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i totally just bought this hoodie:


it's back in stock today only, or until supplies last i assume... i've been wanting this for months now...

That hoodie, with your beard? Clearly a raider in disguise.

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Sure, I'll keep it to myself. If you use your raider connections to get me a steady supply of Jet and Psycho. Also, do you think the vault would let a ghoul work down on the Reactor Level? I'm real good with tech, and I barely have any skin left, so no flaking!

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i got the hookup with andy, i got you covered... we could use some help down there, perhaps i can sneak you past the overseer... he's got a strict "no-ghouls" policy... but if you can handle a wrench, the community wouldn't mind...

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Sounds like a good gig. Better than the work I'm doing in The Pitt, anyway. If nothing else, it'll be safe, steady work until something opens up in the Commonwealth.

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I liked Raul a lot. He's the most human character of them all, and he's not even human. I'd go back to that game just so I could see him again.

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Indeed they did. It's a shame they didn't do more with that. It would've been interesting if, with a high speech skill, you could claim you were a Communist spy and get a quest or something from them.

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You'd likely need to speak Chinese. If we could learn languages in Fallout, I'd learn Chinese and max out my Unarmed skill. Jump around and beat the shit out of people, all while screaming in Chinese.

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You wouldn't really need to 'learn' anything. With the right skills, you can bullshit your way through to game, or simply know whatever it is you need to know. For example, in New Vegas, if you have a high science skill, you'll know the code that forces the robot guarding the gate to the New Vegas strip to let you pass. You wouldn't know the code any other way.

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But how can I scream in Chinese without learning Chinese?

You can't, because your speech skill is too low. Go look for a skill book, chi dun.

@mass - an extremely high science skill i might add... 80 or 90??

Yep, 80. Doable before you get to Freeside, certainly, but it would take some dedication.

Science does come in handy quite a bit in New Vegas, so it's a good skill to level, but Speech pretty much reigns supreme. You can bullshit your way out of anything, and I had a character specifically for that purpose. Of course, I also had a Science/Repair character.

... and a character for every other skill set.

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