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Looks really good. The only problem I had with the last game was that they created a massive map, but the entire thing felt empty. I'm not sure how you resolve that, but I hope they do. Although I'm sure I will get this game regardless. Mostly because there are just so few next-gen games that appeal to me.

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I'm keeping an eye on this one. Had a lot of fun in 2 but never finished it as the missions/story failed to make me care. If 3 is just 2 with next-gen (shouldn't it be current-gen at this point?) graphics I'm not sure I'll bother.* That said, so few new games appeal to me I'll probably end up getting it. I can only live in the past so much.


*I say all this without having watched the gameplay footage. Will have a look. 

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I picked up a used copy of Just Cause 3 (same time as I got AC: Syndicate). Apparently grappling hooks are all the rage!


Really loving this so far, it's like a reboot of JC2, much of it feels familiar, and the Medici citizens sound less annoying than Panau. They've improved the options on the grappling hook, and you now have a wingsuit in addition to the parachute. The map feels vast again from what I've explored so far. Gameplay is pretty repetitive but also fun to experience. I'm pretty terrible at using the wingsuit so far, will have to get more used to using it without face planting into a boulder. :lol: It also gives you the option to destroy things without bullets or explosives, by using only the grappling hook's dual-tethering & retraction system (e.g. tether a statue to an explosive barrel, then retract for a boom on impact), so I'm going to see if I can start using that more often and try going bullet-free altogether for the lulz.


I still think the grappling hook/parachute combo is the best way to travel through a game world, out of any game I've ever played. It's better than flying or driving anywhere. And the scenery in this game map is gorgeous.

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Been largely playing this for the past month and by large, I have enjoyed playing it.  The missions are fun but the best aspect is liberating the outposts and towns.

Grapple-hooking is great and by far the easiest way to get around.


On the downside, the driving mechanics/handling is fucking appalling - especially with the motorcycles.  Some of the challenges are infuriating as fuck - I was going to have a bash at the platinum (trophy) but think I may have to knock it on the head as trying to get 5 gears for all challenges is making me want to rage-quit!
May just sweep up the last trophies I can get then leave it.

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16 hours ago, Jizzy said:

You on ps4 by any Chance? Thinking of redownloading this if they fix the terrible frame rate issues




Further to my comment about the challenges - there's a place reserved in hell for the person responsible for them! :wall:

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I haven't notice frame rate issues that are too bad, only in a few places, nothing at all like in Fallout 4 Far Harbour, which was bad to start but 10x worse inside power armour. 


Any tips on landing safely when wingsuiting? If your parachute is out, you can grapple lock on the ground and then hit O to stow the parachute, then you reel in and land no problem. The same 'landing' sequence doesn't work when suiting along, I don't seem to be able to go from wingsuiting to just reeling in, so I have to pop the chute to close the wingsuit, then reel in. Otherwise I'd wing suit more - it's faster and flying is fun, especially over some of the scenery. 


Agreed about achieving 5 gears on all challenges...I don't know how many mods I'll be able to unlock, so far getting more than 3 or 4 has been a challenge for me. 



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Both the brake for the wingsuit and the ability to reel from the wingsuit are upgrades, if you have the dlc by any chance the thruster powered wingsuit comes with a brake.

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