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i don't think the world will ever fill in like you're thinking craze... if it happened, it would be some 50 years into our future perhaps... and there's never been a mention of other countries except for china really, our biggest enemy... plus, this is an over the top 50's america story, putting a foreign twist on it would change the entire concept of fallout... it wouldn't feel the same at all...

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So you're saying the clans will continue to weaken each other over time and no one will become big enough to expand all the way across to the east, maybe your right apart from Caesar's Legion, If they win the 2nd battle of hoover dam and continue west eventually taking control of most of the west coast by force, and integrating the NCR army into their ranks, they'd have a huge force, and they wouldn't stop there, their only need is to conquer, they don't care about tech or old world knowledge which makes other clans chuck resources and time at them, they just want to expand. In the end, it'd be technology advanced and greedy clans versus mass of force and order. Which is pretty much what NV is, lol.

"War never changes"


Fair enough on the whole European thing. It was just an idea to mix it up abit, it wouldn't be the same set anywhere but North America for sure. But who knows it could still work.

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The issue with the Legion is that they're integrating tribals, not regular wastelanders. Tribals are dumb and uncivilized, and can be easily manipulated by someone intelligent and conniving like Caesar. Their armies won't be expanding if they find themselves in a full-on war with the NCR, and there's a lot more NCR in California than the Mojave.

Not to mention the Brotherhood wild card. The Legion wants the Brotherhood destroyed, but the Brotherhood and NCR are capable of working together. If the Legion encountered the Brotherhood in force, they'd be fucked. The Brotherhood is better equipped (a turret or sentrybot is worth 2 veteran legionaries), and better trained than the Legion. If they decide to work with the NCR, the Legion wouldn't have a chance at expanding west.

You should head to The Vault and read up on the lore. It's really fascinating.

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I dont know. I think the brotherhood are more likely to underestimate the threat posed from the legion, because they brotherhood are tech whores who rely entirely on tech, and they legion have no tech.

If you dont respect your enemy you are likely to make mistakes.

Also, legionares are fighting for their God... Kinda a different level of passion.

Finally, i think that against the brotherhood, the legion would get a lot of support from wastelanders who fear tech and the destruction it brought...

Ofc, if the ncr and brotherhood teamed up, i guess it would be pretty difficult...

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The Brotherhood underestimated a group once before, and their leader died because of it. They wouldn't make the same mistake with a larger and more organized group like the Legion. And the Legion isn't getting any support from the wastelanders, because they have a tendency to pull a Nipton on any non-tribal settlements they come across, and the Brotherhood has had the support of the wastelanders as far back as the original Fallout.

Fear of tech never really caught on in the Fallout universe, save some minor exceptions. There aren't many anti-tech fanatics out there.

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i agree about the wastelander part because for the most part, the brotherhood sniff out tech and take it by any means, which also pisses off a lot of the wasteland... it's also why veronica hid that from the public...

i think anyone would have a hard time with the legion... sure tech has the edge, but they have the heart and recruits... they fight for a reason, while the NCR fights for money and to be honest, the brotherhood could care less about those affairs so i doubt either faction would have their full attention...

but the east coast brotherhood would be a deadly addition to any faction in the commonwealth... they're fighting for the people and putting that kind of tech and heart behind any cause would be lethal...

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I'm pretty curious how things would go in the Commonwealth. The Institute is supposed to be the most technologically advanced place left in world, but the east coast Brotherhood doesn't have much interest in that sort of thing anymore. With the Enclave essentially wiped out, it's possible that Brotherhood Outcasts, if they've gone that far north, could be antagonists if Fallout 4 is indeed set in the Commonwealth.

Also, if that's the setting, I predict the protagonist is an android. Androids would be a much bigger deal in a game set in the place they were created.

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to be honest, boston isn't the only state in the commonwealth,... it sounded like the commonwealth was to the north of DC, but there are states to the south in the commonwealth...


but again, fallout has a way of having different names for states and areas... just thought i'd throw that one out there since we've mentioned the commonwealth so many times in this topic...

i agree on the outcasts heading out that way, good point... i could see a scenario where the outcasts caught wind of that place and expanded drastically... it could end up being a battle of the two ideologies of the east coast brotherhood clashing... interesting...

