Custom Capture Creations

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Custom Capture Creations has a nice alliteration to it.

My first, made in the same place as that Dam Race and that Dam Battle. Probably works a lot better as a capture. You can't set forced weapons yet for captures unfortunately. Kinda wipes out some of my ideas for it. Cause they are totally gonna get derailed by heavy weapons. But its cool making them. You set capture area, team respawn area and team start positions. The team respawn area is controlled by a big half sphere you can resize. No more putting down an ass load of spawn points like you have to do in deathmatches.

That Dam Capture



Bases on either side of the dam. First to capture 4 and holds them, wins. There is sniper cover back at each base and even a submarine to sneak by your foes.

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Jackal in the Parking Lot

GTA - 2 to 16 Players

http://rsg.ms/R7em1S <--add to game...

An odd car collector is in the market for Blue Jackals. He's hired 2 groups to hunt them down, and the team with the most Jackals gets the money shot!


...and so it began... my first creation :D... i had this idea the entire time, and i don't think this will be my last car capture match either... i learned a lot from just making this one, but the problem is, i didn't have any AI in the test lobby with me so i don't know how hot it's going to be around the car spawns... and i also learned quickly that you can't put a bunch of them on the map... i thought it would randomly select the location but instead it just plops all of them on the map at once so i had to cut it down to just 2 car spawns, otherwise it'd be way too easy to deliver cars...

either way, i'm curious to see how it tests in a live lobby... and it's not even really the jackal capture i wanted to create, so i might make new ones with the same theme... we've got months to perfect these matches, it doesn't hurt to at least put some out there to see what works and doesn't work...

i think this topic is going to be very interesting in the coming weeks ;)...

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yes sir :salute:



The Rooftop Rumble

Hold - 2 to 16 Players

http://rsg.ms/R7Q33S <-- add to game...

Armenians transporting Meth make an emergency landing on the Rockford Plaza Rooftop due to heavy gunfire from rival crews in pursuit. Fight off the Armenians AND your rival for the Meth in this Rooftop Rumble.


placing agressive NPC's adds a mission-esque feel to this match... the armenians infinitely respawn near the bags so it should make the battles for them a little more interesting ;)... i kind of want to see how that works in a full lobby too because i think we could easily set up themed events that pit crews vs crews fighting for objectives...

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Smugglers vs Yellowjacks


Grape Smugglers are trying to smuggle the Yellowjack's loot while the Yellowjacks are trying to smuggle the Grape Smugglers loot. Can the Yellowjacks out-smuggle the Grape Smugglers or will the Grape Smugglers smuggle to live up to their smuggling name...smuggle.


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right click on the job image (or hold down on mobile device) to steal the URL ;)... they FINALLY provided the easy path to the link, you used to have to inspect element or get source code... R* is finally simplifying the simple things it seems...

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I spent a good few hours on this last night after work. I had a few capture games planned out in the death match creator, so I had a goal as soon as I got in. Also, i tried to keep them small for now. I want some close combat rather than people driving half way across the map and back.

Here's my first creations, in this order:


Grade-A Spank!

2-16 players, Capture: Contend

The Triads are making moves in LS, trying to take a slice of the pie by distributing Spank all over the city. A deal is going down tonight at the harbour, so hit them where it hurts!

Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/1qE8ZBi


Import, Export

2-16 player, Capture: GTA

A shipment has arrived with some expensive imports. Swifty export these hot wheels before other organisations catch wind of it. And try not to be too careless with them, our buyer would appreciate them better if they were in one piece.

Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/1qE9LOT


Hustle In Tha' Hood

3-16 players (3 Teams), Capture: Raid

Tha' Families, tha' Ballas an' tha' Vagos 'r' always fightin' ova' paypa' 'n' nickel bags. Today 'doh', shyte got real!

Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/R8Ci4Q

I had so much fun making these. I love the Actor element, they really add mission quality to the captures. I still have a couple more to finish. But three seems like enough to post right now lol.

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leave it to dup to lead the pack in most created captures :lol:...

my ideas changed slightly once i dove into the creator... rooftop rumble was spur of the moment but i always had wanted to use that location for something... i would really like to put a mission there but a capture should suffice...

i got a couple more ideas i'll tinker with this weekend...

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Capture mode gives a lot more creative fun than the other modes. I don't like the test mode as you test it by yourself so can really see if its

really any good. Actors make it awesome.

WMD Procurement



Steal compact nuclear devices from one another so your team can sell them to Martin Madrazo. Caution should be used as powerful weapons are dotted around the base.

Add to the game http://rsg.ms/R9m0IR

1960 Muscle Theft



Ballas and the O.G. have been given a lucarative deal to steal 6 muscle cars. Each gang is not holding back in killing each other

Add to the game http://rsg.ms/R9lTwW

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Cluckin' Donkeypunch


Players: 2 to 9

Teams: 2

Game Mode: Capture (Raid)

Description: Take the tracks or the highway in Paleto Bay in this capture between the Clucking Bell plant and Donkeypunch Family Farm.


