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it's a charisma hit of 6 points that keeps me away from the the animal friend perk... i had it in fallout 3 for one of my side characters, but i still can't find a purpose to the charisma skill when i can improve it by investing points into speech and barter... yea sure the very select few perks that correspond to charisma seem like fun, but those other SPECIAL skills are so very important that it's hard to put more than 3 or 4 into charisma...

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And Speech is a VERY large part of Fallout NV. You can practically talk your way through half the game. I Now realize high endurance is good, then you can get implants to increase the other SPECIAL

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I'll either drop a point from agility and take Travel Light later on to make up for the drop in speed, or use intense training to add the points. Animals are a waste of ammo, in my opinion. I won't kill one unless I need the loot for crafting.

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i actually will walk around and avoid animals early in the game for that very reason... and run into the middle of them with a melee or unarmed weapon later in the game... again, i find the CQC to be the most effective way to handle the mojave... sure, anyone can pick enemies off from a 100 yards out with a pistol... but getting into the middle of a swarm of animals/creatures is the most effective way to deal with them... there's plenty of stimpacks and weapon repair kits and pre-war suits to keep me going strong... it's the legion/NCR hit squads that tend to use up precious 12 gauge ammo, or MF cells...

creatures are the least of my worries throughout the game...

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Well if Bethesda Didnt sue, their could be a market in it for them, Just dont drink the glowing blue bottles of this stuff.

And what if we all ened up living in vaults? Is Bethesda going to start sueing when the world is going Ka Boom? (food for thought)

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Agreed. And what the hell is up with Lobotomites? I shot one in the head (according to the "lobotimite head crippled HUD") and it didnt lose a piece of health? I had to switch to hollow points in my Hunting Revolver to get any effect. Or is this just my xbox being a laggy little hoe?

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that occasionally happens to me... not only with lobotomites, but even mole rats, legionaries and deathclaws... sometimes the hit doesn't register, even though you see a little blood on impact... thems da breaks when it comes to a glitchy masterpiece...

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sakura, awaiting her vision...


in other news, the second holotape was released... the MP3 is blocked here at work, i'll wait for the youtube version to hit the vault in about an hour... too bad they didn't release any new screenshots, or a trailer :(... it's only a mere week away, you'd think the trailer would of been released by now...


also, apparently, there's a new nuka-cola break video...



EDIT: damn, today was the day for fallout news...


...i guess i will have a reason for waking up tomorrow...

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what are these things?? saw them a couple times in the video...


looks like there's going to be some sort of destructive laser pistol... this bodes well for my energy weapons expert...


is this... the mojave??


yes, that is a flag pole... and a new helmet...


...and two capes?? hmm...

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The red things, they look like they've been skinned. I'm thinking it's something like the Troggs in the Pitt: Not quite ghouls, but some similar or more severe level of mutation, with various levels ranging from mostly physically intact, but crazy, to monstrous and, uh, more crazy.

As for their being two coats like that, Ulysses says to "Bring your bull, or two-headed bear, or whatever flag you're carrying now," so I'm guessing you find one of the coats early on and it displays the symbol of whoever your allegiance lies with.

Now, the screen that might be from the Mojave? All the Lonesome Road stuff appears to have that same hazy, dusty look to it, and this screen is normal Mojave lighting. There aren't any visible landmarks that make it clear it's the Mojave, but it's a wide-open area, too big for it to be part of Lonesome Road, because the urban area we've seen looks huge. I'm thinking the DLC will actually have some effects outside of the confined DLC zone for once.

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i think the red people are more like re-skinned ghouls, or skinless ghouls... the troggs are being used for those weird lizard people with glowing tips... apparently the vault is calling them blood men though...


and yea, the more i look at that one screen, the more it looks like the view if one were to leave the divide and re-enter the mojave... the explosions look to be over hoover dam or the fort, and the mojave outpost or cottonwood cove...

not sure if there's a cape that would re-adjust to your allegiance as it happens in real time... what if you weren't aligned with anyone or did any missions for either side?? i guess then you would be independent... what if you were aligned with mr. house?? i dunno what to think about that one... i thought it was weird to see two of them in the same scene...




lol, i could rip screens from that trailer all day long :D...

looks like a nice mix of new weapons and armor though... plenty of stuff to gather it appears... can't wait to see how unforgiving death valley and the divide really are... looks like it's going to be a fun town to explore, full of crazy creatures and buildings galore... crumbling paths and rockets to detonate...

starting to think that the order for my next new character should be: HH, OWB, LR, DM...

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I don't know, Lonesome Road looks a lot tougher than Dead Money. As much as I'd like to get to it as soon as possible, it looks like there are serious preparations to be made before you can walk that road.

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yea but story-wise, i feel like dead money should be played last... i mean i won't know for sure, but it seems like the last place to check out... ulysses sent elijah to the death trap... christine is there, and it seems like its going to be much harder to deal with... at least with lonesome road, you're allowed to bring your own weapons... dead money never gave you that luxury...

honest hearts makes a brief mention of the divide and the other courier... enough to peek my interest as i am sure i will of heard about this other courier by then, and the burned man... the big empty is also mentioned here, which would make me interested in finding this place...

old world blues will lay out the entire mission that lies ahead of me, which if memory serves me correctly, there seemed to be an urgency for me to stay one step behind the other courier, which would lead me to the divide after old world blues...

then, after hearing the story of the divide and the fate of the two couriers, it seems like i should follow up on the whereabouts of that demented brotherhood leader and find out what his intentions were that put in motion the chaos in the first place...

looking back at dead money, and it's been a while since i played it, seemed like the final chapter, the one that wrapped up everything except the meeting in the divide... the only thing that hopefully changes is if me and the courier had already had our encounter, would the final slide show in DM change to reflect that??

i should do some more research on the dead money story... it's been too long since i played it...

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I was thinking more along the lines of HH, OWB, DM, and then LR, HH peaks yours interest and gives you the story of the infamous burned man from the Mojave, then OWB sets all the other quests in to motion, the other courier is mentioned, so is Christine and Elijah, then you follow Elijah and christine to DM which finishes the ties with those two, but the other courier is still mentioned in DM, so taking off forLR finishes the whole series off by finding the other courier, the one who led you to getting shot from my understanding

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