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L.A. Noire

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I found the "Bullshit!" part funny... I don't know why. Maybe because it's so true to the game. :lol:

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Took a walk through Manhattan today and passed by R*HQ (been a while). I noticed L.A. Noire logo stickers on the curbs of every street corner for about 10 blocks around. They were stuck on other things in between too (newsstands, basement doors, etc).

Just thought I'd share. :)

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Guest Marney

Took a walk through Manhattan today and passed by R*HQ (been a while). I noticed L.A. Noire logo stickers on the curbs of every street corner for about 10 blocks around. They were stuck on other things in between too (newsstands, basement doors, etc).

Just thought I'd share. :)

A R* (or Team Bondi, can't remember) dev tweeted a photo of one on a kerb (curb) saying "Guess where I am?" - sent him that pic of R* HQ you took.

Found it:

Same guy spent quite a while looking round Yosemite National Park taking LOTS of pictures too. :unsure:

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Sydney-based development studio Team Bondi, the company behind L.A Noire, has been placed into administration.

The appointment comes after a rough few months for the studio, which has been rocked by allegations of unsatisfactory working conditions and claims Rockstar was unlikely to publish the developer's next game. Complaints from former employees who were not acknowledged in the credits of the company's blockbuster debut game compounded things further.

According to 'Smart Company' documents filed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission indicate Team Bondi went into external administration on August 30.

The appointment comes just weeks after the business was rumoured to be selling assets and non-L.A. Noire intellectual property to filmmaker George Miller's studio KMM.

A source close to the company has indicated to us that, after a deal for the studio's next game fell through, employees of Team Bondi have been folded into KMM and its Dr D Studio division and that they are currently assisting with Happy Feet Two.

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I was going to say, team bondi were in admin, but you beat me to it Jamie :)

Looks like Rockstar Games had this on the radar way before the release of the game, that's why they didn't make them R* Sydney.

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So they went from making a mediocre detective game for one of the greatest game companies of all time, to working on a fucking cartoon penguin movie. Fail, hard fail.

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Guest Marney1

I knew about this a while back because I keep in regular contact with certain devs (amongst the first lot of names in the L.A. Noire credits) but couldn't say anything as nothing was certain at the time.

Last thing I was told though was that they still have some interesting stories to tell.

Edit: Anyone hear about T2 getting sued over similar allegations?

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Guest Marney1

Dear Dunce,

We already have a L.A. Noire topic, remember?



PS: /merged

LOL I knew you'd merge it.

Also, had no offers to buy - any takers at $1?

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Guest Marney1

FFS! This isn't part of the 'Rockstar Pass'.


I bought this fine on the Rockstar pass...?

It wants about £4 off me.

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Guest Marney1

I did buy my R* pass on release. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Probably, I left it until a few weeks ago. I can just never bother adding funds to my PSN account, dunno why really because you don't really have to do anything. Maybe it's the thought of paying for something that will ultimately end up costing me money for 30 minutes play. It's only pennies but I feel slightly conned.

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Somebody want to allude to why LA Noire runs like utter dogshit? God awful FPS (5-8FPS) when I exceed the requirements.

4GBs of ram, E5400 and a Radeon 5770.

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Guest Marney-1

Somebody want to allude to why LA Noire runs like utter dogshit? God awful FPS (5-8FPS) when I exceed the requirements.

4GBs of ram, E5400 and a Radeon 5770.


I'd have a look through the Rockstar Support L.A. Noire section for answers before tearing your wig off.

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FFS! This isn't part of the 'Rockstar Pass'.


I bought this fine on the Rockstar pass...?

It wants about £4 off me.

i thought that was standard on all PS3 versions?! or perhaps it was only available for pre-ordered PS3 versions... whatever the "case", i had that mission day 1, but i did have to enter a code to unlock it...

EDIT: wow, it's only a few post back, but it's from last fall :lol:...

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FFS! This isn't part of the 'Rockstar Pass'.


I bought this fine on the Rockstar pass...?

It wants about £4 off me.

i thought that was standard on all PS3 versions?! or perhaps it was only available for pre-ordered PS3 versions... whatever the "case", i had that mission day 1, but i did have to enter a code to unlock it...

EDIT: wow, it's only a few post back, but it's from last fall :lol:...

Damn, it's been that long! I might have a play through this game, i can't remember if a friend still has it though.

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Guest Marney-1

I ended up buying it from the Playstation Store.

I'll be playing this through again in black & white once the missus has finished her play-through. She still hasn't finished it and doesn't know how it ends, she thinks Phelps could be the killer or might even whack Roy Earl. I've had over 12 months to spoil it for her but I'm not a cunt plus she loves the game.

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