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L.A. Noire

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so does the pass pay for all and upcoming DLC?? or is that like the EA sports pass where it only grants access to the items?? if it's $10 for the whole lot, i'll buy it... but if not, i'll just buy a few things and that's that... i am not spending $4 a piece for an hours worth of fun... or maybe i will... i dunno, i don't like it though...

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While we can't yet answer all of your questions, the Rockstar Pass does give you all the downloadable content listed above for 50% off

So if you want it all then get that. If not, just pick and choose.

For anyone still struggling, I've now done:

Assigned Cases

Street Crimes



Film Reels

Many of which have maps. I'll eventually do a map for the hidden vehicles, but not many of them have an actual fixed location which makes it sort of pointless :(

Just got 100% in the game too :D

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^ Congrats. I'm on my last Trophy which is to get 5 stars on all cases. It's been a slow process though, I've only been doing like 2 cases each evening. I wanna play the new cases asap!

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The pass will cover all revealed DLC so far, including up coming new cases. If it's only $10/whatever in £, for a limited time, I think I may get it. Even though I already have the Naked City and the Badge Pursuit waiting for me, the rest of the content should still add up to more than $10 which makes the pass still worth a purchase... I'll wait until the PSN store is up before i make my final decision, but that does sound like a good deal.

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i dunno... i guess i ought to sell my "naked city" and "badge pursuit" code for $5 on ebay and just buy the pass... i wouldn't of even pre-ordered if i would of known this was going to happen... now i got a code that's pointless...

anyone wanna buy my code for $5??

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ooooooooooookaaaaaaaay... so what am i suppose to do with this monstrosity?! i can't find a place for it in my house... i might remove the background and cut off the may 17 bottom and put it up on the wall... or sell it on ebay, but how the hell do you package it??

me thinks cutting it up and putting it on the wall is my best option...

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aww, ain't she cute?? :wub:... i might have a potential local buyer so i wouldn't have to figure out how to ship it... however, i did get this as a reward for being at the midnight launch so maybe i might go thru with cutting it up and putting it on the wall, like an animal head as a trophy...

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It says a lot about me that I said "DO WANT" for the cat rather than the cutout. In my defense, I've read that Lucifer was rather fond of cats himself, so I suppose that maintains my evilness...

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plus i got a calico, they are great hunters which means she hunts her toys, lol... it's fun to watch her stalk her toy prey... she's good with the spiders and bugs as well... she likes to hunt...

i've decided to cut it up and put it on the wall... the stand, not the cat...

EDIT: nah, i've decided to mount it (that's what she said) on the wall in my spare bedroom without cutting it up... i do have the wall space but, it's also kind of a good place to put it right now until i figure out what i really want to do with it... it's more of a storage room and kitty essentials room... but my cat keeps staring at it and testing it's abilities... i better get it off the floor before she has every corner worn and with bite marks...

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I finished it yesterday...

Another lead protagonist bites the dust, eh? Phelps was a douche, though. I preferred Kelso. Actually, every time I heard Kelso's name mentioned in the game, I kept expecting Ashton Kutcher's smug face to appear. :lol:

Also, homicide dragged on for far too long, and the bartender's motives weren't revealed. It sucked having to put away all those dudes when you could tell the killer was still on the loose after a couple of cases. Really, the story didn't kick off until you got to vice. A waste of time, imo.

Overall, the game was good, not great. I think the open world should be scrapped if there is a sequel.

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Has anyone been able to download any L.A. Noire dlc yet? I managed to download some free dlc which i can't seem to find in game yet (Chicago Piano weapon) :unsure: . I did that through he main store. I can't even get past the "Retrieving Catalog Data" screen when trying to access it through the game. PSN is still having fits atm though, maybe i should wait...

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just got my pre-ordered dlc after a few attempts of entering the code, think this will be the only one i down, the cases are over a gigabyte each, dont think so lol. ones enough for me

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i am downloading LA noire stuff right now... YES!!! too bad i have to go to work soon :(...

seriously though, if one of you aren't interested in getting the R* pass but would like to play the naked city and do the badge collecting, let me know... i might be willing to part with it for free... if i get enough interest, i'll create a little competition ;)...

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Well I just tried my free content redeem code and it failed. Dunno if it's to do with the crappy store errors at the moment or not. Either way I'm not too bothered as I'm getting the Rockstar pass anyway. But I was hoping to get the naked city a little earlier... as I'm not gonna even try to pay for and download the pass until the store is working correctly.

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yea, it timed out a couple of times when i was trying to put funds in my account... i hope it doesn't double charge me on my credit card, lol, i'll have to look at the statement... but everything seems to be downloading just fine right now... my code for the counsel's car traffic case worked fine... that actually timed out too but, it saved it in my downloads section so i went there to download it...

but now i have to go to work :(... i'll check it out tonight i guess...

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I finally managed to download the pass and all the dlc a couple of hours ago. Just started playing 'Slip of the Tongue' atm, pretty standard mission so far. They managed to drop the "GTA" word. lol

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that could be the slip of the tongue they are talking about :lol:... anyways, i am holding off on playing the DLC because i got the chance to snag the new fallout DLC, and i've been itching to play that... i'll get to the LA Noire stuff this weekend for sure :D...

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