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Another thing about being able to come and go freely: If you want to play Lonesome Road on a character that hasn't done the other DLC, you can get a taste of LR, then go clear out Honest Hearts. Once that's done, you can dig through a little more of LR, then go fuck around Big MT. As tough as the enemies are, the DLC has sort of a casual feel about it, much more accessible than the other DLC that leaves you stranded until your business is done.

Also, while getting my "final" courier ready for LR, I realized that I hate Dead Money all of a sudden. I just couldn't motivate myself to step into that bunker.

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yea, i think it's meant to be casual too... it's possible to get a hold of some decent weapons and armor for a early level character there as well...

had a hula girl moment in LR too... there's this little building in the middle of that town i ran into when leaving the entrance area... and after exploring it a little, i ran across a table with a single hula girl lying on top of it with nothing else... lol, i stood there for literally one real minute, just to hear the audio clip play... it did, i smiled and moved on :D...

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had a hula girl moment in LR too... there's this little building in the middle of that town i ran into when leaving the entrance area... and after exploring it a little, i ran across a table with a single hula girl lying on top of it with nothing else... lol, i stood there for literally one real minute, just to hear the audio clip play... it did, i smiled and moved on :D...

Yep that was early on. I had to get the goodies overhead before the music would roll.

If you think the Marked Men are hard, wait until you meet the Tunneler Queen, or the Irradiated Deathclaws.

The Irradiated Deathclaws are literally 2 hit kills on my character who is maxed out on skills.

Thank goodness for auto-inject stimpacks.

Even as cool as the new weapons are, they are not good enough.

I may have to return home to get my hardcore weapons. (Alien Blaster)

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my boss blocked today... i knew it was deliberately towards me since still works... so i have been reduced to posting here on my ipod when at work since he has no idea that i altered some things to allow blocked sites to work on it... why doesn't he block fark and other sites other people dick around on during the day?? why the fuck was i singled out??

what a dick... oh well, i am home now, time to start playing some lonesome road :D...

EDIT: this is the glitchiest add-on yet!! i have had to restart about a half-dozen times already... seems to mostly be a problem in the marked men camps... fucking sucks... i really think the biggest lag violator in new vegas is the flames... flames in a barrel, flames in gommorah, flames in fires, etc... there are a lot of flaming barrels in the marked men camps...

yup, if someone from bethesda or obsidian is seeing this, fix the fire frame rate drops on the PS3 please!! it brings the experience to a crashing halt...



it's crashing nearly every 5 minutes... the frame rate drops to .5 frames per second... every fucking time i have to fight the marked men in their fucking territory, the game fucking comes to an almost complete stop!! what the fuck is going on here, i am getting FUCKING PISSED!!

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ok, once i made it past the first area, the severe lag stopped... i really think there's a problem in the coding with too much fire in that section because once i continued on, there hasn't been that much out of the ordinary since... too bad my home base and gear are all back in that godforsaken lag town :angry:...

enjoying some of the new weapons though (need delilah though to enjoy the new power fist ;)), the landscape, and the new containers just lying about;


and the story is starting to really get interesting... i've heard all of the connections me and ulysses share, and i've heard 5 of the 6 holotapes telling his story... things are gearing up for something... what choices i have are still unknown...

i've explored about as much as i can without a guide so far, constantly checking to see if there's another route from the current destination... not really finding much interesting in the way of weapons and armor... a couple of cool locales, but nothing ground breaking... i am still using my silenced sniper/riot shotgun combo since it's still the most effective... i've tinkered with the new weapons but they're not that impressive... the armored riot gear is a little more impressive than the standard issue, but as you can see from the photo, i still like the desert ranger armor from HH :P...

i am on the final stretch though, i will have to save it for another time... hopefully tomorrow...


in other news, here's a snippet about the gun runners arsenal coming out next week...


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Since you mentioned it after seeing the trailer (I assume this isn't a spoiler), technically, there aren't two of Ulysses' outfit in the DLC, there's his outfit with the Old World flag on it, and there's a 'Courier Duster' with one of four designs on the back. There's some kind of "hidden" point system that determines which coat you get, but I couldn't make sense of it or how to get a specific coat.

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Since you mentioned it after seeing the trailer (I assume this isn't a spoiler), technically, there aren't two of Ulysses' outfit in the DLC, there's his outfit with the Old World flag on it, and there's a 'Courier Duster' with one of four designs on the back. There's some kind of "hidden" point system that determines which coat you get, but I couldn't make sense of it or how to get a specific coat.

