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Save files not loading

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Apologies if there's already a topic about this (couldn't find one).

Its a bit odd - I accidentally dropped my copy of GTA V the other night (well the case to be exact but the disc was 'loose') and now I can't seem to load my single player save file. I made another save but I can't load that either. However, it still loads my autosave file and it still loads GTA Online without any problems.

There have been a couple of issues I've had with my PS3 failry recently where it didn't shut down/switch off 'correctly', so could it be that my save files have become corrupted or could it be due to the damage to the disc (although there's no scratches/scuffs)?

I can easily get the disc replaced if needs be as at launch GAME offered £1 disc cover - if it gets damaged they'll replace it for free (12 month cover).

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I've had this issue since the holiday gifts update. I've seen a couple posts about it from gamers on Rockstar Support but nothing from Rockstar themselves about it. I would've thought this would be a higher priority item.

For me, unplugging the internet before and during the loading sequence works (or did the last time I tried it) but I've seen some people say disconnecting the internet doesn't work either.

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Does this only happen with GTAV or with other games too?

Only with GTA V.

When I try to load one of my manual saves it just gets stuck on the artwork screen with the loading icon spinning round at the bottom - also the 'music' eventually stops playing.

Also, and I'm not sure whether this is related or not, but I can't invest in any companies with Michael on Bawsaq. I go to confirm my investment but it doesn't take any money out of Michael's balance, yet works ok for Franklin and Trevor.

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I had a similar problem. Yeah, something definitely broke when they did the holiday update. I raised the matter in a ticket to R* a few weeks ago, but never heard anything back. The problem seemed to fix itself for me not long ago, but it's disappointing that it seems to reappeared. I suggest getting on to Rockstar, and see if you get a better response/resolution.

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i have the same issue... the only way i can load a save is if i restart the game while offline... then it let's me... but once i do that, i can't load it again... like fitty said, this issue arose when they released the snow patch as that is the last one we've gotten...

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I've not noticed this happen to me. But i do have about 10 different save files, and i've backed up at least two onto a usb when i got a new PS3 in December.

I always load into single player to get to online, and i've made a couple of new saves from my autosave. Have you tried doing that?

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I've not noticed this happen to me. But i do have about 10 different save files, and i've backed up at least two onto a usb when i got a new PS3 in December.

I always load into single player to get to online, and i've made a couple of new saves from my autosave. Have you tried doing that?

Yep but still the same unfortunately. The only save file that will load is my autosave.

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I only seem to have this issue when signed into psn. If I log out before I attempt to load a different save, I don't seem to have any problem

Just tried that myself and it worked.

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