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I'm Not a Hipster Update (1.14)

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One concern I have with heists is it has been speculated that job points will play a role in them but if, after mission/playlists it separates everyone. The only people with jp are the ones who haven't switched sessions.

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All gang attacks are paying out well. I'm getting $8k per gang attack every few minutes going from one gang attack to another, in a solo lobby. I made about $50k in half hour.

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I got lucky last night and martin sent me nothing except mixed up with coke. Went from 77 to 80 in less than two hours.

Also, I got a SC message saying "Jizzy has fumbled a heist."


The reason I didn't have my mic on last night was because I was trying to get my 5 week old baby to sleep in my arms whilst plating GTAO xD not because I'm antisocial. Oh and fuck you for slamming my blade off the freeway in that hipster vintage race last night!

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I'm not getting any bonus RP or cash for gang attacks. It's the only vaguely useful bonus for the entire event, you'd think they could ensure that it's working. I've tried the new gang attacks, and several of the old ones, and I'm not getting the bonus for any of them.

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It isn't. I'm still getting the usual $2000 per crate. And if I am indeed getting the RP bonus, then there was never any reason to do gang attacks before, because I'm only getting 500 RP for them, meaning the RP was nearly nonexistent before the event weekend.

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^It is.

Did you mean $2000 per gang attack? Cause if not that's around $10Gs each gang attack... which is quite a bit.

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"Potshot" is incredibly easy, thanks for that one! A solo grind of the playlist of 5 iterations takes under 30 mins and will pay a little over $50,000 total, along with something like 6500 RP (difficulty set to Hard). There are jobs that offer more of both, I'm sure, but I'd rather play a mission I can pass every time, even with my... limited skill set.

At the start of the mission, drive up the hillside until you can see enemies below. Snipe someone - anyone - then head back down near where you spawned. The van will come around the bend and sniping the driver is pretty easy on foot as he approaches, or spray him with a SMG from behind if you need to give chase. Deliver the van, and don't worry, no one is chasing you.

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I just shot the two guys at the bridge and waited for the van to bump my car (which was parked sideways across the road) and get stuck. The other guys at the weed farm never even shot at me.

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I just drive up a little past the dirt track and then drive up the ditch until I get to the other side of the objective. And then take out half the guys inside and the trucks that arrive then clear out the place and leave the same way I cam in so I don't get heat from the other enimies vehicle on the way out

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We did it last night, similar method...shoot the two guys at the entrance, wait for the van to drive out, snipe the driver, rinse, repeat. The only wrench in the works for the 5-in-a-row playlist was the van was still in Trevor's garage from the previous playthrough, so one or two of us would drive straight to the garage to blow it up ahead of driving the new one into the marker.

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