely dry. You know i did? JOBS. for the past week all ive done is missions, and each and every one of them pushed out more than 20k and ive rarely done the same one twice.. i went from 50k to over 3 million just like that.

"theres no story waaaah"

get some fucking friends you loser. make your own damn stories.

i have more fun playing with random ass randoms using our imaginations for good ole shananigans.

better yet, make your own damn missions if youre that fuckin butthurt.

godamn asshats. complain some more over nothing why dont you.

either way, the rest of us, with a funtional brain will continue to have loads of fun on a BETA game without you.

Have you even read the fucking thread? The lot of people bitching is QD. People with a functionING brain would have come to that realization before initiating noob-rage procedures.

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You have done much to advance the conversation. Well done. Only a fool calls a game he paid 60 dollars for "beta" and is ok with that. :mellow:
i paid $60 for GTAV single player and it came with this ambitious multiplayer beta that will continue to evolve over the years... it's never going to be a finished product if they plan on adding more and more to it...
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You have done much to advance the conversation. Well done. Only a fool calls a game he paid 60 dollars for "beta" and is ok with that. :mellow:
i paid $60 for GTAV single player and it came with this ambitious multiplayer beta that will continue to evolve over the years... it's never going to be a finished product if they plan on adding more and more to it...

Nah bro, they never advertised gtao as beta... Adding stuff is different from launching something that doesn't work. The single player of the game was shorter than gta iv and MUCH shorter than gta san andreas. You can be delusional if you want.

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i'm not deludional at all... i got more than $60 out of this game... the amount of time i've already invested in this is probably on par with fallout and skyrim... so no, i am not delusional, i just know how to enjoy what they created...

i'm sorry GTAV failed to live up to your extremely high expectations, QD... that must be a bummer...

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Say what you will, that Rockstar put out a shoddy product, you were cheated, violated, etc...

No matter what sort of shortcomings you find in GTAO, it remains a fact that they're peddling the best MMO-meth on the streets at the moment. Despite the alleged flaws people talk about, GTAO is a masterpiece of unprecedented vastness, depth, and ambition. Rockstar are the Heisenberg of the games industry, period.

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Say what you will, that Rockstar put out a shoddy product, you were cheated, violated, etc...

No matter what sort of shortcomings you find in GTAO, it remains a fact that they're peddling the best MMO-meth on the streets at the moment. Despite the alleged flaws people talk about, GTAO is a masterpiece of unprecedented vastness, depth, and ambition. Rockstar are the Heisenberg of the games industry, period.

I can't disagree with that statement...

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Say what you will, that Rockstar put out a shoddy product, you were cheated, violated, etc...

No matter what sort of shortcomings you find in GTAO, it remains a fact that they're peddling the best MMO-meth on the streets at the moment. Despite the alleged flaws people talk about, GTAO is a masterpiece of unprecedented vastness, depth, and ambition. Rockstar are the Heisenberg of the games industry, period.

I agree with the meth analogy... I am about over GTAO (grinding for cash is losing it's fun, being on the wrong console in the wrong timezone doesn't help) but I keep loading the pipe up...

I need someone to save me by telling me how great Fallout 3 is - I need to change my addiction...

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I agree with the meth analogy... I am about over GTAO (grinding for cash is losing it's fun, being on the wrong console in the wrong timezone doesn't help) but I keep loading the pipe up...

I need someone to save me by telling me how great Fallout 3 is - I need to change my addiction...

Load up your pipe and then pop in Fallout 3...it changed my life and how I think about gaming. Plus, no pesky multiplayer, just immersion in a beautiful, terrible world.

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I'm thinking a little bit the same - it's the beautiful world versus multiplayer, tearing all apart, making chaotic. Anyone has any intersting counter-example?

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