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Reddit has a lot of users who follow fallout, and they dont ban you / are immediately hostile about posting new links.

Psy recommended we start simple, so im following his advice.

But, i agree about getting the fallout goty edition ^_^ best value.

Xbox Game store has the game and all DLC cheaper than I can get a GOTY edition - being a cheap arse, I didn't want to buy any that I didn't need to...

All of the DLC's are worth it.

Let us know how you get on with them Ging.

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Here are a couple of YouTube Vids with some interesting info ( which I haven't heard ) about the Fallout Teaser Site.

Makes it seem a lot more legitimate. And now I'm 100% sure that Fallout 4 will be set in Boston, in "The Commonwealth", and involving "The Institute" in some way.

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I cannot believe bethesda let it go on for this long. I guess the site wasn't specific enough until the last few days....

The whois registration information still says Zenimax media, i would have thought bethesda would have contacted the sites registrar by now..

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Quick question, one i'm ashamed not to no the answer to already but the situations never come up before now. Started playing NV again on the PS3, got one of the DLC's but want to get the others. They're £8 each on the PSN store which imo is ridiculous so had a look online for the ultimate edition and it's cheaper even with already paying for one of the DLC's.

My question is, will the saved games on the original copy work on a ultimate edition copy?

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Been getting into Fallout 3 lately as GTAO has become a bit of a grind....

10 hours spent in the Wasteland so far - yet to complete a side quest, let alone continuing the story...

I need some inventory control advice - What should I be keeping? What should I be selling? Where can I stash things I want to keep but can't carry?

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Do you have DLC? Keep cameras, teddy bears, sensor modules, scrap metal, and pretty much any other miscellaneous items. I can't remember which junk items arent useful, because so many eventually come in handy or are needed for a repeatable item turn-in quest.

Anything else, just do whatever. With weapons, keep a few options around. Melee, pistol, shotgun, rifle. Sniper rifle, once your small guns skill is higher. Takes too long to line up a shot when your skill is low. The gun swings too much. Just keep the best weapon you have from each class. Keep doubles, you need them for repairs. Grab all ammo, it's weightless. Darts and railroad spikes are ammo, not junk.

You'll especially want those darts; there's an epic gun coming, once you find the schematics. Use it on anything fast (just one shot, then switch to another weapon). Save radscorpion poison glands, surgical tubing, toy cars, and paint guns. They're needed when you find the schematic (three different schematics for each weapon, each schematic improves the result when you make a new one).

Look at the stats on armor. Wear what's best, keep lightweight items with useful skill bonuses, you'll want them at low levels. At a certain level (different for everyone), you'll have the skills, items, and survivability to survive wearing whatever armor you want.

With aid items, you wont need everything. You'll have plenty of Stimpaks, and food will rarely be necessary. Just grab every box of Sugar Bombs you find. Never eat them. Store them until a certain ghoul requests them. I think you might need to save any Jet you find, too.

Keep everything in storage. It's not hard to disarm Megaton's bomb, you'll have your house/storage space right away. Or, if your character is evil, don't disarm the bomb (take the quest to disarm it, though), and talk to Burke in Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton. He'll give you a quest that leads to alternative housing.

Let me know if you need more. It's been a while since I've played, I might have missed some things.

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Pre-war Money can be found where you'd find it in real life; drawers, file cabinets, safes, and abandoned cash all of it. It can be sold in bulk for a pretty penny.

Pre-war Books, too, are ridiculously profitable once you talk to a certain member of a Faction later on. Just be careful you don't pick up damaged books, they need to be labeled as "Pre-war Book". That phrase is synonymous with "lucrative source of Caps".

Lastly, Cartons of Cigarettes make good money early on. Depending on your Barter skill, you can get comfortably wealthy early on just by selling those.

Good luck and have fun.

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Thanks guys

Massacre, for DLC I have Broken Steel, The Pitt and Point Lookout...

At the moment I am keeping all the weapons and armour/clothing I can and trading just about everything else. I tend to get overloaded so drop what seems like useless stuff like plates and cups in bundles around the Wasteland.

Now I have been to Arefu, I am using the West residence as a sort of base and have started dumping my excess there...

I wish I had the time to give this game the time it deserves because I have a feeling I will still be on my first play through by this time next year...

I am only Level 3 - should I be taking on Supermutants yet? My first experience with them suggests not...

Thanks for the advice - I am sure I will be back for more... Don't worry about spoilers

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Once you get the schematics for a weapon called the Rock-it Launcher, gnomes take on a much more entertaining role...

Is there somewhere I can get the schematics for free? My barter skill is pretty poor and I dont have many caps.... I don't really want to kill any traders either....

Another random question. If I steal something and nobody sees me, do they know I have stolen something?? I know I get negative Karma but do I get hassled if there are no witnesses?

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If there are no witnesses, you're fine.

Also, the Rock-It Launcher is a shit weapon. It will never come in handy, in any situation. If your Big Guns skill is high enough for it to do decent damage, it still won't be as good as a missile launcher, tesla cannon, or any other big gun. That, and the ammo for the other guns won't take up valuable inventory weight that could be used for loot. Not that you should be relying on big guns, anyway (unless that's the character build you're going for).

If you're bored and want to kill a few molerats, go ahead and make one.

The Dart Gun and Shishkebab are the only custom weapons that are practical, and melee weapons aren't that useful, in general, so even the Shishkebab isn't important.

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