
Independence Day Update (1.15)

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not really

then you could put on passive mode and run people down and they would have no chance to fight back

if your in passive and in car they figure you can just run away then find a spot to get out of your car. its not a perfect system but its the only way. perhaps they can introduce non-contact passive mode. it would make you a ghost.

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I mounted the curb at about 40 (as I so often do), and did a wheelie for about 20 feet. It's never done that before. Any other bump did the same, to a lesser extent. When I first got it, even before dropping the suspension, it never bounced like that.

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I've noticed a couple of things in the creator tools:

2 new barriers: single & double highfence gates.

1 new dynamic prop:

Destructible barrier.

There is no monster truck in races, but R* have made a Rock Crawler style race called "Mud, sweat & Gears". (It's fun)

I also noticed some weird blank options under race details, including minimum player rank to partake.

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I also noticed in the creator you can now give a gunsweeper (tommy gun) to actors in captures. but still cant place them for players

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Gathered up a couple friends and split into teams, one in blue tailcoats the other in red. Went to a hilly area outside the city where you could only see grass. Someone splayed some fife and drums, marched at one another, lined up, and fired our muskets without moving until one team was left.

Was just fucking around but it was pretty fun :lol:

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I would suggest something like that but the voice chat on ps3 is such a clusterfuck I'd have to be "that guy",the "attention whore" to get any suggestions I had out there.

But on topic I was having fun just messing around with the monster truck and how many stars I could go with a musket.riveting good fun ol' chap.

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why do rpgs and miniguns turn to pistols. and the placeable peds with guns end up weilding pistols only? fun way to rig the cops killed system with enabling god mode in testing the deathmatch and capture.

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What's the price tag on the monster truck? I got to fuck about with it in sp but online wouldn't load.

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It is satisfying to drive around. But it's not as if you're able to take it into races, so what's the point... I'll just play with it offline until they decide to add it to Off-road race class.

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probably a limited release thing... again, i can't voice my opinion on the matter yet because i have yet to drive it... it looks fun, but i don't know if the pricetag makes it worth it, especially if there's no other uses besides freeroam shenanigans...

anyone pick it up with the cargobob yet? can you stand on top of it while driving?

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Good point dup. If it's like the Roosevelt then it will still be accessible in sp after the "limited time". Maybe I'll save my fake internet money for something else.

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Thanks for the updates on The Liberator. Well, I just had a mess around with it on SP, and to be honest, I think the novelty for me would wear off very quickly, and certainly not worth spending over 700k on.

I had no idea until just now that the Roosevelt was still available to drive in at least one form of the game, really must check out the character's "special vehicles" more often. I'm beginning to agree with others who believe that this "limited time" thing is just a ruse by Rockstar to get people to believe that they're missing out on something special, and for them to go crazy in buying Shark Cards as a result.

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I can finally live in Sandy Shores, but I have to narrow my cars down to 8 to do so. I already dropped from 20 to 12 when the hipster update came out.

I did this. It's not like I was driving my dune buggy or Injection, anyway. Or my spare Akuma.

The Rhapsody was the tough choice, but I eventually take every drive off-road, and the Mirthmobile just couldn't hang in that scenario.

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It is satisfying to drive around. But it's not as if you're able to take it into races, so what's the point... I'll just play with it offline until they decide to add it to Off-road race class.

probably a limited release thing... again, i can't voice my opinion on the matter yet because i have yet to drive it... it looks fun, but i don't know if the pricetag makes it worth it, especially if there's no other uses besides freeroam shenanigans...

anyone pick it up with the cargobob yet? can you stand on top of it while driving?

You guys can just pay for it from the GTA$1m you're bound to win in the Snapmatic competition...

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lol, i already have a couple trending pics, but i don't think they're even good to be honest :P... but after driving the monster truck around in single player, it is pretty fun... however, it is certainly not worth the price tag so i will have to mull over the decision for the next couple of weeks... i am just not sure i want to waste nearly a million on it...

the bike sucks... if it were more customizable, it'd be fucking sweet... but the saddle bags and storage box are gaaaay and i wish i could remove them... and with only having the american flag livery just tells me that i'd get bored with this bike reeeeaaal quick...

the clothes are cool tho, the musket is cool... i didn't get to try the new rocket launcher, but i did buy some fireworks and tried them out during my quick 20 minute session... i should of bought more variety :lol:...

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