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L.A. Noire

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Guest Marney1


Hey guys,

With the release of L.A. Noire coming next week, we wanted to address a question we've received from a few of you in the past regarding posting gameplay videos to YouTube. In order to preserve the experience for everyone playing the game, any videos posted on YouTube (or any other video sharing sites) that show cut scenes, parts of cases or full walkthroughs will be subject to removal. Additionally, any unauthorized pre-release video footage that may happen to surface in these few remaining days before the game is officially in stores will most certainly be removed as well.

Please feel free to pass along this message to the members of your respective communities. Let them know that if they see any unauthorized videos or have any questions, the contact e-mail address is [email protected]. As always, if you have any questions please let us know.


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pfft this guy was nit picking and bitching like he just wanted it to be heavy rain. Saying they tied in too many traditional game play elements. If they didnt do that it would pretty much be heavy rain. It's a heavy rain type/gta crossover.

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i've read some really good reviews today... i don't even bother with IGN anymore, they are very biased these days... but the others i read tend to get hung up on how easy the game can be with all the hints and keys...

here's a roundup of reviews;

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Dear Mr Ferriday,

Order number(s): 08968478/P

I am delighted to let you know that your Preorder for L.A. Noire (with 'The Naked City' case) is now being processed subject to successful payment being taken from your credit card when it is dispatched. The order will be despatched by your chosen delivery method in time to reach you for the day of release.

By using the GAME 1st To Play Preorder Service you have ensured that you will be among the first people to receive L.A. Noire (with 'The Naked City' case), and we are confident that you will be happy with the order, our service and our speedy delivery!

Well woo.

I wonder if anyone preordered under the misapprehension that 'the Naked City' was a cheat code that removed everyone's clothes. :D

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i did...

so, i'm going to the midnight launch tonight... i might not get to play it much tomorrow so i guess i am trying to sneak a couple hours in tonight... doing some light construction work on my bathroom tomorrow and my parents will be here so i won't be getting high either... lots of factors played into this...

thankfully i have this new ipod gadget to help pass the time because it's extremely boring standing there... i don't like chatting with strangers, so angry birds to the rescue!!

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what?! i've seen 2 bushes already!! first two missions into the homicide desk, 2 bushes...

ohh, and i won the frikin' LA Noire display cutout for apparently being 7th in line... WTF am i suppose to do with that?? i'm going to feel like a nerd walking out of the store with that in a couple of weeks...

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ohh, and i won the frikin' LA Noire display cutout for apparently being 7th in line... WTF am i suppose to do with that?? i'm going to feel like a nerd walking out of the store with that in a couple of weeks...

Lol! Cheeky bastards, it means they don't have to fill their bin up by throwing it away. Instead they let you "win" it and get you to dispose of it for them. I bet the person who was 8th in line won the cardboard outer boxes the games were shipped in.

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i am pretty sure this is a scene from a mission i just completed... it's hard to see it in this screen but the victim was brutally murdered and completely naked... you can't examine the bush, that's for the coroner to investigate :P...

it's fun, but it does feel a little different than the usual R* game... the world does not feel like the RAGE engine from RDR and GTAIV at all, instead it's more in line with perhaps the saboteur, which also could be because they are the same era as well... it's not spectacular to look at (the world), but it's very effective... i haven't been to downtown LA yet, haven't really explored much to be honest... but it does look awesome at night...

reading people is kind of hard to do, and trying to pin someone when you know they are guilty is tough to do without the evidence... but the game doesn't let you fail if you mess something up, you just get a diminishing score at the end of the case, and less answered questions, leading to a bunch of holes that will probably bother you until you replay the mission and try things different...

the faces look awesome though, great acting and you can really really read some of these people pretty well... others are better at playing hardball and it makes it tougher to get the answers you want from reading someone... but, it's effective and quite the challenge...

it's a constant mash-up of drive here (or let your partner drive), snoop around, interrogate suspects and witnesses, drive here, chase someone/tail someone/fight someone, follow up on other leads, build a lineup of suspects, drive there, snoop around some more and then some more, then arrest or maybe kill someone in the end... so in that sense it's just about as repetitive as any other R* game :lol:...

it's the whole detective thing though that gives the game a fresh coat of paint... feel's fresh and different, yet mundane and repetitive because hey, police work is the same thing in and out everyday... it's how you reach your conclusion that differs... you're always going to be investigating, chasing/fighting, checking crime scenes and locations for clues, driving, following leads, and doing it without violence 75% of the time...

i like it...

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the graphics, in case anyone got the wrong idea about what i said when i stated "it's not spectacular to look at (the world), but it's very effective..." i was only talking about taking in the city as a whole... when you enter locations and look thru stuff, it's very rich in detail... there's always a bunch of things lying around... some can't be picked up, some can...

every location is rich in detail, it's just the city itself seems adequate, gets the job done... i see things that bug me and i see things that look great... it's a mixed bag, and it's starting to feel more like mafia II design rather than the saboteur to be honest... but at least it's got more going for it than mafia II did, that game got pretty boring after a while...

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can't install it, it tried to access the store and froze my PS3 when i tried it the first time i fired up the game... i haven't tried it since but i am sure that it's not possible... even the PS3 exclusive traffic case is downloaded as well so that's not playable either... kinda sucks but it did say you can play the DLC whenever you want, after it's been installed... not sure if you have to beat the game first or not... but it definitely won't be available by the time i do beat the game, that's for sure...

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