There's at least 3 possible endings.

I completed early, just to see what they were.

That dictates which you get. I think I got

all the new clothes in the game, as well as the weapons.

The "signature" weapon that I got the achievement for

is most awesome, use it all the time now.'s got to be your PS3.

I had no glitchy problems with this DLC,

other than those problems I created for myself.

Like I said I rushed in to a "new" location that appears

after a certain event occurs, then the outcome pissed me off.

I had to delete all the end files and go back to when I did not

rush in to that area near the abandoned gas station. (Where I camped)

Then all was manageable again, and the place wasn't crawling with Deathclaws.

I forgot that I'm at Level 50 so all the bad guys are REALLY bad guys.

Now that I know about it, I will go there after I try the other 2 endings of the DLC.

But - no lagginess or lock ups on this DLC, I was surprised how smoothly it ran.

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finished the story last night... thought it had a decent end to things, but there's one thing that bugs me about the ending;

...what was the package i carried through the divide?? was it ED-E or just a holotape with detonation codes?? who was behind this sinister plot to use me as another guinea pig for someone elses destruction?? i still don't know why i traveled the divide, or where i came from... was i here and passed through with the platinum chip?? was that the tool of destruction??

i think there were still more questions at the end than answers... maybe i missed something, i did miss the last ulysses holotape somewhere, perhaps that had the answers?? dunno, but i left the divide still wanting more... i also did this ending;

...i convinced ulysses' to back down and save the west... then we fought together to fend of the marked men that were suppose to infiltrate... however, instead of letting ED-E die to prevent the launch, i channeled my inner flag of the bear and decided to launch the rocket at legion territories to help the war efforts... so i went to the dry wells and did that ending... what's really cool about my ending is ulysses now sits atop a cliff near the entrance to the mojave, swapping stories and giving me more advice about the divide and the mojave... it's a nice touch...

this add-on was pretty challenging, considering that there weren't many new enemies, they just had numbers most of the time... the marked men and their territories caused great lag at times, bringing the game to a crashing halt on numerous occasions... and i really do believe it has to do with the fire in their territory, and the numerous explosions from their weapons... but other than that, i didn't have any other issues...

the graphics were what you'd expect from fallout new vegas... however, i think it had the best decor of any add-on... there were numerous points in my journey where i stopped to take in the landscape and found it to be epic... at times you are hundreds of yards in the air, other times you are traversing a building on it's side or at an angle... the sense of destruction is very convincing and abundant... the new enemy, the tunnelers, weren't just a re-skinned trog but a new kind of creature... and those suckers were tough in numbers...

the new weapons have their ups and downs... the red glare isn't nearly as effective as i thought it would be, and my character has good explosive skills and perks... it's more like an alternative to the grenade machine gun, with more accuracy and a scope... the arc welder paled in comparison to the sonic emitter for me, but i could see some usefulness for my energy weapons character... and the industrial hand is fucking awesome!!

after finding the elite riot gear, i decided to make that my wanderer's main armor... it's slightly lighter than the desert ranger armor, and looks more protective and intimidating... i will miss the desert camo of the other, but i am still using the desert ranger helmet since it weighs 0 lbs compared to 6 for the riot one... and THANK YOU for all of the medium armors the marked men wear in the divide... i now have plenty of armors to repair these expensive medium armored ranger suits with... too bad there's hardly anything left to do in the mojave :(...

after playing all four add-ons, i think my order of favorite to least favorite goes like this; OWB, LR, DM, HH... while i felt this add-on was lacking in story and locations, i found the atmosphere to be spot on... i was hoping for more hurricane-like weather, but the destruction and scale of that destruction was the selling point for me... it really did feel like a lonesome road at times :D...

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Finally finished it. Fuck, I loved this DLC. Nothing in New Vegas - or Fallout 3, for that matter - felt even remotely as desolate and post-apocalyptic as Lonesome Road.

I loved the Marked Men; their origin is fascinating and their armor not only looks great on its own, but also serves as scrap for repairing any other medium armor. I hated the Tunnelers; they're more of a nuisance than a real enemy (I only took three hits from them the entire DLC), their origin is basically impossible, so they never ended up making sense to me, and they felt too random and out of place in the Divide.

