
Heists - GTA Online

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Considering that I don't have three other people to play heists with, it wouldn't take much for me to not give a shit about them. I would hope they wouldn't be showing us anything that won't actually be in the DLC.

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just saying, there was outfits in other photos in the past year that we still don't have :lol:...


in all seriousness, it's cool to see heists are right around the corner, but i have no faith that it'll actually be more of a money maker than grinding out missions… but it'll be nice to have something else to play for a change...


and i still get the feeling there will be a cool down period in between heists...

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I don't really care about the money earn't from heists, I just want to take part in them. I do hope for new big things to spend money on though, so it gives us a new urge to earn money.

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Yeah such a nasty piece of work Kuz's but do it! Do it I say! That way mercy can come and play with us all again.



P.s it it me or the buzzard is no longer shooting straight? Shooting downwards at an angle. Ahhh does this mean the co-pilot could operate the cannons. Oh dear i have had an accident. Wait is that the huey oh dear god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Could be time for an upgrade...


I just got the ps4 two days ago. I say you get one too so you can still play with me and Jen. Plus, you're the only person on here that I play with.

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Could be time for an upgrade...


I just got the ps4 two days ago. I say you get one too so you can still play with me and Jen. Plus, you're the only person on here that I play with.


So what is that a case of 2 fingers up at the rest of us? How hurtful!  :no:

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yea, sure, leave gtagrl all by herself, kuz… so selfish...

Whaaa? I'd never abandon gtagrl. Besides, I haven't gotten a chance to dump the rest of her bik-... I mean err... stop DiO from dumping the rest of her bikes in the urine silo yet.


Yup :whistle:


Yeah such a nasty piece of work Kuz's but do it! Do it I say! That way mercy can come and play with us all again.

I have no control over that, brah. You and I both know why Mercy hardly plays with you now. We've done everything to try and get you to stop. I mean trip after trip to rehab. She just can't bear it anymore. I assure you It has nothing to do with myself or my extremely high levels of awesomeness.

I swear.



Could be time for an upgrade...


I just got the ps4 two days ago. I say you get one too so you can still play with me and Jen. Plus, you're the only person on here that I play with.

Sounds good to me ;)

I encourage you to try friending some of these guys and joining in on a crew night. I mean yeah they're a little strange and big boss will probably never stop hitting on you... ever... but they're all pretty good company.

Execpt that bOnEs guy. Watch out for him. He's a real asshole...

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Yeah graffiti join us on Tuesdays, be nice to have another girl in the mix with Casey and I :) you have a mic?

Ghost totally blame him - all kuz fault that I'm secluded and tied up some place (nah I'm kidding (he told me to say that)).

I sometimes can't be bothered to play and kuz and I seem to manage to talk none stop so yeah.

I wouldn't rush to get a ps4 just for heists incase it's shit. Maybe wait to see how they go first.

Be really nice to have you on there though.

Gtagrl I still have a ps3, I can always come back and play with you every so often :D

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Ghost totally blame him - all kuz fault that I'm secluded and tied up some place (nah I'm kidding (he told me to say that)).

Hey you're the one that kept going on and on about Fifty Shades of Grey, bringing it up every chance you got. You practically begged me to do it. Also, you spelled "seduced" wrong.

If I don't get it now for heist, then I probably won't until MGS V or something else worth playing comes out, which could be years...

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those hoodies probably won't be released with heists, those are part of a future gang related DLC we won't see for another year or so...


Soooo, Like Heists?

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Does anyone know if we can play heists with fewer than 4 people? As in, will it be classified as a 1-4 or 2-4 person multiplayer, multilevel job.

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