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i think there was good news to take away from the whole "moving on" news from bethesda... yea, skyrim is officially finished, but even the new horror survival game, the evil within, will not require the majority of skyrim developers... and if i am not mistaken, isn't the elder scrolls MMO being handled by a separate company and engine?? wouldn't it make sense to send your best guys who know the 'creation' engine for your next "biggest ever" game which also used the elder scrolls engine??

i am 100% convinced that the new fallout has become the main focus of bethesda games studios from here on out...

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There's a chance we could see it next year, though I'm anticipating 2015. This year is going to be all about TESO. Games Bethesda didn't make themselves don't get too much hype, other than Dishonored. The major titles get announced at least a year in advance, I imagine we'll hear something early next year. I would certainly like to hear something sooner, but I doubt it'll happen.

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With all the talk about the new Fallout, I sought out for my much neglected New Vegas, found it in the attic the poor thing. Bring on the Mojave, again. If only I could keep walking west, I'd reach Los Santos before the rest of you lot, and yet I'd be a couple hundred years late, huh. :huh:

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I take it must be quite good then.

What does the GOTY edition give me as extra? Forgot to mention it was.

The GOTY version will give you the "5" Fallout 3 Add-Ons along with the orginal game ~

1: Operation Anchorage ~ It's an O.K. Add-On, plus it gives you the chinese stealth suit ( which turns you partially invisible like the stealth boy's effect )

2: The Pitt ~ Not the best out of the DLC's, but I personaly liked being stripped of my weapons and armor and having to take on the Trogs ( interesting location )

3: Broken Steel ~ Raises the level cap from 20 to 30 and lets you play beyond the Final Main Story Quest. Along with introducing new quests and enemies into the original game.

4: Mothership Zeta ~ Quest on an Alien Ship, introducing new enemies, characters and weaponry ( including a unique Ray Gun owned by the Alien Captain, the "Firelance" )

5: Point Lookout ~ And last but definitely not least, the Grand Daddy of them all Point Lookout. This one is definitely the Biggest and Best out of all the Add-Ons. I won't spoil this one for you but it's great.

I would love to play this game for the first time again, so I envy you. Because if you can excuse the old graphics and the many glitches, this really is a great, rare gem of a game. And is definitely the best game that was released that year.

Bring on Fallout 4 for 2014!!!

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yea, it was good but not the holy grail of fallout DLCs... having a new area to explore was nice, but the pitt was the best IMO... i could go back in this topic and probably find myself changing my opinion a few times...

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Just looked at some of the DLC's (Weird^) for New Vegas, but they're all still pretty pricey, can anyone recommend which one/s to get and which ones to avoid. Just got to Nipton, doing the ghouls mission at moment.

I am finding the sneak system to be crappier than I remember, and the AI is dumb as fuck.

AI - "Oh I see someone, ATTACK!! wait, he's gone"

Me - *hasn't moved*

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dead money, the pitt, old world blues, and mothership zeta are my favs (in no particular order)... broken steel and lonesome road were a bit lacking for me, mostly with the immersion of the story, it felt rather boring and disconnected... they both distorted the story of my character...

point lookout though is the most revolutionary DLC because it made the new vegas DLC's that much better... it was what "bomb da base" in GTA III was to the GTA series... all the new vegas DLC's had huge worlds to explore and dissect.. a few of the F3 ones were quite linear, including my favs...

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Point lookout huh, thanks bones.

I'm now at a point where I don't know what to do, as I set my character out as vengeful towards the people who tried to kill him. Now that I've massacred the Khans at Bitter Springs and crucified Benny, I don't know what to do. I've also just killed House, and I destroyed the bots under Caesar's camp. I don't want Vegas for myself, nor do I want either NCR or Legion to gain control. Why can't there be a full blown war and see where the chips land hey! I'll probably go with the Legion, haven't actually done that ending before, plus I hate the NCR, they think money can buy everything. If only there was a Brotherhood ending. . . .

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If only there was a Brotherhood ending. . . .


I couldn't believe what FNV did to the BOS, but it was about the NCR and Legion mainly.

There totally could have been a Brotherhood ending.

Will be interesting to see what the next Fallout has in store for them......

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Keep in mind that aside from people like Veronica and Christine, the West Coast Brotherhood isn't really made up of good people. The Brotherhood in DC had the people in mind, but the main Brotherhood and DC's Brotherhood Outcasts only wanted technology.

Now, supposedly, Fallout 4 takes place in the Commonwealth, which is meant to be the most technologically advanced place left in the world, and they're not particularly keen on sharing their tech (See: Fallout 3 - The Replicated Man). The DC Brotherhood may have made its way north, or a more traditional group of Brotherhood from the west may have traveled there. If it's the latter, the Brotherhood may not be the good guys this time around.

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They'll get all the crap games out the way first on the next gen so they can play around with new engines and improve them before making another Fallout or Elder Scrolls, I just hope they do a new Fallout before a new ES. I need a new wasteland to play in, and as good as Skyrim was, It's no Fallout for me. I'm guessing around 3 years before we see another Fallout, hope I'm wrong though.

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pretty cool hoodie. I wish the colours wherent so vibrant tho. the jumpsuits in the game aren't that saturated. needs to be a little more pale

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i bet they were when they first wore them... 200 years can dull any color :P... i am actually fine with the bright colors, it makes it stand out more... people are gonna be asking me what the hell it's from... and the cool kids will already know :D... might even meet a new fellow fallout fanatic in the random wasteland of southwest michigan...

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