The weapons? Meh, barely touched them, aside from Red Glare, which I was immediately able to fully mod thanks to the thousands of caps' worth of junk sitting around. Seriously, the amount of miscellaneous loot scattered around is insane. I walked away with nearly 500 stacks of pre-war money, and about 50 or so duct tape, wonderglue, sensor modules, etc. It's going to take forever to run around and pick up all the loot caches I left behind when my weight was too high. The shoulder-mounted SMG was pointless, I can get more done with my Survivalist's Rifle, but the Industrial Hand was fun to play with.

The best part, of course, was the end game, the meeting with Ulysses, the man who'd put the Courier through so much over the course of the base game and DLC. I loved the way Uylsses spoke and carried himself, how everything he said and did was tied to history, be it the Courier's history or that of the real world. While most people would be out for revenge, I feel like the peaceful route was the way to go, the only way to get all the answers and have a truly epic ending, regardless of how the missiles were handled. I also have a new-found appreciation for ED-E.

There. I think I kept that vague enough to not qualify as a spoiler. Fuck tags.

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I just finished the Courier's Mile, for the Warhead Hunter achievement.

That has got to be the single most hardest game in any of the Fallouts that I've played.

Can't believe how hard it was, my courier is maxed on all skills except medicine,

and I had to use my Alien Blaster, stay in Stealth Boys, and constantly use Radaway.

Had to use my hardest core armor, and remain in stealth for the entire thing.

I don't know you guys are going to get through this without an alien blaster.

Let me know how you did it, if you do.


Ok, now I can agree with you guys, it is a great DLC.

I just had to get through the hard parts, but the story is great.

After presenting Ulysses with the data from collecting

all of his tapes, how can he not like us. The dialog

was also there I think if you did not, but I got the

dialog for collecting all of them. In the end, he is

pretty wise about Caesar, the Legate, and both sides.

Still agree with bOnEs though, what the hell did I do

in the Divide before......

Didn't get an achievement for his tapes, or the

finding of all the Divide History Lessons. Maybe there isn't one.

Other than that, got 5 of the achievements so far:

Warhead Hunter

Hometown Hero


Condemned to repeat it

Rocket's Red Glare


Just checked and the Divide snow globe is in Lucky 38 as expected. :clap:

Also I put Seymour on a mantle nearby.

Wish I could've taken Stripe from the village in Old World Blues.

Stripe was much cooler than Rawr, but at least I made a weapon out of Rawr.

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about the courier's mile; that was a tough as balls area to deal with... i was nearing the end of the enemies (after numerous shotgun blast and stimpacks and med-x's) when the game crashed... so i said fuck it when it reloaded, grabbed the badass unique knife, then used a stealth boy to reach the middle and loot the high-tech chests and ammunition caches... the second time through, i said fuck the enemies... i wasn't about to get nearly to the end of the enemies only to have it lock up again...

but seriously, that knife is the best one in the game, and one of the best melee weapons in the game too...


didn't get seymour since i don't have wild wasteland... but i love that it's a futurama easter egg :D... and how cool was the rawr encounter?! the cave collapsed behind me and i was thinking, "ohh shit"... i knew something was about to happen, but all it took was one sniper shot to bring him down... but that sequence of events was really cool...


yea, that story left me with more answers... i was expecting it to wrap up all the loose ends and all it did was create new ones... i still think old world blues and dead money were the better stories... hell, even honest hearts had a better story... but the experience of lonesome road was the best... the interactions with ED-E and ulysses were memorable, but the story just felt empty...

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gun runner's arsenal and the courier's stash is now available on x-box live... also, a new nuka-break episode has been posted;

anyone been following the vault blog posts about all the available weapons?? MFC cluster bombs anyone?!


there's lots of explosive weapons and grenades with GRA... too bad i can't take the mad bomber perk with bones because i am already at level 50... i want to make nuka-grenades and fatman mines :(... once i see what weapons are available with the pack and what will be effective for delilah in lonesome road, i will beat lonesome road with her and hopefully shortly after, start my new file...

still not sure if i want to buy the courier's stash... quite frankly, i still think i have the best pre-order pack and prefer not to clutter up my inventory with all the other garbage from the other packs... i love my mad max lightweight leather armor :D... the only things i might want from the courier's stash is the unique machete and the vault 13 canteen (for display purposes only)...

