
Higher Education

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...I really want to go into medicine. Nursing appeals to me (NO HOMO) in particular. Rewarding AF.

Nothing homosexual about nursing at all. It's a male and female profession and a particularly important, honorable one at that.

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Been looking around and I'd like to try and get an internship with Google or Apple in the future.

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More studying and less poastering for you then lol, manage expectations, internships at google are extremely demanding on your academic life - it's probably easier to get a proper job at google these days than it is to intern.

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Well it never hurts to apply, even if I don't get it. There's many companies, but I'm sure Google would be very prestigious.

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I would look into investment banking again, a lot of it is getting automated and it isn't as easy as people think with long hours and most people struggle in it.

That said I did Economics at Uni and right now I work in an accounts/finance department. My degree doesn't help with anything related to work life although it did make me more aware in economics and politics. To think of it, the only thing that I studied that's actually relevant to what I do was probably my IT A level.

My best advice for you is to get experience in your field (which is easier said than done). Without experience you're basically fucked after Uni.

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I'm going to College of Southern Nevada for a Veterinary Technician degree, but I'm also quitting to go be a nomad in Europe. I just realized the job is not for me. However, when I return from my travels I'm going to go to veterinary school for my doctorate.

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I'm going to College of Southern Nevada for a Veterinary Technician degree, but I'm also quitting to go be a nomad in Europe. I just realized the job is not for me. However, when I return from my travels I'm going to go to veterinary school for my doctorate.

May I ask, if the job is not for you, why would you choose to spend more time and money on an advanced degree in that field?

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I have no idea what my future has in store, but the goal in the back of my mind is primarily to either find a good school in Europe, or to end up committing to a good veterinary school in America when I return (definitely not in Nevada)

I'm not the no-work, no-school type. I have too great an urge to move forward and learn new things. This is just me trying something new. Who knows, maybe it will change me completely.

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