Custom Capture Creations

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check your settings there, dup... i think that was the one that had the score limit at 1 :lol:...

now that we can do forced weapons, i am continuing to tweak the format of melee only captures... this one should offer no advantage to either team as each base is a mirror of the other... the location provided that opportunity, something a lot of spots can't do ;)...



...You Loco?

Contend - 2 to 16 Players - 2 Teams

http://rsg.ms/1ocYPsw <-- add to game

The Vagos are getting ready to offload some product to an eager buyer. See if you can steal it before they load it up in their cars. Expect local resistance, you're in the wrong neighborhood, ese...

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Capturing Dirty Jackals



4 to 16






Race across El Burro Heights to be the first team to capture 3 Dirty Jackals. Watch out for Security Guards. Each base has a NPC Guard, however the Jackals do as well. INTENDED AS FORCED - PICK UPS!


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I have two new captures for you handsome people.


Salty Swagbag

2-16 players


Grab the Seaman's salty bag o' treasure. X marks the spot!



Bayview Brigand

2-16 players


You decide to play a prank and steal marshmallows from the other campers. They had the same idea. Things escalate quickly. STEAL EVERY LAST 'MALLOW!


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Hold: Symmetry



In the same location as the deathmatch, it is now a hold. The bags in the middle are for everyone to collect, but to get enough to win, you will have to venture to the other side.


Free Fruit



Be the envy of all hipsters by winning free iFruit phones. iFruit is holding the Free Fruit contest at Mirror Park. First team to deiliver 5 phones wins them.


stole a name from darth sexy/ death

Crystal Mountian



A drug deal went awry between the Ballas and Va gos. Battle your way up the mountian and reclaim the meth.


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This is my 100th Creation! Can't get enough of this shit.


The Humane Lab Survival

2-16 players


A team of lab techs have developed a deadly biovirus. This virus has incredible value on the blackmarket. Some wealthy people have organised a heist. Group 1 have to steal, whilst group 2 have to defend or take back these precious vials. There's one other problem, some of the scientist have been infected!


This Capture started off as a "heist", but after testing it out with a few people on the forums, we found that once you die, you're going to spawn outside of the complex....

..So, i changed it up a bit, and decided to make it a survival challenge instead.

The rules are simple:

Don't die, and try to survive waves of infected scientists as well as opponents.

Whilst surviving, obviously capture the cases.

If you die, you're eliminated from the survival challenge. Feel free to have shootouts with people on the surface whilst the survivors finish the game.

Works pretty well in my opinion.

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My first capture. This shit was fun to test.

LS Undead: They Do Expire


2-16 players

Contend Capture

Los Santos Undead. Your ragtag group of survivors has arrived in search of the last box of Meteorite bars in the whole universe. Unfotunately, you aren't the only ones looking. You might want to act fast, life's little Meteorite gauge is about to go... empty.


I didn't mirror the weapons on this one. They are where they are. The "zombies" spawn infinitely. It was very tense in testing, because it was just me, being chased by 10 respawning enemies. It was originally a melee match, but I replaced the melee weapons with AP pistols and sawed-off shotguns. If you guys try it out and it's too easy, let me know, and I'll change it back to melee.

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Scrap for Scrap


HOLD - 2 teams battle it out for scrap at Roger's Scrap. Get the scrap and protect it at your base. Some climbing required for certian scrap.


Coq Grabbers


You love the Coq, and wish to steal it from the customers of Cuckatoos and the Penal Colony. Go grab their Coqs. Be careful tho, they love the Coq too, and will protect it with their lives.


The Mower Is Slower


The Mower is Slower than you are on foot. You wont have any issue catching up and yanking you foes from the capture vehicle. Grab a BMX for faster travel.


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Killer Reality TV

Contend - 2 to 30 Players


http://rsg.ms/1d22a58<-- add to game


Want to play a game? 30 players. 2 teams. 20 prisoners. One Bag. Keep the audience entertained in this Reality TV Show, or you'll be the first sent home...


i was inspired by rockstar's latest batch of creator jobs... but since none of us ever play those, i thought i'd give this one a shot... it's not the same as theirs, but i got the idea from it.... instead of it being all spread out in grapeseed, it's confined to a very small arena... if it turns out to be too hard, i'll tone down the enemies, or if it's too easy, then i'll give them better weapons :lol:...

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You know what, i had a similar idea after seeing R*'s batch. We must think alike. Nice one. Lab Rat Survival was pretty similar, but i am thinking about making something else with NPC's.

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I tried to make this one into a sort of mission.

Human Trafficking


2-30 player vehicle capture

Forced & pickup

First person forced

Illegals have been shipped across the border. Your job is to take possession of the trafficking mule (boat), and set up the next deal, before the other gang gets there first.


So there's a trafficking situation down at raton canyon, and there's two gangs fighting to steal the trafficking boat to take to the next job. The aim is to manoeuvre the small yacht down to the target area whilst being shot at by the enemy. There is only one capture per round and first to 2 rounds wins.

Part of the fun is the struggle to getting that single capture whist being attacked. The key is to get one to drive and one to shoot, on both the yacht and the land vehicle. Hopefully it's balanced enough.

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