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I know I am WAY behind everyone else, but I just finished Honest Hearts last night. I'll be getting Old World Blues here shortly and continue on... I need to start a few more profiles - one for hardcore and one for mop-up achievements (mainly the follower achievements - FUCK YOU veronica) and the Caesar ending quests - I think I deleted my save file where I could have gone to Caesar's side. Dammit.

Anyway, I figured I'd better finish all the DLC's before starting another save profile and getting myself lost in the game again. Last night I totally lost track of time and ended up playing from like 10-230AM only getting up once to let the dogs out and smoke a blunt.

Does anyone know if the HELIOS "That Lucky Old Sun" XP Glitch still works? I'll use that exploit if possible to shorten both achievement whoring escapades.

As for my first save file, I'd like to stay in New Vegas forever - keep on playing and playing and accumulating shit. My Presidential Suite looks like an episode of hoarders - stock piles of dinosaurs, guns, cameras, toasters ,all sorts of shit, bath tubs full of different currencies; pre-war money, bottle caps, etc. My kitchen is overflowing with foodstuffs - the world could end again and I would be just fine.

I read in the Fallout Wiki about Seymour - I can't watch that episode of Futurama without sobbing like a bitch.

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gun runner's arsenal and the courier's stash is now available on x-box live...

Be prepared to pay handsomely at the Gun Runners.

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I just bought most of the new GRA weapons after mortgaging my Lucky 38 Casino, and Presidential Suite.

I had over 250,000 caps before, now down to 100K or so. Most of the weapons are the same as regular

with the title (GRA) next to them. Some are new, the one I like the best is the chainsaw. I sold a ton of stuff,

mostly Legion and Raider crap with a bunch of Black Blood Sausage as it's worth a lot of money. Same for

the Thick Red Paste, another modification of the Thin Red Paste. After getting the comic book perk, sold

all but one of each of the comic books, some I had 30 of. Speaking of selling shit, I should've sold the CS crap.

Courier's Stash, what a ripoff. Sorry dude but that shotgun and lightweight armor are pathetic.

Any 2 shot weapon will get you killed in my wasteland, the reload time is easy death. Tried it against a

Deathclaw, and then compared to my Weathered 10mm. What a difference. Plus in the game beginning,

10mm ammo is everywhere when you are dirt poor. Even the guys at Gamestop love the W10mm, it just

takes down everything, and ammo is everywhere. By the way that Deathclaw shredded through that

crap armor like it was a tie-dyed T-shirt. L0L. Well we want all the Fallout stuff we can get right?

The grenade launcher is always valuable.

There is a unique Fatman called Esther (GRA) which was like 50,000 caps. Many weapons are well over 20K.

Also, don't buy the mod for the Assault Carbine thinking it will work for the Assault Carbine (GRA) because it won't.

The new AMR is black, still cool, and there are two new mods for it. I like it.

For the Thump -Thump, there's 2 new types of grenades. They want you to buy their grenade launcher but

I just went for the unique ammo, hopefully it will not be rare and GR will carry it in the future.

Haven't seen those throwing grenade clusters. I'm really only after heavy weaponry for my character.

Just went back after 2 days, the Vendortron will re-stock the rare ammo like the 2 new variants of 40mm grenades.

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Yeah, I just spent the last hour going over the new weapons. Needless to say, there area already a shitton of weapons in this game; if you're like me, you have to go through your inventory and decide between two versions of a shotgun, rifle, melee, etc. As of right now I am really only carrying unique weapons; but even now; I'm getting doubles of those. Most of my weapons end up on display in one of my cribs, my biggest stockpile of random weapons is in the Brotherhood of Steel bunker. Probably end up selling most of them for some badass GRA ones. Really looking forward to the GR Chainsaw (the regular one just isn't gruesome enough) and the Katana. The variants of shotgun and 40mm grenade ammo is very promising as well.

I'm getting it mostly for the achievements - whenever they're picked up by Plus, the challenges look like a ton of fun.

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yea, i put a lot of stuff on display in my houses too... i ought to take a couple photos of my novac pad...

hey synch, i wasn't trying to imply that the caravan pack was worth the money nowadays... i was simply stating that it's a nice early game loadout, and the shotgun never deteriorates so it's durable... not a single item from that courier's stash is worth carrying later in the game though, or deathclaw tested and approved, lol... the lightweight armor is decent since it's only 10 lbs for an 8DT stat... but i think i will save the $2 for something else... even early in my next game, i think the caravan pack will still do the trick, especially the mad max armor...

i guess i will keep playing sims 2 until the GRA is released... i am in the process of getting a sugar momma for my rich and wealthy college grad...

