
I Got Married!

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inb4 gunsmith turns into a sentimental mother

Too late.

*puts on horn-rimmed glasses*

Bobbe, your momme is so proooooud. Nu, ven vill we see some children?!

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Anyone ever tell you that you look like a blonde younger version of William Dafoe? Because you totally look like a blonde younger version of William Dafoe.

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Anyone ever tell you that you look like a blonde younger version of William Dafoe? Because you totally look like a blonde younger version of William Dafoe.

nigga not everyone needs to look like somebody else, dafoe has nothing on beatnicpie.

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Y'all make me feel so damn cool.

And some back story for anyone who missed it before.

We met playing Red Dead Redemption's Co-op missions. Myself and two other guys had been playing through a few missions and doing alright. We were chatting and having a good old time. But then a GIRL joined the lobby before we started The Escape. First words out her mouth, "You're all going down, bitches. Check out my score," in a lovely Yorkshire (Northern England) accent. And she was right. Us men said not a word as she ran around killing everything and talking all kinds of trash. "You're all crap!" "Send a woman to do a man's job." "Donkey ball sucking noobs." That kind of thing.

Then, during The River, she got shot down at Crooked Toes. "I need a prick in the ass!" she cried out. I mustered all my courage, stepped up to her character and said, "I've got your prick right here," and revived her. She cackled loudly, and a great romance began...

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...and many assisted dirty jackals

What the devil is an "assisted dirty jackal"?

I'd have invited you all, but it was such a private ceremony that we didn't even invite family. In retrospect, keeping family away from our wedding, it was pretty much stress free. It also made running off to consummate the marriage super easy! :buttsecks:

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