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Made a new one at the airport


Dirt on the Runway


The LSPD and FIB fight to gather implicating evidence. The evidence was leaked by Antiestablishmentarians who wish to see the teams take each other out. First team to gather enough evidence can lay the corruption charges on the other and save their own ass. Each Team HQ is located up the stairs and through the doors as seen in the photo.

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don't make many large ambient ped zones.

you game might freeze

there goes a fucking hour of work.

ps save often

I thought those zones were to clear out vehicles peds according to the discription. I think I should go re read that.

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that's what i was trying to do. found you can just turn them off altogether in options tho

Camping Out the Altruists



Your team is camping out the Altruist Cmp in their own makeshift bases. Your going in to steal their stash. Watch out for snipers and the rival team.

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I don't like how you can only have 20 weapons spawn locations makes it difficult to have weapons/health/armour drop offs. I don't get why you can't spawn all of the different only a few selected. Ace don't look at the muscle car spawns there's only 3.

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I more or less just put shit at team bases for ammo. Im fairly certian they are all owned weapons. so it matters little what guns you put around. we all use our own shit

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i have been severely disappointed in the capture creator thus far... both of my matches were kind of crap, and every idea i have is destroyed in the test mode when it fails to work... i have a feeling that my next one here isn't going to work as i want it to either..


Hookers and Jackals

GTA - 2 to 16 Players

http://rsg.ms/1qPzpQH <-- add to game...

The ladies of the night have snapped and gone on a crime spree. They stole my cars and are shooting at anyone who gets close. Try and bring the cars back in one piece, okay? It must be that time of the month, so proceed with extreme caution...


the concept is simple, two cars are driving around LS with hookers in them... they shoot at anyone who gets close and then speed off, begging you to chase them... it works brilliantly the first time you go after a car... the 2nd time? they spawn outside the car and shoot at you as you approach the now parked car... kill one? boom, they spawn inside the car and drive off with it...

fucking retarded...

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I think my best ideas are better off being saved for the mission creator (assuming that's ever going to happen. These things are basically just dumbed-down versions of Rockstar's tools, and they might not intend for all of them to be available to players), but I've got one stupid idea that might be fun as a capture.

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Finally got around to making a capture creation. Considering I'd only played 2 capture jobs before, it turned out ok.


Three teamed

3-16 players


A crew of hardened criminals have made off with a large sum of cash from Maze bank. The FIB and two rival gangs have learned of the location of each member,and have sent their best to claim it

There are 10 bags of cash guarded by 10 npcs. Hooker with a minigun and mime with a RPG are the hardest to deal with. I'll probably make some changes to weapon placement, cars etc.

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Made 3 new ones

Legion Square Capture



2 to 17






RAID Capture at the legion square. Only Transport in the close quarters capture is 10 bmx cycles on each side.


Another Dam Capture


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Contend: Two teams rush the middle of the dam to get the package. Another is located downstairs, inside the dam.


Construction Junction


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HOLD: Your duffel bags are stashed in the enemies base. 1 on each floor. Go get them while you fend off the other team from nabbing their bags from your base.

This last one is I dont think anything we have done yet. the bags near your base you can't collect. you go to the enemies base, they come to yours. Should be interesting

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Made another one. It's already the most ''popular" creation of mine (11 plays, 10 likes in less than a day :scooter:), which just shows that having a catchy title, not decent content, will get people playing your shit.


Evil Dead



escape the deadites. Works best with character weapons turned off (yeah, that ain't going to happen)

Players 2-9 (2 teams)

It's basically really simple. One team has to meet up with Ash (Epsilon dude 1. Looks just like him) at the Regina, and make it to the highway. Make it, and you win. The other team has to team up with the deadites (10 npcs armed with knives, clubs,and a couple with guns) to try and prevent this from happening. Or steal the car 3 times, because the capture creator isn't the best. The deadite team has the advantage of higher ground, but I kind of fucked up the spawns, so if the human team takes off in the car, it's hard to stop them if everyone is dead. I guess I can fix that at some stage. Anyway, play it with 4 or more people, and I think you'll enjoy it.

The capture creator is poo. Why can't I set a match to only use the weapons available on the map like in the deathmatch creator?

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played this one yesterday, needs some tweaking but it was fun as fuck

CONTEND: Bookend



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Race to the middle of the plaza for the capture objective. Team 2 has an easier sprint to the ground level bag, but team 1 has easier acess to the stairs to get the bag on the second floor. Head to the roof to provide cover fire. If your feeling bold, go for the furthest bag near the enemies side.


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