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Guys, if anyone wants to use the domain, just let me know where to point it. Im still working on a site, eventually... But im not sure when ill have time to finish it, if ever....

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that reminds me, i need to work more on that bad ass banner i was tinkering with... even if i never use it for a website, i'll use it for something else... damn, i forgot all about that shit...


more pics from my journey...



old ben putting the moves on jasmine :lol:...




after handling her business in vegas, she hasn't left... as a matter of fact, i was planning on doing all the strip/freeside stuff, then gradually branch out into north vegas and the surrounding areas, further expanding her influence...

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I just finished my first playthrough of New Vegas. Overall, I was happy with how it ended, aside from my completely abandoning the mutants at Jacobstown. Going to start my next playthrough soon.

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I don't play this game often, and it seems somebody stole my copy, but I was thinking about this game...

Remember those aliens you help fly away with a ship? That one human was hilarious.

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I don't play this game often, and it seems somebody stole my copy, but I was thinking about this game...

Remember those aliens you help fly away with a ship? That one human was hilarious.

You mean the Bright Brotherhood I assume? Aliens... :lol:

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So beyond boulder dome is fucking amazing. really feels like an official DLC

Lot of radiation in random spots so they give you this suite


New ghoul enemies




Cave city full of ghouls. One thinks she is a kat


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That looks amazing. I need to try some of these larger mods. Plus, I'm a fan of anything with ghouls.

Dunwich Borers from Fallout 3 is still one of my favorite locations in Fallout, especially after Point Lookout expanded on the story of that area.

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The radiation suit and the cat/box mask are the only things that look particularly out of place.

Also, I am disappointed that I have to rely on mods to get a gas mask in Fallout. It really doesn't make sense at all that the best we've gotten so far is a half-face respirator.

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So i Just bought New Vegas yesterday. It was only $15. This is my 1st Fallout game, and i havnt played it yet. Any tips? I have no idea what its about or what im getting myself in to.

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I always thought of how well a gas mask would fit with the rest of the post-apocalyptic apparel in the game. Why hasn't Bethesda put it in the base game?

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So i Just bought New Vegas yesterday. It was only $15. This is my 1st Fallout game, and i havnt played it yet. Any tips? I have no idea what its about or what im getting myself in to.

The combat is the least of your worries, first and foremost. Combat, while frequent, is relatively easy. The challenge is the large assortment of non-combat things that can drastically change how the game goes for you. Skills like speech, barter, medicine, and repair can make or break you in certain situations. I suggest speech as one of your tagged skills when you start your first character. Speech is one of the most prevalent skills. Other good choices are repair, survival, and if you do have a little trouble with combat, stealth is always a good route. You select three tag skills when you start a new game.

Pay attention to weapon mods and ammo types. For the most part, you can get through combat with generic bullets, but hollowpoint rounds for unarmored targets and armor piercing rounds for armored ones will make things easier. But again, combat isn't that difficult. If your character build is right, you can take out a dozen enemies with a tire iron and still have 90% of your health.

There really isn't much else to say, things are pretty straightforward. My final advice is to explore everything you can, really take in the setting. But if you see either of these on your travels...



Stay the fuck away. At least until you get the hang of things. Both of those creatures are found in groups and can be very tough to kill as a new player. Especially the Cazadores, because those little fuckers are always fluttering around.

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I chuckled at being able to

get out of fighting Lanius using my Speech. That was a relief, since I had next to no health and even less ammunition.

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I never bothered with speech. just fuck shit up instead

Theres a cool arena battle portion in beyond boulder dome


bit of a spoiler here too. something neat from it. if ur gonna play the mod then might not want to click

its a super smart chimp that control the main computer in the dome

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Looks not to shabby. Style is there. Scene shots in the first one didnt look end of the world-ish enough but you know, cant really do that shit on a small budget. Costumes looked pretty legit.

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