
Heists - GTA Online

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yea, that took all of us by surprise, only needing 2 for the first one... and sorry, but i can't determine if it's faster or not, i am not a good judge of that, but it handles very similar, might be quicker, need to break well before turns (like the sultan), drifts corners, and the armored version is an all-around BEAST during missions and fleeing cops...

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I hope it's a little faster than the Sultan.

Also, shit. I didn't know you only needed two :o


I saw you online last night, ffs hit me up and let's get an old-gen team together. I got stuck playing with some dumb kid from Texas that wouldn't shut up. I'd prefer cheech over that guy.

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i was tempted to jump back to lastgen to see if the heists were more stable, but by the time i got it updated, our servers were kinda back to normal... i'll help any way i can for lastgen, like give you guys the majority of the payouts and such... hosts have to take at least 50% of the cut tho, might be better off letting you guys host to keep most of the score...

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Alright! Alright! Sorry! I will!



Also, I was under the impression you had another crew you usually play with, I thought you were with them.

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Nah, haven't had much luck connecting with the Chronic Kings online, last night was the first time I was in the same lobby as any of them. Still getting to know those guys and where they live, I have a feeling the ones left on PS3 aren't in the best time zones to play with. I did manage to play with TripleStack from CRKS last night, he's in Florida so that'll work fine. At one point, I had him, MrMister and the kid from Texas in my apartment, we were going to launch a heist with me as host but then everyone turned into pussies pumpkins and went to bed.


My buddy from work nacholancer and his brother will be around as well. Between Kuz, Mercy, bOnEs and whoever else is around (Jizzy was online at one point too), we should be able to manage on old-gen just fine.


Edit: Yeah, I was too busy exploring all the new shit when you were online last night Jizzy, but we'll definitely connect and get this done.


Edited again: Kuz, thought of your Tom Hardy/Bane impression the other day and missed you.

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For all y'all that are still on PS3, if I see you online, you'll get an invite.


I did want to take the time last night explore all the new shit and different settings etc, but now that the servers are (supposedly) fixed, I'm going all out on heist missions. FUCK YEAH

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Think its going to be a good few days before I can actually try a heist as I still can't get online whilst others on my friends list can.  Pfft!  <_<

Edited by shabbagaz

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So once we complete all hiests, do we get to start any of them at any time in any order?

Who's done them all, who's not far off completing them?

I'm on heist 4 with a friend as the leader. I'm only saved up to heist 2 setup 3.

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i've done them all, but i am not sure if i can select any of them... i might have to do them all as host?? i don't know, i didn't check my apartment or phone after we finished them, but i remember it always telling me i have to do the prison break heist when i went into the room...

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From R*'s setting up article: "Heist progress is only saved for the Heist Leader...", so I'd say yeah, you have host them all first in order to launch any of them afterwards.

I was saying to Jizzy last night, the thing I don't understand is why you get unceremoniously dumped back into a public lobby after completing each set-up mission. Is it just to accommodate the one-time story delay until Lester phones you to say the next segment is ready to play?

I know you can pick a 'launch next job' from your phone and then reinvite your team, but I don't quite get why it doesn't mirror the same job-loading screen as when we do a playlist. I'd want to see the next setup job, give everyone a chance to stock up on ammo and change outfits, or say "I gotta go" and have the option to invite another friend, etc. I feel like we spent more time looking at loading screens and trying to connect with a foursome than actually playing jobs.

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i guess the cool thing about hosting a heist job whenever is they pay pretty well for a mission... so it probably wouldn't be too hard to chip away at them when you're bumming around in a lobby with others... i guess there's no rush to getting them all done at once now, so i'll try to help out others then... i still have 3 other characters to do them with as well lol :lol:... that kinda sucks thinking about it..

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@gtagrl - i saw you were playing heists last night, how far did you get??


@barry - no idea, lol... it took us like 10 hours to get almost almost thru the 3rd heist... then a couple more hours to do the 4th, and a couple more to do the final... so somewhere between 12-16 hours?? it's hard to judge with all the server issues and being dropped from set up jobs...

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I've completed How To Play GTA 101 With Your Host Lester, then Jizzy and I did the first setup for the Fleeca Job with two randoms. Then we couldn't find two more people to go steal the bus for setup 2; Kuz and Mercy were online but bailed due to server issues, my buddy from work and his brother went offline, and the two randoms didn't accept the invite to keep playing. So not very far yet, like I said there was more time looking at loading screens than actually playing. I did buy an armoured Kuruma though, so it wasn't a total wash. And it was fun to play with Jizzy again.

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Of course! Wish we could have grabbed a screenshot of the beer clink afterwards. That was the whole point of stocking up the ole bank account, to be able to bankroll heists. I've put a good dent in it, what with buying and tricking out an Enduro, Guardian and armoured Kuruma...but there's still lots there for moar heizts!!


All of which I couldn't have done without bOnEs, so sloppy thanks go out to him too. :D

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