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Speaking of pads - where is everybody setup at? Any incidental residences worth checking out? I like the B.O.S. safehouse for it's massive storage capabilities, above ground and below.

yea, i put a lot of stuff on display in my houses too... i ought to take a couple photos of my novac pad...

I'll do this as well if I can remember. I spend as much time playing the game as I do trying to place shit nicely in my house.

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yea, i put a lot of stuff on display in my houses too... i ought to take a couple photos of my novac pad...

I'll do this as well if I can remember. I spend as much time playing the game as I do trying to place shit nicely in my house.

you and me both brother... bones (NCR) uses the novac motel room... delilah (legion) uses a house in nipton... sanchez (house) uses the lucky 38... sakura (follower of the apocalypse) uses the followers safehouse... and my next character, roscoe (i think that'll be his name), is going to use harpers shack, with a family of deathclaws living nearby for protection... i am going to pretend his name is roscoe harper and this is his shack :D...

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I just got an achievement after using the GRA weapons all day, called Master of the Arsenal.

However it hasn't shown up on my PC website for XBox achievements.

The Bozar is king so far, followed by the new AMR, SMG, and the modded Chainaw rules.

I was just clearing out Raiders and the Mr. Steels from Vault 3, Zap's, over to NV Steel, and the

achievement icon popped up. Not sure what that was all about, but yeah, it hasn't shown up on

Just got the key to the Follower's safehouse, boy was that thing loaded up for a warm welcome.

I guess after Lonesome Road there was an ending option to become a Follower.

I won't be living there though, and the BoS Safehouse was just as cool if not cooler.

Funny you guys are talking about living places and decorating like we did in Fallout 3.

I lived in the corn farm house for a long time. Bootleggers place up by Northern Passage,

that place gave me well over 500 maize in the course of the game. Also nice and quiet.

No raiders, no Legion, no animals.....

By accident I employed, then fired, Cass and Veronica, sending them to the Lucky 38.

Then I realized they can all live there. So I sent Boone and ED-E there as well, along

with my 3,000 lbs. of shit from the Novac Hotel Room. Seeing how there is a work bench,

plus ED-E is fully upgrade for a work bench, re-loading bench, and weapons repair,

the only thing left wasn't even near Novac anyway. I've been cooking at Sniper's Nest,

because it is one of the only fast travel locations with a camp fire right there, plus storage.

Other than the sniper's kitchen, everything is at Lucky 38 along with Boone, Cass, Veronica and ED-E.

Have put a few things down like already mentioned Seymour, but also the Evil Gnome is on a

wardrobe closet L0L and the intact garden gnomes are hanging around. There's the Dino toys

and special race cars on the desk with all the NCR, Legion, and Pre-War money. I opted to upgrade

the suite with all the extra things so there's even a fridge just for the 100+ Nuka Colas, plus the

Victories, Quartz' and Sarsaparillas. I guess if you're gonna live in that creey place might as well do it right.

Another place that looked inviting on the living standards upgrade was moving into the presidential suite

at the Tops as well. That place is totally huge. Seemed like Benny's dead body didn't make it interesting.

Harpers Shack is a good call bOnEs. It really does have everything you need all in one place.

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the mojave is brokeneded :(... it takes twice as long to fast-travel and after maybe 10 minutes, the game starts to severely lag... it takes forever to open a footlocker or the inventory of a vender... right now i am trying to sell shit for GRA supplies but so far all i have gotten is the mods for the chainsaw which you do need the GRA chainsaw to add them to...

i am gonna buy the bozar and possibly some mini-nukes... i have yet to fire it on this file, i wanna take out the quarry :D... but other than that, i will try to bounce around to different vendors to see what i can dig up for GRA weapons... but this lag is pissing me off :angry:...

the snipers nest might be one of the only safe fast-travel campsite anymore... the other ones seem to spawn legion hit squads now...

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Well, I'm fucking broke again. Before I downloaded the GRA pack, I had over 100,000 caps and when I signed off last night, I was somewhere around 33,000.