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Well, the Old World divided into 13 commonwealths before the Great War. 'The' Commonwealth, the one mentioned in Fallout 3, is the New England Commonwealth, which includes Massachusetts and a couple irrelevant states.

Also, if you remember from Fallout 3, Dr. Li leaves D.C. for the Commonwealth after the final quest, and there was the Railroad, the group that freed slaves and androids. We'll probably be running into both of them.

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yea, i know about that doc, that's why i mentioned the notion that it was to be in the north... i was just throwing that out there :P... in new vegas, it wasn't called nevada, or vegas, or even new vegas... it was called the mojave wasteland... fallout 3 was the capital wasteland... so it's only appropriate to call the fallout equivalent of boston, "the commonwealth"... or "new new england" :lol:...

technically the pitt is north of DC too... and pennsylvania is part of the original commonwealth... and guess who runs the pitt?? a fellow brotherhood of steel, there looting the place of tech...

...and the plot thickens...

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I probably should've checked the Vault sooner, especially after I told Craze to go there. The New England Commonwealth consisted of Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Only Massachusetts is referred to as 'The Commonwealth,' I guess, but I could see parts of these other states included in the same way that Maryland and Virginia were included in 3, or California (Nipton) in New Vegas.

The 13 Commonwealths:




Mod-related edit: I deleted all the hidden posts in this topic. Tired of clicking the last post and ending up on the wrong page. Things should be more orderly now.

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I followed the Fallout canon from The Vault pretty well, up until I got far too confused between the different factions, choices, and storylines to continue.

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I don't have the motivation to keep up on them. Role-playing games are wonderful for passing time and enveloping yourself in another world, but I've lost interest recently.

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I don't have the motivation to keep up on them. Role-playing games are wonderful for passing time and enveloping yourself in another world, but I've lost interest recently.

It's not really an rpg in the historical sense...

It's like an rpg/ fps shooter...

You can beat the storyline in 4.5 hours, you can beat the game in 120 hours, it just depends on how you play the game.

I got 122 hrs on my 2nd fallout nv file... Had around 90 on my first...

I was playing nv for 6 months straight, well worth the 60, even when compared to gta.

I played skyrim but after the first 30 hours it kinda went bleh....

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Those are some incredible worlds that they craft, and it's stupidly easy to envelop yourself in them. But, I try to hold myself back for that very reason.

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It's really fascinating.

You were right, it was, mainly read through the timeline. Need to get the DLC's for NV, I'm missing out it seems.

What's the earliest level you guys would say is recommendable for NV DLC's?

@ Gunny, I work full-time, have a misses (which is also a full-time job) . . . . . . . . . .Start again, I have two full-time jobs, and a social life, and enough time to doss around this forum, and yet still have time to play at least a couple hours most days, it's called no sleep. (Y)

Edit: I'm fucked when I have kids! :'(

Need to find Hiro Nakamura.

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Dead Money - around level 20

Honest Hearts - you can handle it at pretty much any level

Old World Blues - mid to late 20's

Lonesome Road - mid to late 20's

Get to level 20, buy all of them, and play them in the order I listed, for the best experience. While each DLC has its own story, there's a main story that runs alongside and beneath the first three DLC's that sets up Lonesome Road, so they're best played in the order they were released.

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Dead Money - around level 20

Honest Hearts - you can handle it at pretty much any level

Old World Blues - mid to late 20's

Lonesome Road - mid to late 20's

Get to level 20, buy all of them, and play them in the order I listed, for the best experience. While each DLC has its own story, there's a main story that runs alongside and beneath the first three DLC's that sets up Lonesome Road, so they're best played in the order they were released.

I remember when we were talking/guesstimating the entry points in the Mojave.

These really were great DLCs. Still have all four trailers on my XB360.

Thought not to give Craze any spoilers, so I'll go back to my wasteland now.....


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