
High Life Update: Coming May 13

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No mistaking the zentoro for a Lamborghini elemento or whatever its called. Nice. Oh ffs.....I like it a lot. Mannnnn.

Sesto Elemento.

Yeah, it's a... Carbon... Copy :clap:

I'll show my self out.

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I don't know if affects everyone, but it seems that now when your car gets destroyed by another player, both players have to pay insurance. Hopefully it's just an oversight by R*, because I can't afford to be paying insurance all the time.

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Did they really have to make the topless/ roofed versions of the Coltic, Banshee, Sentinel etc a seperate purchase? Why can't it just be a $50,000 mod or something?

I'd really like to stop complaining about this update, but I keep noticing shit.

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Let's all spam R* to give us another double RP & $ weekend...sooner than later. And make it last all weekend, not just until midnight Saturday.

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yea, $3M goes pretty fast with this update... i even sold some of my cars for good $$$ but i still went down over $3M in expenses when the smoke cleared... i still have a few more cars to mod, a couple more to sell like my sentinel convertible since it is now purchasable... and i still want the hardtop manana too..

The Zentorno is hideous.

i'm usually on board with this thought as every supercar released looks like shit... however, this one looks badass, and it's that view from the back that gets me... i bought one for my 2nd character, i just had too...

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Well they've certainly fucked up Rooftop Rumble! Can't complete it now as it always comes up "Mission Failed: Document was destroyed" even though it wasn't...

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Let's all spam R* to give us another double RP & $ weekend...sooner than later. And make it last all weekend, not just until midnight Saturday.

This. When did Rockstar start observing the Lord's Day?

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with the "heists" coming soon, i doubt there will be one before then... if we're gonna make money doing them, then there won't be a immediate need for 2x weekends... unless they pay shit and everyone starts bitching :lol:...

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