I ended up picking up the Bozar for something like 23,000+ caps; got the GRA chainsaw and all of it's upgrades and it is amazing. I was fucking up Super Mutants with it like they were made of paper mache'. I got the hunting pistol because I thought it would be an effective gun - it turned out not to be. I also lost a shitton of caps by buying it, using it, realizing it's shit and then getting fucked on a 50% resale value to the same fucking robot. If I could come through that glass, I would, Vendortron.

I also swapped out all of my regular 40mm grenades for Plasma, Pulse, and Incendiary upgraded versions (which is where I think most of my caps went). I also did this with 12 gauge rounds. I think I will end up selling it all back as I don't really need 1000 pulse slugs. Fuck, I don't even really need a shotgun.

I knocked out a bunch of the challenges for the Gun Runners. I couldn't find any listing of them in the game, so I checked the Fallout Wiki and spent the night blowing through the one star and two star challenges. I spent a ton of money making sure I had the guns/caps for the challenge. I also created a couple of saves to go back to after doing some unspeakable acts (shooting up the White Glove Society, killing Mr. House with a 9 Iron a la Bioshock) just to nab the achievements. I ended up getting the achievements for the one star and two star challenges.

Some of the challenges are a lot of fun - like taking out the feral ghouls with the religious weapons and disabling right arms with shotguns. I wasted a shitton of 5.56 ammo taking out the Supermutants on Black Mountain - until I realized you only have to use the specific gun in the challenge to finish them off, not the whole fight. So I spent the rest of the time making it rain plasma grenades from my Thump Thump on the Super Muties before blowing their brains out with a few 5.56 Hollow Points. I ended up getting an achievement similar to Synch's, but for using unique weapons, like the Thump Thump and Maria (which I had used on all the Feral Ghouls).

I took a look at the three star challenges and they look to be a lot of fun and a bit of a challenge. There's one for killing Deathclaws with boxing tape. One for killing named Legion and NCR people. One for killing robots with brass knuckles and lead pipes. Looks like it will be a lot of fun. I've been wanting to wipe out the NCR and the Securitrons around the Strip. I'll probably save beforehand so as not to disrupt my standing in the wasteland.

I spent a good part of the night looking for the fucking katana. I even googled it IRL, but couldn't find a solid answer. Some thread had me go to Mick and Ralph's, but for some reason, those cunts won't sell to me. I ask to see their inventory and nothing happens. I'm thinking about killing them. I hope it's not the Van Graff's either, because I killed them. I checked Gun Runners, Chet @ Novac, Alexander at 188 - but could only find the upgrades, no katana.

I spent the rest of the night "cleaning out" my Presidential Suite, I sold most of the excess shit I had been collecting like toasters, egg timers, etc. I had so many piles of them and most of them were one item - grouped with like 10-20 items in them (like if you drop 20 of one item, it only drops one physical item. I had over 3000 Dino Toys and hundreds of trophies like radscorpion poison glands, gecko eggs, calazador poison glands, whatever I was hoarding. I sold them all for upgraded ammo and new guns. I moved the unique weapons that were on display to the BoS Safehouse - where they are all laid out on the cots and shelves according to type (guns, melee, unarmed, etc.) and the lockers are stocked with all the unique clothing I've accumulated and hung on to.

I also briefly went back to Zion to scrounge for anything and kill anyone left there, but there was NOTHING. No bighorn, no NPC's, nothing. I guess it's because I evacuate Zion, but what a waste. I found a few of the survival packs and found a shitton of all the plants that grow there, but I just stashed all of that in the empty grave at the north passage. I finally found the alien blaster after leaving the North Passage, so the whole trip wasn't a total waste.

After that I went to bed. It was like 330AM.

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If you do any crafting, you might want to go buy your toasters back. There's a character in Old World Blues that will break down toasters for scrap electronics. The Vault says hot plates, cameras, and irons work, too.

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Hmm, found out how to track my challenges - Pull up Pip Boy, Go to Data - Misc - Press Y (or Triangle) then press X (or square) to sort from there. Everyone probably already knew that - but I had no fucking idea.

Anyway, you can use the above process to track the new GRA challenges and achievements.

If you do any crafting, you might want to go buy your toasters back. There's a character in Old World Blues that will break down toasters for scrap electronics. The Vault says hot plates, cameras, and irons work, too.

Eh, I'm not much of a crafter - my next playthrough will focus on being more of a survivalist.

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