
Problems with images

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I'm having difficulty sharing a batch of images, and the internet doesn't seem to be helping me. Maybe this little corner of the interwebs can advise...

I edited and sorted 89 pictures, investing hours into the task. When I finished, I removed the memory card from the reader and reinserted it into the camera. On the camera, they showed up as black squares, marked with a question mark and an "Incompatible JPEG!" message. On the PC, they initially showed up as blank squares, but I was able to retrieve them. Regardless, they're unable to be shared; if I try to upload them to a hosting site, I get an "Unsupported Filetype" or a "Failed to save image" message. E-mailing the pics sends nothing but gray squares to the recipients. I can't even screencap them, because they get captured as pixelated blobs or blank fields.

I'm worried they might be corrupted...I didn't use the Safely Remove Hardware tool before removing the card.

I really want these pictures back, there's immense sentimental value to them.

Can anyone help?

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What kind of camera do you have?

Your best bet might be getting a card recovery software, I did this and it saved me once when I accdiently formatted the SD. If that doesn't work then remember to follow the world of photography's #1 rule, always back up originals.

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It would in most cases, while I can't garuntee anything (as even I ran the risk of losing it all) you'll most likely get everything back. These programs are meant for deleted and/or corrupted files.

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You probably actually saved them as .psp or whatever image editor you were using...

It actually saved it as. Image1.jpeg.psp. But windows sometimes cuts off file extensions, so it looks like image1.jpeg

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Also, if you type the file name as .jpg, the image editor will still want to save it in its own proprietary format... As the actual file type options are in a separate drop down menu that the file name.

Also, if you type the file name as .jpg, the image editor will still want to save it in its own proprietary format... As the actual file type options are in a separate drop down menu that the file name.

Can you open it in gimp?

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Yeah, I can open them in GIMP and Photo Viewer. I've tried opening them and re-saving them, then trying to share those. Nothing. I can't even upload them to Facebook, it just gets stuck early on.

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Im almost 100% certain that they are being saved as .gimp files.

Try saving one of them as a .bmp. But don't the .bmp, select it.

Apparently you have to use "export"

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Qd, I am positive I'm saving them as .JPGs. I'm aware of the drop-down list, where you manually select your file type. When you hit Save As in GIMP, it automatically takes you to the Export dialog, so that's not the issue, either.

I really hope I'm not fucked.

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If they were, they wouldnt open in gimp.

Ive had this problem before, in paint shop pro, and in that case, it was because, although they appeared to be saved as .png they were actually saved as .psp.

Either way, if he can open them in gimp, then resave them, they shouldn't still be corrupt.

Maybe their is something wrong with gimps compression for jpg files, so thats why im suggest bmps, which arent compressed.

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If the edited photos were loaded onto the card this is probably your problem as the camera can't read external changes.

Basically the info line could be changed, so yeah he can still view it in gimp but the photo itself is changed, making it unreadable to anything else. It's corrupted in other words.

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You can download a image file from a camera, take all the exif data out, and it still uploads to other web pages fine...

I'm trying a recovery software atm...oh, boy.

Did you try saving it as a .bmp?

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Yes, i know.

The wont let you upload .bmp's because they are very large.

What is the file size of the .bmp gimp created?

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What are the dimensions of the image, about

Also, i would use the windows search function, and search for .xcf files....

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The only recovery software you should be using is Recuva from

Having compared free [or pay software, recuva is free with more features if you pay] and paid solutions like wondershare data recovery, I've found no difference.

on recuva enable deep scan and when choosing where to save the files, save them to a folder that is not what you are recovering from [ie, dont recover TO sd card, recover to your hard drive instead] deep scan can and will take hours.

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He didn't loose the data, but only gimp can open it....

Something is wrong with how gimp encoded the jpg

Gunny, if they weren't personal pics upload a zip

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Tried that already, Cy. :( The software I'm using stops early on in the process, even if I cancel and retry.

Gunny, if they weren't personal pics upload a zip

They're personal, not the sort of thing I'd be free about sharing.

I called a camera shop early today, since they offer recovery services on the cheap...I'll bring the card in to them tomorrow to see what they can do.

Thanks for all the help, people. Y'all were kind to offer advice. <3

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