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yuup, some promotional stuff leaked out today for an upcoming entertainment magazine article... to be honest, i got super excited when i heard they were going to continue to the story of max rockatansky... so far from what i am gathering from the internet is that it takes place in between mad max and the road warrior... so perhaps it's delves more into why he began to wander like he did... and it's before he becomes the lone wanderer, so there's a good chance that everyone dies in this, lol :lol:...

anyways, it's not due out until next year but i thought i'd share some of the stuff that hit the net today... we can always let this topic drift away for a couple of months and revisit it once we get closer...but i am a huge mad max fan, and i couldn't be more thrilled with the two leads... tom hardy is just the perfect choice, and charlize theron is one of the best female actresses ever... when she does a role, she becomes the role... and she's still one of the hottest people on this panet :drool:... although, from the pics i am am about to post, she is never afraid to look unpretty :lol:... and she seems to be missing an arm too... but, it looks like mad max, and it's the same director... it's a recipe for success IMO...

anyways enjoy, discuss, dissect, etc... do your thing...



EDIT: aww, the image links are dead :(... but you can see 'em in the link there...

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I'll be watching this on IMAX 3d the wenesday after it is released

I would like to see "a boy and his dog" made into a movie...

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34 reviews are in for fury road, and it currently holds a 100% RATING ON ROTTEN TOMATOES!!


i read some of them today at work, it sounds like this movie is about to blow all action movies ever out the water... every review i read talked about how magnificent the chase was, and really, this movie sounds like 20 minutes of talk, and 1 hour and 40 minutes of pure adrenaline!! usually there's skeptic people, people that don't particularly like the genre, or acting, or what-have-ya... but everyone seems to be on board with this one... everyone seems to think this will go down as one of the best action movies in history... apparently george miller has done it again :lol:...


i can't fucking wait now... what a lovely day it'll be!! i'm hoping to catch it sometime this weekend... probably sunday...

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Really? The trailers they're showing make it look like a rediculously poor acting 1980s flashback...

I was considering skipping it. I think I'll reconsider...

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well this isn't a movie about the acting, if that's what you're looking for... the characters don't really say much (just like the older movies, max hardly ever says shit lol), and yea, some of the reviews said the acting isn't really there, but they say it's not really needed anyways... charlize theron is the main character, surprisingly, in this too, and she holds her own, as she should... she's one of the best female actresses ever IMO... but this is a movie all about the carnage, the unforgiving world these people live in... it's all about the chase... and it's a film that said fuck CGI and made the vehicle combat real instead of chasing around a camera showing you what you're suppose to see... the last big blockbuster action film i could remember that ditched a lot of CGI was dark night rises, and that felt pretty real...


avengers is mostly CGI, i haven't seen it yet, but i know the action will pail in comparison... if you like action movies, apparently this is the film of the summer blockbuster season that is a must see...

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Of course avengers is mostly CGI.... how else would you have a giant iron man and a big green monster fight? Lol

But Mad Max does look amazing and the reviews have been great so far. Will see it.

Edited by Bronson
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but it's pretty much the theme of hollywood these days... people are gushing over the action in mad max because it's a throwback to how it used to be... when you wrecked a hundred cars in a movie to make it feel grounded in reality... even movies like fast and furious rely heavily on CGI, which to me is kind of silly...

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so, your saying this won't be cgi?

I didn't notice the cgi in avengers, so I'd say that was done pretty well.

cgi or lack of cgi doesn't make a difference to me..l

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Of course avengers is mostly CGI.... how else would you have a giant iron man and a big green monster fight? Lol

By donating money to useful causes, instead of cancer research and charity.

If we don't have radioactive mutants and giant robot suits by 2025, humanity has failed as a species.

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i like the avengers, and the marvel movies as a whole, but i can clearly spot the CGI... it's sooo close to being real that in another year or so, i will have a harder time noticing it... but the crashes and destruction in fury road are real, no computer animated particle shards flying around, it's the actual car being dismantled...

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It's actually cheaper to weld a bunch of scrap metal to a car and blow it up than it is to hire a team of people to do CGI crashes and explosions. Which is fortunate, since blowing shit up is a lot more fun.

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they spent over $150M on this film, but that's also factoring in numerous delays... this film has been in the works for what seems like 10 years... so considering those numbers, they're actually doing pretty good... john carter (which i loved BTW) cost disney $250M to make, and for some reason it bombed...

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i just saw it a couple hours ago... it was pretty fucking bad ass... it's the humorous touches that surprised me because of all the talk about the nonstop action.... it's ridiculous and knows when to poke fun at it every now and then...

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