
GTA V PS4, xbOne, PC!

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Alas got the game loaded and updated.  So far so good, no glitches or freezes etc and the graphics look great.  (hoursss to install haha) Time to wreck this bitch a little bit, and play thru some missions.  I'll give an initial impression after a couple days worth of play.

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Alright so after a few days of playing around (and only a few missions haha mostly just playing around and checking out new vehicles and the map) My initial impression of the game is GOOD, well better than good.  Despite the long ass download for the "patch" and after everything updated (a couple more smaller patches too?) the game has run very smoothly and hasnt crashed/dumped yet.  I even messed around with the video editor which seems to be really cool.  (although havent dove in all the way yet) Some things of note about it I wish would be addressed with a mod, or with a patch.  


Perhaps make the draw distance and camera placement distances to be about twice as long as they are currently in the video editor mode.  (so that rendering distance is even farther than currently, and camera placement can be made further away from the player, perhaps twice as far or more (why is it limited for video editor?) 


Game play is awesome, havent found any map glitches yet either.   After another week or so of gameplay I'm writing up a longer article about this that might be a bit more indepth with some more info and possible suggestions for R* or modders!

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Yeah the video editor leaves a lot to be desired for me. You'd think they would make placing/copy/pasting clips in the timeline easy like 99% of video editors... It seems like they made it for a console user and not solely for PC. The Mission Creator-style menu system is a bit annoying as well. Again it seems like they made it for console use.

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^^^ Yes, a copy and paste from project to the next would be nice too.  (or being able to save the camera positions in a clip, and reopen that in another project)  Basically once you finish with a clip, you can either add to it or leave it there.  You cannot copy one scene into another project window which makes putting together longer movies quite a paint in butt.

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The mapping and texture work, world detail/character details are really good in this game.  You can tell R* spent a lot of time working on the world and world effects in this.  Seems like a well refined version of the GTAIV engine.


After playing around with the editor a little more I did also notice that it has some cool new options to the free camera mode which I like a lot. I still wish the distance could be much longer on camera positions (moving them farther away from the player than is currently allowed would rock) Some of the camera movements and presets are cool also. 

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Anyone else having problems getting social club to register videos that are rendered and uploaded to youtube on PC version?   I can make the vids just fine, and they upload but they never register as uploading.  (social club doesnt see them, and inside of the game it says "upload failed try again")  Yet, its on youtube and plays just fine.     <<< this was uploaded through the game and is on youtube live now but in the game it says "upload failed" and doesnt show up on social club etc.

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"Your upload to youtube has failed"


And the fuckin video is up again at youtube.  So frustrating man.  I love to make videos in GTA, and now this?  About to just close the damn game and leave it lol.


Like really.


So yeah, here's teh video that the game uploaded, yet didnt make it on social club. Again.  (this has happened each time i have tried, and my slow ass connection takes hours to upload shit, im seriously frustrated)  About to say fuck this game lol.

Edited by River

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I've not got the PC version but The Socialclub has always had problems wih uploading, especially around peak times or when there's an event/DLC. Also, is there a limit to the amount of GB you can upload to the SC, because there's a 69 image limit on Consoles.

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The weird part is, the vids made it up to youtube just fine.  So why not on social club? So weird... also, they have the social club tag on the youtube vids at the bottom?  (it links to my profile which has NO VIDEOS!!! LOL)  Very frustrated as someone who loves to make GTA videos and would love to share them on social club haha.


(check the text on both of these 1 and 2) <<< social club links, and video on youtube - NOT ON SOCIAL CLUB? :D


Both of those were uploaded through the game console (PC version) and after completing said "upload to youtube failed".  Yet there they both are, complete and full on youtube with the social club links.

Edited by River

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I dont wanna make it sound like I hate the game, I love it! I just hate the things that arent working right because I love the game so much!  The work on the modeling/world is really amazing.  Really my only complaints have been the way they released PC version, and just a few bugs with this video editor. (mostly, camera distance away from player would be really nice!!! like 2 or 3 times as far or unlimited so that you can do more creative camera work and better views on fast moving things.)  So pretty much, very limited complaints about the actual game, and its playability/graphics/storyline etc.

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If it's any consolation, River, we've all been having that love/hate relationship with GTAV since it came out on console. The game itself is great, but the interface with Social Club has left much to be desired - everyone has had problems with stuff stored on the cloud - playlists, custom jobs, photos, emblems, cars etc...and now add videos to the mix.

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Quick question... do the peyote plants show up for all protags?  And does each plant spawn for each player?  Or are there 27 plants and that's it?


Me and my 9 year old daughter are going on a peyote hunt....

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