
Heists - GTA Online

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smart idea :lol:... although, that might of made the ending part a little harder to do?

 Nah you could probably touch the ramp, slow down and take your time driving down the mountian



fucking totally doing that next time.

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We drove to the checkpoint, climbed on the top of the truck and jumped off it.

We were using the bikes at first for ages, going the train track route. But there was always one of us that got fucked over by an SUV or a car, so we decided to stick together and obtained the armoured truck near the arena/bowl.

One time we managed to obtain a helicopter which got too close to the ground at the start, right beside the bikes. Killed the pilot and it dropped a couple of feet and we jumped in. One of the crew died though running to it, and we couldn't replicate it the second time we tried.

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man, that sounds epic! i remember when me and kill and bmx did it the first time, we didn't die as often as we did trying to do it last night... but last night, we got fucked over so many times by traffic it was ridiculous... i slowed waaaaay down and took my time the last few attempts and that, i think, helped me and a couple others who did the same thing...

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Have to admit, for me heists have been a complete and utter waste of my time.  Only managed to complete one - the rest of the time I've been stuck with total fucktards.

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Finally completed the Prison Break earlier. Before I had done it but the Demolitions guy decided he was going to kill one of us and then leave instead of picking us up... What a honky.

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Sounds about right.

and who's fault is that, you anti-social mother fucker?? :lol:...
Who the fuck am I supposed to be playing with? I don't want to bother people with invites, when they're guaranteed to already be playing with other people, and I sure as shit don't have any invites coming my way. I have to actually meet new people, to find a group for heists.

At least I got a bike and some clothes out of it.

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Sounds about right.

and who's fault is that, you anti-social mother fucker?? :lol:...
Who the fuck am I supposed to be playing with? I don't want to bother people with invites, when they're guaranteed to already be playing with other people, and I sure as shit don't have any invites coming my way. I have to actually meet new people, to find a group for heists.

At least I got a bike and some clothes out of it.

Just send out invites. If people are busy they don't accept.

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after the first few days of playing the heists I must say this game is played by deaf, illeterate illiterate morons. so many times the job screwed up playing with random ppl because someone did not stick to the plan

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after the first few days of playing the heists I must say this game is played by deaf, illeterate morons. so many times the job screwed up playing with random ppl because someone did not stick to the plan


I've experienced the same!  In one instance, we were doing a set up job where we had to collect a hydra and deliver it back to Sandy Shores.  Simple enough, just have to fly it back and land it after destroying the pursuing hydras.  Well, someone who was escorting it back decided to land on the airstrip at the same time as the hydra but from the opposite end.

I think you can guess what happened next!


I can accept people getting killed now and again - fair enough, but can't accept the blatant stupidity.

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I did the fleeca job and my other guy needed an effin 3 attempts to realize that he's NOT supposed to kill someone in the bank...

the other time, the humane lab raid, the gunner kept jumping out the chopper w/ the ground team... nice.

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I keep encountering people that talk all the way through the cutscene and the ensuing instructions by phone call, then have no idea what they're supposed to do. <_<

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Play with crew members and the whole experience will be so much more enjoyable for you all...

Apart for that last heist which is fun, but also frustrating.


90% of the time I do, sadly a lot of them are thick as pig shit.  Thankfully I was in luck today as managed to come across some crew members who weren't/aren't dumb! :)

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It sounds like it's easier said than done with the crew members. I've not seen any online when I've been on but such is my time zone.

I've come across the annoying fuckers who don't shut up and also a lobby full of people without mics, which is great until you need to coordinate your movements and noone can talk.

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Series A Funding heist - do people hate this heist for some reason?  I've been trying to do the heists all in order but no matter what its hard work trying to get people to play Series A - the first setup was bad enough but trying to get people to play Trash Truck is even worse.


I've spent them best part of 2 hours (don't ask!) inviting people and when I finally get a heist crew of 4 people one either fucks off after launching the heist or we end up playing it but someone fucks it up and then leaves!  :wall:


I've invited crew members, friends and randoms but they all seem to 'dislike' this particular setup.  Never had this problem with the heists before this one.

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