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Here's that thread we mention in the forum rules. This is the only place we allow people people to share their own links. There are, however, some simple rules:

  • You can advertise your website here one time.
  • You can advertise your website in your signature as many times as you want
  • The site you post must be YOUR site, and not a friends.
  • You must not post referral links
  • One site per person per week.
  • When advertising your site, don't just post the URL, make it interesting.

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Guest Marney1

Concentrating on Rockstar Games' Latest & Upcoming Releases including

Max Payne 3, Grand Theft Auto V & AGENT

Now hosted by Invision Power Board using their latest Community Forum Software 3.3.1


What you see above and a whole lot more!

We watch Rockstar Games. We watch them closely.

'An affiliate of iGTA5.com iGrandTheftAuto & iRedDead'

May be ironing a few creases out yet as we only went live with the new version of the site on May 6th 2012.

Originally launched October 27th 2010

Closed down July 6th 2012


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*Buys RedDeadForums.com, turns it into a necrophilia blood orgy site*

Also, unless you've changed R* Spy's look again, TeamBondiForums isn't as pretty as R* Spy.

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Guest Marney1
  On 6/16/2011 at 7:17 PM, Massacre said:

*Buys RedDeadForums.com, turns it into a necrophilia blood orgy site*

Also, unless you've changed R* Spy's look again, TeamBondiForums isn't as pretty as R* Spy.

The reason I started TeamBondiForums is so I can move Team Bondi discussion out of RockstarSpy after L.A. Noire dies down. That's staying as a dedicated Rockstar Games site only. TBF is only a day old which is why it looks a bit bland and empty atm.

Edit: Deleted the site advert from this thread because Team Bondi has gone into administration.

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I really appreciate you bumping this topic, you've reminded me that I need to use the phrase "necrophilia blood orgy" more often. As a thank you, I'm actually going to look at your site.

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Check out this website! WWW.abovetopsecret.com you have to enter it in yourselves cuz I'm on my phone... But they have everything you can and cant imagine. Seriously check it out sometime, skim through the forums, find and interseting subject and dive in. You can learn a lot. Users are constantly uploading stories and projects and news ect.

So yeah just check it.

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  On 1/27/2012 at 9:27 PM, Massacre said:
It's mostly retards, but there is the occasional person who knows what he's talking about.
you pretty much just described igta5 lmao. There are noobs everywhere. And bitching about them isent a solution, it just aggrevates them to freak out. Ats has some very good raw info. And every now and then something mind blowing. Its fun to kill time in there. There's always something interesting.

BTW thx mods for moving this even tho its not my site

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Hey guys,

Ive created a GTA chat group, where friendly GTA fans gather to chat about the upcoming and current GTA games. We are looking for more members to join in with our chat. So if you would like to join just click the link below.


Thanks for reading

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Insaniac Gaming is mainly an xbox360 zombie/roleplay gaming community. IG has some of the most diverese and addicting gamemodes! Are newest and best roleplay is called Evolution Roleplay--(EVO for short) has some of the best and strict rules to keep the game evolving for everybody not just yourself. We also do Zombies-Infection-Prison break on MW3 mainly---GTA IV EVO will always be played Saturday nights at 8 pm central-----------Please make sure you sign up for the website if you would like to participate in the most organized custom games!(This also Includes Zombie Mode for GTA IV :) )-


Make Sure u also add Insaniac GTA to participate in the events!!!---EVO Roleplay is the only gamemode required to be read b4 played bcuz its so amazing :)

( Go to this URL after u sign up this is where rules are for EVO RP)--------http://www.insaniacg...read-for-evo-rp

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http://www.gta5pilots.com - Ultimate home for GTA pilots, flying, planes, Helicopter, Jets and much much more.

We have video tutorials as well as dogfight montages made by the highest quality of pilots.

Find out why piloting was such a craze on GTA 4 and you too can become a pilot to get ready for GTA 5 so your not victimized by heli-trolls anymore!

Set up or compete in GTA dogfight tournaments here http://gamerpilots.com

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  On 6/19/2012 at 9:41 PM, Chopper Gunner said:

Find out why piloting was such a craze on GTA 4 and you too can become a pilot to get ready for GTA 5 so your not victimized by heli-trolls anymore!

It was fucking boring in GTA IV.

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  On 6/19/2012 at 9:41 PM, Chopper Gunner said:

http://www.gta5pilots.com - Ultimate home for GTA pilots, flying, planes, Helicopter, Jets and much much more.

We have video tutorials as well as dogfight montages made by the highest quality of pilots.

Find out why piloting was such a craze on GTA 4 and you too can become a pilot to get ready for GTA 5 so your not victimized by heli-trolls anymore!

I can hold my own as a chopper pilot by myself like I did in GTA IV, I bet I could smack you anyways. lol

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Guest Marney-1
  On 6/19/2012 at 9:41 PM, Chopper Gunner said:

http://www.gta5pilots.com - Ultimate home for GTA pilots, flying, planes, Helicopter, Jets and much much more.

We have video tutorials as well as dogfight montages made by the highest quality of pilots.

Find out why piloting was such a craze on GTA 4 and you too can become a pilot to get ready for GTA 5 so your not victimized by heli-trolls anymore!

You better teach them how to dodge my sniper rounds. :ph34r:

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