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Well, i would argue that spending more on game development would make it easier to get into the game industry, as it means more jobs in the game industry.

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Well, i would argue that spending more on game development would make it easier to get into the game industry, as it means more jobs in the game industry.

It makes it more difficult for start-ups and especially mid-sized companies.

GTA V cost more to make than Capcom has in the bank. They can't compete with that.

Obviously Take-Two would have all that money anyway. If you want jobs, not spending it all in one place would be better.

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A good company will just make the best game they can and not worry about how much the competition's game cost to make. And cost aside, the game industry has gotten lazy, anyway. What Rockstar did is going to make the lazy developers look bad, and if those developers are smart, they'll step it up and make something worth playing. Raising the bar as much as GTA V has will only lead to good things.

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A good company will just make the best game they can and not worry about how much the competition's game cost to make. And cost aside, the game industry has gotten lazy, anyway. What Rockstar did is going to make the lazy developers look bad, and if those developers are smart, they'll step it up and make something worth playing. Raising the bar as much as GTA V has will only lead to good things.

No, no, no.

Cost is everything. Videogames are a business. If costs aren't controlled, then that's a horrible thing. And I don't think Rockstar tried to control costs that much. It's fiscally irresponsible and it's setting a bad precedent.

But talk more about this lazy developer thing, because that could be an interesting topic but you need to talk more about it.

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Super-top-secret insider business magic follows:

Nobody will buy your shit when everything you have is available for free at sites like ours and YouTube.

But good luck with your venture anyway. You'll need it.

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Google has that stuff for free

Also, that website looks straight outa 1998. Good work.

Online Guide for Grand Theft Auto V


This Is Not Some

Lame "Ebook" Guide

Serious Gamers Only.


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omfg, did i step into some alternate dimension where the internet didn't become a js ridden mess and angelfire is still the shit with courier fonts everywhere

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omfg, did i step into some alternate dimension where the internet didn't become a js ridden mess and angelfire is still the shit with courier fonts everywhere

I didn't bother clicking on it before but I think I need to see this.

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With the Fallout 4 hype snowballing, fans are bound to be swamped with an overwhelming amount of news. With this in mind, Qd's established iFallout.com, where you can read and discuss all the latest news pertinent to Fallout 4 as well as share your experiences in earlier Fallout titles with an ever-growing community via the iFallout Forums.

Additionally, iFallout will offer a variety of game-changing mods for Bethesda's other titles, such as The Elder Scrolls and previous Fallout games.

Like Bethesda's upcoming masterpiece, the site will be evolving and developing over time, so be sure to check back frequently for new content updates.

iFallout -- your post-apocalyptic paradise.

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Looks pretty spartan at the moment, needs a nice Fallout font for the logo and a Pip Boy style theme with a grainy, static effect.

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With the Fallout 4 hype snowballing, fans are bound to be swamped with an overwhelming amount of news. With this in mind, Qd's established iFallout.com, where you can read and discuss all the latest news pertinent to Fallout 4 as well as share your experiences in earlier Fallout titles with an ever-growing community via the iFallout Forums.

Additionally, iFallout will offer a variety of game-changing mods for Bethesda's other titles, such as The Elder Scrolls and previous Fallout games.

Like Bethesda's upcoming masterpiece, the site will be evolving and developing over time, so be sure to check back frequently for new content updates.

iFallout -- your post-apocalyptic paradise.

Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?

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Don't advertise anywhere until we're functional and pretty. I don't want to deal with a bunch of proud americans complaining about the current state of the site and leaving without ever seeing the final product.

Who hired a fucking street team, anyway? Priorities.

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